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Microchip Poems - Poems about Microchip

Premium Member Absolutel
...A united truth of absolute reality Is the only way to change what we see Of how things will be One truth Takes no sleuth There is danger in this thought Though gone are the reasons for which ......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, beach, bird, birth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member New Formal In New Normal
.... There’s an urgent Need To collar A Device. Humans In politics In boardrooms A Wearable Necktie Wit......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, analogy,
Form: Concrete

Some Pro's and Con's of Being Connected To Virtual Reality
...Some pro's and con's of being connected to virtual reality Dune not be bashful, grumpy, leery or any other contemporary dwarf man regarding countless less well known dwarves (that never got a c......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Calling From Yesteryear
...I've been wanting to call you, but the rolodex was trashed decades ago, and the laptops got Alzheimer's. I need a Bakelite dial phone one heavy enough to withstand some heavy breathing. Whe......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Some Pro's and Con's of Being Virtually Connected To Reality Poetic Verses
...Some Pro's and Con's of being Virtually Connected to Reality poetic verses Dune not be bashful, grumpy, leery or any other contemporary dwarf man even countless less well known dwarves (that ne......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Eddie Mars and the Solar Winds
...EDDIE MARS AND THE SOLAR WINDS The biggest band in Lisburn and fronted by Eddie Mars A guy who could play anything, on his collection of guitars On vocals, Charlie Venus, who was the joker in th......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, art, creation, friendship, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Exits Exist
... "Exits Exist" prophecies materialised bad dreams of tomorrow arrived vaporising today the higher ones prepared their exit plans they thought they were gods but......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, humanity, peace, religious, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ice Cream Gran 8 - Journey To the Centre of the Oeuf
...Gran glared at the general. ‘So tell me where we’re at What’s a chicken got to do with me and Nitro Cat?’ ‘That chicken,’ said the general, ‘has laid a special egg It’s got a micro chip in it, I’m......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, fantasy, grandmother, hero,
Form: Rhyme
Cerebrum Devolution
... Most laboratory mischievous was a petri dish birth of the patent soulless Retrograde thought waves, cold stream of computer code consciousness Clone algorithm doppelgänger breathe into ......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, allegory, humanity, science, visionary,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Surefeed Microchip Pet Feeder
...Aussie Pet Doors, we are providing Surefeed Microchip Pet Feeder which is specially designed for multi-pets for homes and helping pets use the feeder in their own time. Turn the microchip into an ele......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, africa,
Form: Lyric
Jab To Chip
...Your are under arrest in your house your concentration camp quiet before for being unmasked get fined. You have no rights to buy, sell or travel without hand or forehead being jabbed ......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fear Bucket
...Wasn't it easy herding us into a bait ball. they didn't have to use tear gas or even go ratatatat. They just spiked our drink with fear gas loaded us into mental cattle cars... put a piss bucke......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, america, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Electric Coma
... Logic code conundrum: Y^~*~^O^~*~^Y were^~*~^N^~*~^organic neutrons such as^~*~^I^~*~^ given artificial^~*~^N^~*~^telligence? I^~*~^B^~*~^not RAM dumb, nor memory^~*~^N^~*~^sufficien......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, allegory, computer, creation, science,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Ode To Bobby Fischer
...Child of darkness, child of scorn, the devil danced when you were born, for demon seed from Morphy passed, would haunt your days ‘til everlast. Predestined to die derelict, an iso-pawn so cyni......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, death, eulogy, memorial, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Cerebral Intelligence Empowered With
...Cerebral Intelligence Empowered With... Google Embedded Microchip™¡åßç Nowadays...ah so passe routine top notch roboticized brain surgery ushers, inoculates, begets... promising immunity agains......Read the rest...
Categories: microchip, dream, fantasy, loss, mystery,
Form: Free verse

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