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Nom Poems - Poems about Nom

Nom Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nom to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nom.

Nom de Plume
Soft and feathery and illusive Each word a woven world of fantasy An artistic lair for the lunacy of emotion Musical, distant and serene Aesthetic shelters like seashells Cast by the angst of the ocean ...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, french, metaphor, poets, sea,
Form: Free verse
Nom De Plume
I feel the futility after decades of my fingers flitting like dragonflies over the keys my once hopeful heart shriveled and shrunken as a plum into a prune Shakespeare and Miller Marlowe and Pinter will never again pick up the...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, angst, fate, how i
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Amel Bent's Ton Nom, Translated By T Wignesan
Ton nom - New English Translation of Amel Bent's song "Your Name" by T. Wignesan Je me raccroche aux détails du passé Details of our past I cannot unclasp ?Nos souvenirs le sourire aux lèvres A smile steals...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, cute love, devotion, memory,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Nom De Guerre
Translated from the Slovakian I enlisted with the god of second chances Knowing my chances were second to none. I surrendered my soul and my passport When I entered my new life’s routine In service to the colors of...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, allegory, war,
Form: Blank verse
Nom De Plume
It’s important what you get called has a name, one you can take to the ivory border It’s important what you’re called is remembered the same, today recollected tomorrow reordered A mark on the stone no longer unknown, your history and legacy rendered Sapphire crystal overlord set, the past eponymous the...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, heaven, time,
Form: Rhyme

Nom De Plume
Alias Also known as (A.K.A).... No judgment No regrets I hate with fury I love like no other I have been called a bastard & S.O.B Every name in the book My mind travels to undiscovered places My words most likely will offend My choices...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, allusion, change, freedom, identity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Nom De Plume
I've woven fantasies in poetic verse with the fragile threads of hope and feeling. And I explore laughter, tears, and remorse with words of wisdom, prayer, and healing. Hyperbole hides in my inscribed lines, fueling my muse with inspiration. And emotion...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Nom De Plume
You earned it The right to Stand out To show your true colors To go by the name That best represents The real authentic you The you you’ve grown into Select your pen name With utmost care Flaunt your uniqueness Divulge your true colors AP: Honorable...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, confidence, freedom, identity, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Last Name, First Name: Nom Prenom
Last Name, First Name (Nom Prénom) To address a person by their surname, Rather than their given shows disrespect, Attests, this is vulgar and profane To the individual referenced. If the intent is to use the latter, Say Mr., Mrs., Miss...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, allegory, education, perspective, satire,
Form: Sonnet
Nom Noms Not Numbers Nor Nautical Nuns
A rather dashing and exquisitely designed purple weather balloon was racing against a dark grey sofa, a beach towel, a cotton bud and a statue of king Kong the eighth. Across the beaded sky joined...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, aubade, blessing,
Form: I do not know?
The Birth of My Nom De Plume
Nakameche, my nom de plume, born on the 17th day in the month after June, a typhoon, tycoon, a disastrous, resplendent, handsome, rich dude, nothing mendacious or fictitious, a poetic bishop, an inheritance of God’s...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, birth, life, me, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Nom De Plume
Sign nothing here with cursive strokes; Attend your craft with profound mood; You word to steer what thought provokes; See to fine draft that flavours food. Note what you say as meaning shows; Opt for a voice that calmly speaks; Meet...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, allusion,
Form: Sonnet
Sah El Nom
Step by step I entered a room... Step by step I approached my chair... Slowly, people entered the same room... Slowly, they approached their own chairs... As the room was filled, the lights dimmed out... As the people quieted down, curtains at...Read the rest...
Categories: nom, happiness, timepeople, music, music,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things