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Monotheist Poems - Poems about Monotheist

Monotheist Poems - Examples of all types of poems about monotheist to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for monotheist.

Some more Questions and Answers Q and A part seven
...Q: What does happen to believers in Christ Jesus if we deny him before men? A: Whoever, is ashamed of the Son of Man and his teachings, he will be also ashamed of in the presence of his......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Neurosystemic Passions For Peace
...We have come into this epic time for survivors of dispassion to age into sacred communion we can all share, monotheist and atheist and pantheist and all non-anthrosupremacists in-between left......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, culture, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Between Each Pulse
...On your pale hard tummy, lined up so neat I row, with the queens permission bloomers in plastic on E Bay. Those spears and swords used as pens, two brown, one pink and deep cobalt that blue... ......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Kind Reconsideration of the Abrahamic Faiths In a Difficult Time
...A KIND RECONSIDERATION OF THE ABRAHAMIC FAITHS IN A DIFFICULT TIME I I am interested in Moses, the baby in the bulrushes who eventually was able to speak truth to power and delivered his peo......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Degenerate Culture
...I'm reading "Daring Democracy," Frances Moore Lappe and Adam Eichen, noticing here too racial justice glops onto EarthJustice. This isn't news, although maybe gospel GoodNews, that polycultur......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, deep, earth, education, green,
Form: Political Verse

...Cheer me, you false monotheist, On what quest shall I partake, Like a lively baron with no plate, 'Cause the end is created by the fake, The Great Solemn is what it takes, The greatest question ......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, depression, identity, self, sorrow,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Relationships Difficult To Imagine
...It's difficult to imagine a liberal hearing "capitalism" where a conservative fears too progressively individualistic ego-investments in "liberalism," It may be difficult to imagine too libera......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, future, games, health, imagination,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hymn To Farewell
...Why does my multicultural applauding message, my polycultural cheerleading, sound so monocultural chant, rant, a passionless litany of redundant verse? Who would have it said of their voice It......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, bullying, earth, education, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Time After Time
...Fr. Time, thanks for coming back again today. Well now, you know I always have plenty of time for Ms. Integrity! Thank you for that rather cloying and creepy response. I talked to FireGod a f......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, god, humor, life, love,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Fr Time's Curious Ambiguity
...Fr. Time, are you a monopolistic universalist? Yes, but also a polycultural evolutionist. Are you an outgoing kinda Yang guy? Yes, but in an out/integrity balancing kindness of an in/outgoi......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, destiny, earth, humor, identity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Way and My Creed
... Way and my Creed When I was in a womb, I am pure, empty and life, cleared from a sin ... when I got to the world, at first I am innocent, I learn to know thing, and dreamt ... th......Read the rest...
Categories: monotheist, allah,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things