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Meats Poems - Poems about Meats

Meats Poems - Examples of all types of poems about meats to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for meats.

Ursai's Plunder
Words of evening she speaks To him I act if I don't know There in secret places Is where they wish to go Mornings were I labor most To be neat and clean She wholloes beneath him To be spiteful and mean Yeah...Read the rest...
Categories: meats, age, city, devotion,
Form: Ballade
Premium Member Are We Having Bacon Meats
My mouth salivates as the bacon sizzles in gram's old fashioned fry pan Life complete, wonderful, for I like cooking for my children and my man. Eggs will be last; they cook quickly, fresh ones, straight from...Read the rest...
Categories: meats, food, morning,
Form: Rhyme

Make Way For Lovers
she asked for a great thyme a day for festvel and enjoyment a day to marvel in the creativity of love and day for people to come together and celebrate the need to love she made beautiful drinks of cucumber jucies and...Read the rest...
Categories: meats, music, sports,
Form: Ballad
Meats N Cheeses
Few years ago I smashed two flies engaged in aerial coitus. Today, I poked their corpse Fell to the floor, leaving a crust of Love Gunk Mixed innards, crushed and united gonads. One true love, for all time, the only evidence of which is smeared on my ceiling. My momma...Read the rest...
Categories: meats, allah,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sweet Meats
Life from a fish bowl encapsulated ..above and behind the gilded dado's of peachy pink and flannel-gray of San Fran's Victorian Ladies Life wrapped with the ledges and overhangs and portcullis , frail, precious, half formed, half crazed, oft newly...Read the rest...
Categories: meats, art,
Form: Free verse

Mcmullen's Meats
Forty years, Granddad had store. Sold meat, ice cream, dry goods. Meats made mighty fine sandwich. He was old, bent over still Doing his carving craft. Had long-time customers. Some my Dad delivered to them in his truck. One customer Peg became...Read the rest...
Categories: meats, childhood
Form: Narrative

Book: Reflection on the Important Things