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Note Poems - Poems about Note

Hot Rally Soup Note: Must be prepared in July
Take one demigod from the melting pot Give it a Mega-phone (the louder the better) Mix in a heavy dose of Fox News, make it a bit overbearing In a separate pot, mix 70 million evangelicals 2...Read the rest...
Categories: note, abuse, allusion, anger, corruption,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member ominous note
ominous missive you will be next in red ink recipient cringed...Read the rest...
Categories: note, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member A note on the 'fifty thousand'
In Iran..I hear it told beleif in islam is going cold.? Fifty thousand mosqes, shut down.? Seems the ayatolla's voices are being drowned.? What true power in Christ.? We might never know.? Yet therein lies true freedom.' Even old...Read the rest...
Categories: note, christian, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Please Note
A recent poem l posted raised some negative feelings within me About myself …. leaving me feeling annoyed As l felt l had to write a “Please Note” on it Explaining my poems intention….so false judgement l would...Read the rest...
Categories: note, change, judgement, self,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Love Note
Rewriting a lyric Pondered a dream Portraying a love note You wrote to me Of all beauty possessed And all the passionate nights Let's stay together Through each new days light For love does not flee On a carpet of dusty dreams It rekindles...Read the rest...
Categories: note, beauty, dedication, destiny, devotion,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Man is not a solitary note; he is a symphony of deep contradictions
Man is not a solitary note; he is a symphony of deep contradictions, A song of sins and sorrows, composed of desires and broken dreams, I've seen hands that caressed loved faces, clenching into foreign fists, Lips that...Read the rest...
Categories: note, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Note to Self - Chill Out
I see you feel tired and discouraged, sometimes disappointed with yourself and others. I cannot remember where I read or heard it, but one should cut the other guy some slack, as much as you would have...Read the rest...
Categories: note, life, self,
Form: Free verse
Note To America
Being Racist Does Not Make You Stronger ...Read the rest...
Categories: note, america, bible, black african
Form: Free verse
Premium Member RSVP
R.S.V.P. I read your note today. You begged me to stay. I needed to get away. You asked for a reply. I could only sigh. I knew I would lie. Tears blurred as I wrote. My hand scribbled a note. I didn’t want to...Read the rest...
Categories: note, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bend the horn to find the note
Bend the horn to find the note/ In the depths of the universe, you find harmony and rhythm, spinning planets in jazz sync, a cosmic dance with Sun Ra/ maybe he can set us free/ ...Read the rest...
Categories: note, spoken word,
Form: Spoken Word
Ghastly Note
Upon this pillow I lay my head with the crucifix dangling around me and incense burning in front of me. I wasn’t quite sure how I got there but something peculiar was happening over there,...Read the rest...
Categories: note, america, body, care, change,
Form: Prose Poetry
Who Wrote The Note
Who Wrote? Who Wrote? The Note, The Notes, ...Read the rest...
Categories: note, appreciation,
Form: Ballad
Hope in a Note
By: Katie Davis Written: 7/27/22 Revised: 10/29/24 Open your eyes and listen to your heart for this world can rip you apart by the thin seams of time. I’ve felt the pain stabbing like a dull...Read the rest...
Categories: note, anti bullying, anxiety, depression,
Form: Free verse
Poet's Note to Contest Sponsors
Since I am not a Premium Member, not by design but through circumstance (I’d gladly convert from nonmember if only I had better finance), I lack...Read the rest...
Categories: note, poems, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Strained Note Rimas Dissolutas
Freshly brewed fog and a fall rain, the mist could transform to a beast; Winds might swirl becoming a frog pulsing so loud inside your throat; You’ll second guess and feel insane when elevated fears are greased; Hit that...Read the rest...
Categories: note, emotions, feelings, poetry, sorrow,
Form: Other

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