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Montero Poems - Poems about Montero

Montero Poems - Examples of all types of poems about montero to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for montero.

Premium Member Antipoem 31 Rita Montero
...AntiPoem 31 “Rita Montero” (Poet’s instruction: Kindly play “Ay, Mama Inez” by Rita Montero while reading this AntiPoem) a red trolley finds Ebbets Field behind a pigtown ditch significant h......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, baseball, discrimination, prejudice,
Form: Rhyme
One Nice Topic
...N-oble E-xcellent S-cribe L-ets Y-our N-ame M-ake O-ne N-ice T-opic E-mploying R-ighteous O-bjective Topic: Birthday of Neslyn F. Montero (July 03) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Beautiful Expressions
...J-oy O-f E-mploying B-eautiful E-xpressions L-ets M-ind O-pen N-icely T-o E-very R-ule's O-rder Topic: Birthday of Joebel T. Montero (February 21) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Morn of Nature
...S-ee H-ow E-ffulgence I-n L-ight A-llow J-oy A-nd N-ew E-arly M-orn O-f N-ature T-o E-ndorse R-adiant O-penness Topic: Birthday of Sheila Jane T. Montero (September 20) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Nice Early Sunlight
...N-ice E-arly S-unlight L-ets Y-our N-ew M-orn O-pen N-egating T-he E-vening R-ain's O-bscurity Topic: Birthday of Neslyn F. Montero (July 03) Form: Vertical Monocrosti......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

The Night Glows Darkly
... Raging, fierce winds of Mars marched across Earth’s skyscape, in the season of the decline of Man Fall of the God-chosen specie, autumn of impending extinction Twas an apocalyptic mu......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, dark, death, sorrow, war,
Form: Elegy
Diehard Fan
...I am a Diehard Cubs fan Tried and true I wear cubbies Royal And I bleed Cubbies Blue I grew up watching Ernie,Billy and Santo Ryno, Grace,and Leon Were all my Heros. Later it was Sosa, Maddux ......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, appreciation, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Definition of Perfect
...Definition of Perfect: Jose A. Montero Her hair flashes by like rapid fire, Yet filling me with so much desire. Her beauty is yet so unparallel, Such a sweet voice, it’s as if a bell. Just thi......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, loveme, love, may, me,
Form: Couplet
Tears of the Heart
...Tears of the Heart By Jose Alejandro Montero I let my dreams, grow and flourish with thee, My passion, my love, I let them be yours in pure jubilee. You grabbed, you claimed, you took my hea......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, lost loveme, me,
Form: Couplet
Consuela and Sean
...Consuela and Sean Through the nursery glass Carlos Montero peeks at Consuela, his twelfth, in the arms of a nurse. Blood from the uterus bright in black hair, Consuela is raw, bawling. ......Read the rest...
Categories: montero, son
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry