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News Show Poems - Poems about News Show

News Show Poems - Examples of all types of poems about news show to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for news show.

People Dont Hear From How I Say
..."People dont like me, within the reality of my truth, Dont understand me, I'm trying to be free within the courts of life, not in what the news show and others say within what they think." -Ds-......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, abuse, age, angst, anxiety,
Form: ABC
Sunrise Feathers In a Vase
...They "flock together", these girls. They are "birds of the same feather". They are so intelligent, they are so articulate with their words.. while they speak on the radio, the news.. a ......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, allusion, angst, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Whose Dropping the Ball a Poem Written On Dead Lines
...2020 and everything is getting clearer With the New Year getting nearer There is a news show named 2020 It is journalism done for the money The hosts enjoy reading page six of the New York ......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, anniversary, fear, happiness, how
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Morning
...Tepid water from the bathroom tap Washes my face with a flanneled slap The water trickles between my fingers My reflection in the mirror now lingers Whilst I study the dampened brow My face port......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, morning,
Form: Ballad
These Are the Days
...The days when the news show a ten year old walking for miles in the sun with a pot on her head, or rows of sad mothers,where nobody's talking as one sits in a corner and cradles her dead. These a......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, endurance, thanks,
Form: Rhyme

Living Without Limits
...My poetry is like a rhyming news show You speak about the bed of mistakes I'll lie in, but I speak the truth though I'm the most flawed man you'll meet, but I'm cute though I've decided I'm living......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, devotion, dream, emotions, encouraging,
Form: Free verse
Know It All
...Know it all, know it all, always trying to show it all, look at me 1..2..3..don’t you wish you were as smart as me? If you please listen to me, while I express my opinions without reasoning. Agai......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, crazy, rude,
Form: Rhyme
Golden Oldie
...The kids have all grown and moved out on their own I can now be a senior with ease But as I get older, unburden my shoulders the help I once gave I now need What has happened to me? ......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, old,
Form: Rhyme
Silent Thoughts
...Silent thoughts Candles burning brightly bring visions to my eyes. Shadows dancing in the corners give this room a supernatural vibe. As I sit here under the covers, all fears are held below; ......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, desire, fire, imagery, light,
Form: Bio
Premium Member My Mother's Radio
...My mother used to have a radio Bagged in black imitative leather; The round speaker, volume, tuner in front, And a small antenna is hidden on top. When she pickled bamboo shoots or fishes, O......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, conflict, freedom, mother,
Form: Free verse
My Tv
...The mill house filled with oats, kept the mice in feeding heaven, the cat was gaining weight, his daily mouse intake was seven, the farmer’s daughter fed the horses oats and fresh picked barley, ......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, america, natural disasters,
Form: Verse
Great Chicken Soup Which Is Inconclusive
...Great Chicken Soup Just ate some of her great chicken soup Which really did throw me for a loop; Had heated up after putting in micro-wave And stored rest in fridge so I could save. Then the......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, addiction, adventure, natural disasters,
Form: Couplet
We English Know Aren'T Poets
...On the Beeb this morning, on the flagship radio news show, that the grocer's daughter always listened to but didn't like at all, the National Poet of 'Land of Song' sang the praises of an American......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, political, red,
Form: Free verse
War On Humanity
...All over the globe the number of dead are increasing A bomb here, a bomb there, its no more surprising Few faces of evil and cruelty Seem to be creating havoc for the majority None seem to be spa......Read the rest...
Categories: news show, death, forgiveness, introspection, peace,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things