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Melanoma Poems - Poems about Melanoma

Melanoma Poems - Examples of all types of poems about melanoma to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for melanoma.
If You Find Shade
...You've got it made if you find shade When it is hot and sunny, For boiling rays can spoil your days In ways that aren't funny. Aside from sweat, you might just get A dose of melanoma Or letha......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Another Ministry of Truth Caught Then Lies volume 3
... The National Science Foundation outsources to Colleges, today's mental assassins to secretly censor you using "wisedex" among other things. "Wisedex" is in the shadows of academia, a dee......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, art,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Little Lemon Slice
...A little lemon slice To spritz upon the fish There on a bed of rice A tasty little dish Presented to entice A little lemon slice Or oft it was a lime Tequila splashed on ice Hooray, it’s pa......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, life,
Form: Monchielle Stanza

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Madonna presence was needed the announcement echoed thru hospital halls which meant the medical team assembled but that kind of expertise was not why i was called my lot in this equation, a signature......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, appreciation, devotion, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Trending Grayer
...That evening trending grayer than the rest He'd set out for the shore line's last request Pre-cancer no one ever called him quitter Prime of Life arrived melanoma bitter......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, cancer, life, water,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member We'Re All Going To Die--What the Heck
...That cancer has ravaged my family, it is true My mom first with melanoma at age forty-two, Bone cancer took my Uncle Cladie for a ride Until the pain caused him to commit suicide, My dad lost his......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, cancer, death, family, history,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member What My Mother Means To Me
...In December 1951, I turned ten years old-- Harry Truman was president of the United States, The Korean Conflict raged on a faraway peninsula, The Golden Gate Bridge closed due to high wi......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, love, memorial, mother son,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member If I Could Change the World
...If I had the power to change the world I would make it blind to color, size, and race. I would have people see each other’s spirits. If we could see spirit instead of flesh We would be able to......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Bully
...The venomous bite Distant, but ever so bright A nerve doth stricken A heart so sickened Melanoma like stature A rapture like creature Ruthless and mean Cunning and keen Held back three ye......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Too Much Sun
...Too much sun it has been a hot day the sun is an enemy spying at me through cracks in the curtains. The sun has given me melanoma Twice and now it tries again To lure me outdoor. No......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, age, allah, allusion, blessing,
Form: Blank verse
Green Tea
...Green Tea Oh what joy it seems to me Drinking my early morning tea. The healthiest beverage on the globe Cures many diseases I've been told. Lemon juice in hot tea cures and prevents can......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, cancer, drink, green, health,
Form: Rhyme
Jimmy Page Was Here On July 4th
...As the sun sets A hot wind like this Does not belong in downtown Lansing But here it is Speed-boating down the Grand River grinning and wearing Ray-Bans My wife and I We hold down our pouncin......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, happiness, music, nostalgia, peace,
Form: Free verse
A Haiku Anthology - Theme Summertime
...wildflower meadow as tall as a muntjac cuckoo cuckooing - farmers haymaking grasshoppers stridulating don't touch a stinkbug - wood admiral glides honeysuckle its host plant humid t......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, june, nature, summer, sun,
Form: Haiku
...Eileen was born 80 1/2 years ago on the first day of winter on the ground a bit of snow with a twinkle in her eyes and a healthy glow having both outer and inner beauty to bestow, Second oldest......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, for her, mom, ,
Form: Rhyme
Myopic Microscopic
...Myopic Microscopic Microscopic myopic; Melanoma Glaucoma; Abnormalities. Part of my wishes; Song group became suspicious; Serendipity. Whippy da do die; There must be another way, My g......Read the rest...
Categories: melanoma, humorous,
Form: Haiku

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