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Narrow Minded Poems - Poems about Narrow Minded

Narrow Minded Poems - Examples of all types of poems about narrow minded to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for narrow minded.
Premium Member Narrow Minded
... Confined within the steep banks of a narrow mind is a cryptic river where men stumble in and go blind They construct reinforced dams that hold them back from accepting the candid truth, white i......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
...I was once told that "THERE IS HOPE BEYOND EVERY STRUGGLE" Sometimes, I doubt those words & I wonder I've been struggling all these years But I couldn't find hope anywhere here Every time I appro......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, hope, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

When east and west marry
...If biscuit dipped in curry’s what he likes, What use needless flurry on what he likes? O be not so narrow-minded a man, At least east-west marry in what he likes. Let them say, ne’er the twain s......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, humor,
Form: Ghazal

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Melancolie The August heat is hotter than other summer months more lethal going in for the kill,  The olive trees gasp, bark crackles and leaves hang  lifeless, but the sun keeps on shining  ......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, abortion, age, analogy, anniversary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Whom Does This Come
... “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19 King James Bible In time, I will return to dust, in this circle of life- of......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, introspection,
Form: Rhyme

World is one family
...This one is mine, that one is thine, Be a narrow-minded man’s sign. To him whose heart is huge as sea, All world is but one family. ______________________ Translation |13.09.2024| world, family ......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, family, poverty, world,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Gospel Message
... If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, blessing, christian, faith, gospel,
Form: Free verse
Never Be Happy
...Whatever you do Narrow minded and jealous Never be happy.......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, character, discrimination, perspective, truth,
Form: Haiku
Haters' Degrees
...Master of Hate (conferred for general practice) Master of Bigotic Hate (conferred for narrow-minded reasons like religious or political belief) Master of Occupational Hate (conferred for haters fo......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, wisdom,
Form: Other
Ode To Communicating with a Cedar Tree
...Strophe I O ancient cedar tree so grand and wise In BC’s old growth forest ,I found thee I sat beneath your trunk and asked advice ; I sensed the presence of the cedar tree II I received a ......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, nature,
Form: Ode
...Coward Talk about people behind their backs Instead of in front of their faces Spend all your time in a lonely place Searching for hiding places Too scared to stand up for yourself Too ......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, 10th grade, adventure, anti
Form: Rhyme
a town i knew
...A Town I knew He was born in a narrow-minded town where a Christian the party was in power, and there were rules for acceptable behavior by stern people who liked to tell others what is right,......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, anger, courage, culture,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Bodhi Tree
...and I hunger for you, like a moth longing for one last flicker of flame nestled deep inside my heart the memory of my childhood worship sits deep as an innocent deer panting by th......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, appreciation, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Real Truth With Texas Idioms
... The Real Truth With Texas Idioms Miracle Man October 22, 2023 Saturday nights in Haskell was always a battle, some thought Ruff might be “all hat and no Cattle”. He oft searched f......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, bullying, humor, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Texas Idioms
... Texas Idioms Miracle Man 8/9/2023 I once had a friend who saw opportunities dwindling, he was always, “burning his green wood for kindling.” My polite way of saying that he wasted ......Read the rest...
Categories: narrow minded, humor, humorous,
Form: Quatrain

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry