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Moon About Poems - Poems about Moon About

Moon About Poems - Examples of all types of poems about moon about to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for moon about.

No More Lost Hats
...It is all in the past now, But there was a time, When no hat in its right mind would want to be the one, To sit upon my head, As the chance of a place for life, Not likely on this head, Becaus......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, 1st grade, analogy, best
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Max Is Coming To Spend the Night
...Max is coming to spend the night. I am over the moon about it, him being my grandson. We have tried this two or three other times. It has never worked out. He was younger then. He is four-years an......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, grandchild,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In the Moment
...A MOMENT IN ETERNAL TIME Pearly lilies nodding heads At eve loitering in garden, Crescent Moon about to peep. ......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, emotions, passion,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Water Dance
...While talking to the moon about my day How strange, when from the east, a minstral wind As sleeping trees began to gently sway Dead leaves upon the ground found life again I cast my gaze out o'......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, dance, moon,
Form: Sonnet
I Told My Story To the Moon
...I told my story to the moon this morning and he was excited at my new honey words that breaks the ear of it beauty, I think the sun was angry because I saw her walked away with a battered black f......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, art,
Form: Blank verse

The Moon-In-The-Man Waxes Lyrical With Nary a Word
...Kenny is suddenly, Luminously, animated; with a grin that could crack a safe! He whistles to get your attention, then beckons you over to the parted curtains. He has something to share wit......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, introspection, people, relationship, moon,
Form: Free verse
I Spoke To the Moon
...The moon had long since it spoke to me About its pearly star I ask her to sit in my bed So I could take from her a spoon of light One summer evening I saw her at my window And opened it ri......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, fantasybeautiful, light, star, beautiful,
Form: Lyric
The Sleep of Endymion
...Endymion, a simple title I must impose upon He, son of Zeus, fell in love with Diana Goddess of the Moon, about him, nightly she swooned and bathed him in her light, She went to Zeus, asking for ......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, art
Form: Ekphrasis
Daily Strength and Nightly Weaknesses
...I crumble with a setting sun The colors streak and I come undone Quiet invades despite cicadas sick Emerging a year late on a low burnt wick Colors infect the sky like spilt paint An early moo......Read the rest...
Categories: moon about, inspirational, introspection, philosophy, sad,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things