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Maybelle Poems - Poems about Maybelle

Maybelle Poems - Examples of all types of poems about maybelle to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for maybelle.

Two Of A Kind
...O, Mama and Maybelle, Two of a kind with an important story to tell. Hailing from the South with so much to say, You stood on stages, both near and far, delivering your messages with great ......Read the rest...
Categories: maybelle, appreciation, art, beautiful, confidence,
Form: Narrative
The Spiritual Food
...Have a great birthday, dear Maybelle, Man's soul needs the spiritual food; Strong faith is made by God's counsel, The reason why hope is renewed. Topic: Birthday of Maybelle Lyn Losande (Ma......Read the rest...
Categories: maybelle, birthday,
Form: Quatrain

Natal Letter
...M-essage A-bout Y-our B-irthday E-mploys L-ovely L-ines E-ndorsing L-itterateur's Y-early N-atal L-etter O-nce S-cribe A-pplies N-ame's D-elightful E-xpression Topic: Birthday......Read the rest...
Categories: maybelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Laurah Maybelle Rickborn 1907-1935
...Laurah Maybelle Rickborn 1907-1935 Life was such a excruciating bother. I’m happy the long drama is finished now. My childhood consisted mostly of chores and lessons, While my teenage years ......Read the rest...
Categories: maybelle, men,
Form: Epitaph
Premium Member Fair Maybelle
...Fair Maybelle trode through the morning dew She peered through the foggy haze Her blue eyes saw what I tell you is true For the fog did part and the sun did blaze And a pure white unicorn met her gaz......Read the rest...
Categories: maybelle, animal, butterfly, devotion, girl,
Form: Quintain (English)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry