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Mascot Poems - Poems about Mascot

Mascot Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mascot to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mascot.

Premium Member ferns wanted a fey mascot
Ferns were sad. They wanted their own fey mascot. Lily had a faerie Marigolds had a brownie Mushrooms had a pixie Elms had an elf Why are we the only ones without a mascot? Ferns told everyone about their dilemma. A faerie from...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, fairy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My cat's mascot
I don't follow many sports. I'm boring you see. Samantha, my cat, does apparently. In these Pennsylvania winters of snow and ice, I may have watched hockey, once or twice. I had a penguin ornament on my Christmas tree, which suddenly...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, cat,
Form: Light Verse

The Frightmare King
What he’s capable of, I do admit, frightens me the most My dread began in 2006, on TV his face did appear The Burger King with the giant head is definitely morose He lies in wait as you...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, angst, anxiety, emotions, fear,
Form: Villanelle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Lets Make the Troll Our New Mascot
Let’s make him the new mascot someone suggested. He looks dour, down in the dumps, forlorn, some of us protested. But he fits in with our theme, one of the Eeyore-types said. He always loves to make trouble;...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blue Jay School Mascot
Blue jay A squawker School mascot Represents very few Thank God...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, fun, humorous, light,
Form: Cinqku

Premium Member Obscene Mascot
A team mascot should not do things that are obscene. When they do, it creates an ugly scene. A mascot's primary job to the crowd is to entertain. They should never give gestures that are profane. Unfavorable thoughts usually...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, baseball, business,
Form: Rhyme
Funny Mascot
To forged a smile everyday And joined the crowd and be okay My face tattooed the image of clown To hide a man who's so feeling down written: 4-12-15 @ 4:41pm Mysterious Aries...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, how i feel, people,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mascot Verse
Zest, jest and fest verse voice collage, Wit, pun and way hurl charm right here; Journey and quest words bless and touch, Watch and see play bridge sacred cheer. Leon Enriquez 16 July 2015 Singapore...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, blessing,
Form: Rubai
The Mascot, Who Is Enjoying
When the fair is free, have you can always flee, like counting the one, two, three when hugging the special tree Getting to know the he, As I am always with the she, when concluded inseparable, Like into Jesus' parable With them is...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, travel,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Albert the Alligator, Florida University Mascot Story
A green sweaty swampy land Maybe no place for a man But it is a home to many creatures Such as our friend's the alligators Now not so long ago, In their steamy mysterious habitat There was a fog so dim...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, adventure, angst, animal, beach,
Form: Lyric
The Mascot of Gregorian Spring
All children gather, 'pon Eostre ...and it's Gregorian majesty incarnate to view the remnants of the mighty hare. To view the symbol of the modern spring; ...(and it's victorious savior). A savior, whose torn scraps still linger 'pon the tractor's wheel ...and the...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, animals, death, life, loss,
Form: I do not know?
Our Mascot
“Thieves” Ben Franklin said…. Supple off white feathered head Talons dripping red...Read the rest...
Categories: mascot, animals
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry