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Mure Poems - Poems about Mure

Mure Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mure to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mure.

Premium Member Fairy Paint Boy
...Fairy paint boy gets his equipment ready His reds and blues are upside up and steady. Brushes are clean, canvas is white and pure. We love watching him do the artistic dance, our Faerie Mure.......Read the rest...
Categories: mure, art,
Form: Rhyme
...Bellow, snarl and luster listen to the mighty roar of crimson green and mellow beam and crook and flame and muster. We cluster drawn to creaky oak and misty morn and poplar, birch and cedar, sme......Read the rest...
Categories: mure, england, history, word play,
Form: Rhyme

...Skeiding Al meer en nog meer is donkerder mure ‘n verskynsel wat opspring hier reg voor my oë Tussen die hede en eensame ure weet ek die skeiding is nog nie genoë Veg ek en poog ek om daar......Read the rest...
Categories: mure, depression, divorce,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Die Lewens Gang
...Die Lewens gang So dwaal ek rond in die lewens gang vol van verlange en oral teen di mure hang potrete van herineringe. Die tyd het geloop sy eie loop geloop. Hy het ons mee gesleep en ......Read the rest...
Categories: mure, absence
Form: ABC

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry