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Nous Poems - Poems about Nous

Nous Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nous to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nous.
Premium Member Emagi Reading Chez Nous
Peter Reading AT HOME'        ______        /   .   \       /        \      / CHEZ   \       | NOUS |...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, house, poems,
Form: Shape
Nous In Malibu
-Nous In Malibu- What is the most invaluable thing in existence and yet inherently toxic to hold? Knowledge. The more you have, the more you desire. As it is obtained, the only refuge is acquiring more...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, creation, death, earth, faith,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Et Nous Partons Sans Rien
Nous venons Nous errons Et nous allons C'est tout ce que nous savons. Nous venons sur terre Nous errons sur la terre Et nous partons sans rien Sans argent, de sous et de biens. Bonjour, nous disons Nous discutons, rions et chantons Et nous nous...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, death of a friend,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Quand Nous Voyons La Vie Reelle
Elle est belle Une relation bien établie Jesus-Christ notre appui Toujours là Il guide nos pas Rempli de son amour Livré chaque jour Voilà son amitié Toujours prêt à partager Lesson du coeur Où le bon Dieu demeure...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, blessing, creation, faith, god,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Nous Lui Apparitions We Belong To Him --English Verse
nOUS LUI APPARITIONS WE BELONG TO HIM --English Verse We got So much Hatred Mistrust How can we go and Go on living We got to pray together To allow ourselves get better We got to praise...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, blessing, dedication, devotion, god,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Nous Lui Apparitions We Belong To Him --French Verse
WE BELONG TO HIM-nOUS LUI APPARTENONS--French Verse Nous avons Tellement de Haine Méfiance Comment pouvons-nous va et viens vivant Nous devons prier ensemble Pour nous permettre d'aller mieux Nous devons louer ensemble Être une communauté que Dieu voit s'améliorer L'adorer Nous lui appartenons Nous...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, adventure, dedication, devotion,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Nous
Oh, Nous,* You, divine faculty of perception Mother of conception Source of understanding Gate of Wisdom Without your presence deaf and blind I would be Perpetually. oblivious to truth eternal! © Demetrios Trifiatis 13 July 2018 *...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, god, wisdom, world,
Form: Personification
Laissez-Nous Chanter Sans Murs
If you ever can dance En français s’il vous plaît Avec les enfants Get in on, let the walls fall along See all the colors See all the little ones Writing love notes on the elder’s wall Peace no longer can you...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, celebration, children, french, paris,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ou Allons Nous: Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Where Are We Going By T Wignesan
Où allons nous? Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s “Where are we going” by T. Wignesan Ils sont venus dans une petite ville Une bande à moitié nue soumise silencieuse Tout ce qui restait de leur tribu. Ils sont venus...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, discrimination, grief, horror, prejudice,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Nous Over Knows
There is Wisdom And then there is Intelligence. The difference? Indifference. (Thefragmentedgenius)...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, bible, care, faith, introspection,
Form: Carpe Diem
You seem to like a complex life. You go out looking for struggle and strife. You call this just a step up to the cause. Do you solve any issues at all? Then I see that you have team...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, character, philosophy, political, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hokku Pour Nous
hid in my triad is an ellipsis thought-pause- where,what when,not why...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, on writing and words
Form: Haiku
Premium Member A Tanka Chez Nous
Summer,past its best, pampas reaching heavenward, trees about to rest- Japanese anemone as far as my eye can see Brian Strand 6 Sept...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, places,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Chez Nous
Repose simplicity, shelter glows a warm light- a hearth becomes a home where love burns bright...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, places
Form: Cinquain
Premium Member Chez Nous
Home..that familiar place to light a downcast face Home..a place to learn & grow up to drink slowly at life's cup Home..sometimes filled with tears ...Read the rest...
Categories: nous, life, people, places,
Form: Couplet

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