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Minto Poems - Poems about Minto

Minto Poems - Examples of all types of poems about minto to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for minto.

...Descrente Eu sou uma pessoa cética, Dizem-me muitas pessoas! É fato: Nos negócios e na vida Existem as pessoas céticas. Certa vez uma pessoa cética descrente me disse: Eu sou cética: ......Read the rest...
Categories: minto, business,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member King Minto
...Elevating him to king was what we all desired, so, one foggy June - nonseasonal, we did. The crown, unsteadily, found its way to Minto's head, and we all cheered "Long live, long live!" T......Read the rest...
Categories: minto, leadership, weather,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Tears For the Death of Minto
...Tears for the death of Minto, but some could only think of his red nails. That last concert he gave, oh, surely not? He waved to the crowd displaying nails and looking angry. Was that h......Read the rest...
Categories: minto, character,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Minto
...minto is winning but he still has his bad days gotta get a pup......Read the rest...
Categories: minto, depression,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Red Nails
...highlighting red nails while playing the piano camera is mean to the foreigner Minto he can wear what nails he likes 7/25/2016......Read the rest...
Categories: minto, conflict,
Form: Tanka

Premium Member Nanny 004
...We like for Nanny to make us PBJ And minto cheese samiches....ummm She cuts off the edges, they just go away She even gives baby bubba some I love my Nanny more every day © Mar 30 2010......Read the rest...
Categories: minto, people
Form: Quintilla

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry