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Medico Poems - Poems about Medico

Medico Poems - Examples of all types of poems about medico to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for medico.

...In his quite silent I hear not his present voice Admits the screams and shouts multiple choice Now never no longer a moving vital vessel force Laid to rest spirit rose soul medico call cross ........Read the rest...
Categories: medico, analogy, appreciation, bereavement, blessing,
Form: Elegy
I Don't Know What to Say to Katie Clemens
...I Don’t Know What To Say To Katie Clemens By Steve Body Copyright 2009 I don’t know what to say to Katie Clemens. All the words are jumbled in my head. They all seem small and empty when I t......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, death, death of a
Form: Rhyme

The Hospice
...The Hospice I needed minor surgery, a place was found at a hospital in another town; a spa town along the coast famous for its many statues and water fountains often visited by intellectually......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, age, confusion, deep,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Brick, Upon Another Brick
...Brick, upon another brick.. Men, believe in his youth. Life is his to take. Young men believe life is now, just borrow and steal everything you can. Tomorrow may not come. He learn one day. ......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, appreciation, conflict, humanity, wisdom,
Form: Prose Poetry
Every Minute Palpitation In Covid War
...Agreeable Dawn for a In though a blade No other goal .... "Go just bounce around" Every clump made me haggle with fate Twinkle in my lips at the end of walk ......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, destiny, fear, horror, imagination,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Stranger Than Fiction Part 1
...My name is Tom Cunningham, I’m retired now but thirty six years ago I had a very strange experience that I have never mentioned to anyone until now. It was November the seventh, nineteen eighty six,......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, religious, scary, world war
Form: Prose
El Taza De Cafe
...El premier es en Espanol Mi cafe es restrictado. al tazo que bebiendo es caliente Although I love my coffee, mi medico llamare que yo se muerto, si yo no terninar, Entonces, Mi ca......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, appreciation,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Doctor's Waiting Room
...I arrived early for the appointment I had made many months ago, And began the interminable wait to consult with the medico! When I checked in, it was already half-past noon. Nursey said, "Take a seat......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, humorous, me, me,
Form: Rhyme
Big Ol Billy
...Big ol Billy Near old Dirran, on the river, an old time pub had its day. .. Billy Richards was the owner, had a rupture so they say. .. There he sold the watered whisky and the rum to all wh......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, adventureold, old, time, drug,
Form: Rhyme
Look At Em Crawling
...LOOK AT EM CRAWLING... At the old Darreel pub out near Mungindi.... Trapper Joe he rode up, he come from Boggabri... The DTs were bad with this poor old bugger Jack... Look at em crawling he di......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, funnyold, horse, old, cancer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Doctor's Waiting Room
...I arrived early today for the appointment made months ago, And began the interminable wait to see the medico. When I checked in it was already half-past noon. The nurse said, "Take a seat and we'l......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, funnyme, me,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Battle of the Bulge
...I made my periodic visit to the medico the other day. Said he, "Hop on the scale, I want to see how much you weigh!" He didn't say a word, but I knew from the look in his eyes, That I'd better opt......Read the rest...
Categories: medico, funnyme,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry