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Myriad Poems - Poems about Myriad

Myriad Poems - Examples of all types of poems about myriad to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for myriad.
Premium Member We are all
We read of clouds and flowers, Trees and fields and hills of grass. Alas, like pennies spent, our hours reading words That other poets penned and sent; Like freed birds flocking, Knocking at our door. The poor,...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, 12th grade, analogy, community,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The unknown
Categories: myriad, mystery, myth,
Form: Free verse

Mysteries abound mesmerizing my mind with enchantments midst myriad muse of mystical moments... Miracles reign melt fears as faith magnifies God's might with mercy*... Memories move hope while magic glows... Music matches... Mirth! *Lamentations 3:22 It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, appreciation, blessing, christian, dream,
Form: Diminished Hexaverse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Myriad Of Words
A myriad of words could be written today Ten thousand more tomorrow and onwards I will never cease the art of writing Cannot bear the notion of holding my tongue about: The liminal spaces who cannot speak The ancient lands...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, earth, emotions, encouraging, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
To Myriad Kingdoms
The silence slips away The sanguine tides crusade Upended sentences are untold To touch the earth and see a circuit of lies shrouded by a nothing call The hoofs of horses roam to myriad kingdoms putting your best foot forward...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Myriad of Doors
Poetry is more than mere pageantry Poetry is all-encompassing Words are visions we're compelled to weave Poetry is cognition most definitely We can scramble an anvil, into a crystal ball Add a dram of mystical, mix with luminol Slide down a...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, appreciation, fantasy, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Love Has Myriad Hues
Love has myriad hues, joy and then empathy, holding in tight embrace, close friends and family; those we greet face to face. Love has myriad hues, its nonjudgmental eye radiates compassion to one and all alike, healing faces ashen. Love has myriad hues that transforms body-mind into...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, god, love,
Form: Monchielle Stanza
Premium Member Myriad of Changes
*Inspired by a comment Vijay made on a poem of mine Like drifting fog or hide and seek with the sun Life is forever changing, day to day Whether you are walking or choose to run Spontaneous events occur...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, appreciation, change, life,
Form: Terzanelle
Premium Member Myriad Souls
You have fashioned myriad souls Every one lacking ~ Blessed are You...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, blessing, god, humanity, life,
Form: Monoku
Streaming through beginingness as if by the unwavering hands of a corporeal clock in line with its experience the linear perceptions of consciousness begins and ends only in birth as birth begins within the infinite And in time its time of ever existence steadily...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, life, perspective, time,
Form: Free verse
Myriad Oasis
The so silent quiet depths out of which all of my so secret passions do imbue onto my landscape they transform into colorful cosmos of kaleidoscopes and ideas falling evenly through the chasm. And as if that weren’t quite enough...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Myriad Mountain Hues
Dusty rose and orange gold when daybreaks; And burnished reds and mauve at setting sun. The mountains in shades of beauty awakes; And retires to the same when day is done. The mountains are massed in riotous blooms, While sometimes...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, beauty, color, mountains, nature,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Myriad
I sit and I stare at the blank piece of paper Or the blank computer screen My mind wanders to thoughts of the past Or whatever in front of me I see. Trying to pull just one single...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, write, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Story of My Life
A Myriad of loving voices echo through my memories Ghosts of those who touched my soul And gifted me their legacies Along the way there has been reckless peril on my stormy seas There was but one who...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, life, sea,
Form: Rhyme
Mistakes In Myriad
A bonfire of guilt burns. A tunnel of thoughts dismayed. A timeline of wasted moments alive. A lava of regret fulminates in a sea of scrutiny, all flood and drown. Some bad grades in a long forgotten test An unwashed...Read the rest...
Categories: myriad, cry, destiny, lost love,
Form: Free verse

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