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Monoculture Poems - Poems about Monoculture

Monoculture Poems - Examples of all types of poems about monoculture to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for monoculture.

Premium Member When Coempathic
When I feel compassion with my positive needs for love health trust safety, When I feel compassion for my fears wounds negative fortress wants to overpower perceived threats against my egocentric compromises with ruthless capitalism, soulless patriarchalism, strategic genocide, extractive ecocide, smug and heartless anthrosupremacy, aggressively diseased LeftBrain dominance inside my ruminating self as...Read the rest...
Categories: monoculture, health, humor, integrity, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cancel Monoculture
Dear Donald, Your emperor's nakedness is transparently showing in increasingly risky vulnerable political ways. Thought I should remind you, "Counter Culture" is short for Anti-Multicultural Health Care politically giving and economically receiving, sacredly empowering and secularly enlightening cooperative co-investments in global health of compassionate wealth. Other than your handful of...Read the rest...
Categories: monoculture, earth, health, political,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Unclassified Intelligence
Health has become climatically important to understand as well as experience a fundamental difference, and yet psychological and neurological association, between colonization and creolization For a healthy democracy within this our extended family, our benevolent associations, our wealth-restorative reassociations, our non-profit corporations, our national and state and local and global good...Read the rest...
Categories: monoculture, health, history, humanity, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Azariah's Earth Requiem
He was too old to speak of active hope for ancient creamy dreams not yet boldly told Inviting curious homeless nomads to imagine what we could become if we were not yet brazenly born into this time of tragic burning, flooding, predicting hunger, thirst and coastal...Read the rest...
Categories: monoculture, dream, granddaughter, grandfather, health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Better Home Designs
Dr. Owl addressed her Community Developer pupils of "Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Standards for Home and Garden Design"; which seemed rather heavy for this prime time of night. Resilient growth and development, whether humanly designed or not, is the "climax"...Read the rest...
Categories: monoculture, community, culture, faith, home,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Book: Reflection on the Important Things