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Northern Lights Poems - Poems about Northern Lights

Northern Lights Poems - Examples of all types of poems about northern lights to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for northern lights.
Premium Member Magical Northern Lights
electrifying when peering through earth's skylight angels love the sight effects arising from hued sun so far and near like scent of rose dear magical with moon above crisp snow and pine trees nature's mysteries skies largely maroon with pastels of the spectrum night's ageless stardom...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, beautiful, light, moon, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Northern Lights
God mixing colours ~above us the sky flashes~ a masterpiece made ...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, allusion, beauty, blessing, color,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Auroras Paint Party
Upon the stage, curtains wave and part; halos arise from black velvet canvas, an aurora-lime dance. Arced streamers among the nimbus lends it’s flavors of cherry and orange, personality to a taste of the ethers. A display of...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, nature, poems, poetry, seasons,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Shirley Sees Northern Lights
Shirley had always dreamed of seeing the Aurora Borealis. One night she was awakened by a giant polar bear named Alice. I am taking you to Norway, to see the northern lights, she said. Shirley was taken swiftly...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Northern Lights
where unfolding on the night's tapestry, no stars or golden moment appear, even the winds sat in silence, waiting, watching the night give birth to artistic movements, gather, poised and producing colorful streaming radiance, iridescent colors weaving, blazing into existence, each flowing freely and aggressively within each patient hour, no remorse given, none expected, all conveying such wonder to the delight of all surveying eyes....Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, nature,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Beauty of Aurora Borealis
A one-dimensional photo cannot capture the beauty of Aurora Borealis Mere ordinary everyday words could never explain these feelings. I stare into God’s Iceland oasis sf blues, greens and purples My heart and soul want to draw or...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Polar Bears Connection To Northern Lights
Polar Bears feel the Northern Lights before they arrive They have a spiritual connection with this cosmic anomaly People of the north do not question the mysticism in this...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, travel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Arura Borealis
When the solar winds stir magic Unleashed beauty a riot of colour It undulates and swells, ecstatic In darkness I stand and wonder Colours sublime capture my mind Turmoil of life far, far away Life on hold not counting time Arura Borealis...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, beautiful, color, night,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Arctic Lights
bringing mysticism into vogue arctic lights are more flamboyant than rainbows there is a stillness that inspires reverence heaven surely can get no closer to earth I want to run with the sky to the source a wolf howls in...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, travel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Northern Lights
They came dancing without rules, fervent visitants, fanning flamingo dresses of furious prisms, figments so lustrous, figurantes in gleeful percussive permutations, Their luminous spectral syncopation dazzling against a stark dark vista, against the opaque nocturnal skyline, against all...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, color, hope, metaphor, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Honeymooning In Iceland
In Iceland we settled down in a comfortable downy bed. My man’s arm was a comfy spot for me to rest my head. It’s a light show that you will see only once in your life. I loved...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Northern Lights
cracked heart listing in the night~ God crushing the fear into northern lights...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, god, heart,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Northern Lights
white icelandic snow beneath natural light show ~ emerald green shroud Written 26 January 2020 For contest Nature themed haiku with color...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, green, light, snow,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Lament
Lament Brooding days, Vanquished in the unconnected gloom, Shower frost, Standing watch at dawn to pierce the morning With an artic tempest, Swirling ‘cross...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, depression, sleep, snow, sorrow,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Starstruck
Starstruck Gazing at the stars in the nighttime sky A shooting star reflects an awestruck sigh. The Northern lights make their appearance nigh With vivid colored ribbons soaring high, They penetrate my soul and mystify. A cosmic gift to almost deify, The...Read the rest...
Categories: northern lights, nature, night, sky, stars,
Form: Monorhyme

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