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Nana Poems - Poems about Nana

Nana Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nana to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nana.
Not dead yet
I never noticed your age, creeping up but never reflected in your face. Your voice still warms and soothes me. "Nana's here!" Was my war cry, and now my children's. I'm not jealous, more of...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, bereavement, wisdom,
Form: Prose
Memories of Nana
She promised we would see again, The trailing night was a restrain. She wanted to see me some years ago, Couldn’t see her even to say hello. Raging hearts were yet to be pacified, Her late coming wasn't yet justified. She...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, death, grandmother, lost love,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member In Memory of Nana
In sharing my thoughts about Nana... Where do I even begin? Her smile that lit up every room? Her sparkle? Her mischievous grin? Her rib cracking hugs have been mentioned a lot By the friends who she mutually adored. Many felt...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, grandmother, memorial, memory,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Nana mon amour
You used to say that pizza always sucks once you’ve had your last slice you’d grab the best sneer to mimic all those moments we couldn’t box in would have your forehead slipping into eternity by stroking the surface of...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, family,
Form: Free verse
i don't feel like i belong here ill never get used to this world or maybe this world will never get used to me i was birthed from a generation of misunderstood women screaming in each others ears, conveying...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, absence, abuse, age, allusion,
Form: Free verse

Nana Baking Pan my memories
My Grandmother’s Baking Pans I remember peering through Nana’s broken window countless times on my way to St. Augustine’s Girls’ School in St. George. But that day felt different. As I watched the black birds pecking...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, africa, america, anger, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
When I Became a Nana
When I became a nana, On this date, ten years ago, There were so many things I didn’t Know I didn’t know. Like how I’d feel to hold my grandson, Singing him to sleep, Or how my love for him would...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, grandson, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Our Nana
A V.I.P, Our Queen you see. There will never be anyone else quite like her. Always dressed in her Absolute best, nothing more and nothing less. Her absolute favourite was M&S. Not a hair out of place, or...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, bereavement, death, eulogy, family,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Nana
One eye was green, the other one brown, with a mouth that never knew a frown. If her world was turned upside down, she always knew she would turn it around. My Nana.. A better hostess there couldn't be. She accomodated...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, family, grandmother,
Form: Light Verse
Proud Nana
Schools are closed for Veterans’ Day So Henry, here at home, Requested that he have a chance To write my daily poem. He commandeered my notebook And began to neatly write, Resulting in a poem so cool It filled me with delight. He...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, grandson, poetry, pride,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Nana Papa Pony and Me Edited
Have you ever seen bullfrog green jump across a Lilly pad? Did you ever see gold moth bathing in a moonshine bath? Do you watch as teal raindrops bless and baptize the stream? Will you hear the wood...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, adventure, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Big Nana
When you meet another person and your lives are intertwined you don’t think much about the memories that person will leave behind… You’re too busy enjoying this roller coaster of life you’re riding on to think what your...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, death,
Form: Rhyme
My Nana
Never met my Nana... She died before my birth Always wished to meet her, And all that she was worth. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever viewed in snaps, Undeniably strong and for so long Through the worst mishaps I believe she knew...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, children, grandmother, loss, racism,
Form: Rhyme
Hello Nana
Relationships with grandkids Are controlled by mom and dad And time with them fulfills a dream I didn’t know I had. For hours that we spend are not Like any other time – Exhausting, yes, but precious And delightfully sublime. Yet...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, grandchild,
Form: Rhyme
Missing Nana
I'm in the decade before the decade she left the world, and my world.... The world did not mark it, the world did not miss her (any more than it will miss me) but my world does--my world of sun-gold...Read the rest...
Categories: nana, appreciation, beauty, celebration, childhood,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry