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Niched Poems - Poems about Niched

Niched Poems - Examples of all types of poems about niched to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for niched.

The monumental bane of OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
...The monumental bane of OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder As origin of *****Sapien species surged ahead, harboring nascent predominance asper said primate reproductively bred, (albeit via incr......Read the rest...
Categories: niched, adventure, africa, animal, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
While Up and Adrift In Cloud 9
...While Up And Adrift In Cloud 9... Reprieve from damp, and rainy, or sultry weather, I schlepped a light weight Shaker made folding chair out upon Jim Baker Nabor's green ......Read the rest...
Categories: niched, adventure, angel, crazy, dream,
Form: Free verse

Mother, You
...Many a times I felt your footsteps One after another, tiptoeing, afraid to intrude The niched life of your own son, caged in golden fetters Hitherto unknown to you, you remain the Angel Endlessly......Read the rest...
Categories: niched, angel, mother son,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Pope John Paul 2nd
...One church entrust sure Catholic: Nurtured a faith from ancient times. Pope who amassed flights dynamic, On a sure date to make peace rhyme; Pride of all men of fond goodwill, Endowed meek chang......Read the rest...
Categories: niched, blessing,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Escapades
...Blurry e-motion Waiting on words; Upheaval swirls Meal time posture Food court harvest; Same old stuff Chinatown fringe Walkabout excursion; Hot humid weather chokes Word for wo......Read the rest...
Categories: niched, appreciation,
Form: Haiku

Oh, America
...OH, AMERICA Oh, America Your might is a by-word You’ve niched a name World-wide, rich and poor alike Freedom and loving countries Seek out a place in your heart The STATUE OF LIBERTY where i......Read the rest...
Categories: niched, dedication
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things