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Mantis Poems - Poems about Mantis

Mantis Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mantis to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mantis.
Premium Member Praying Mantis is Associated with Prayer and Luck
Praying mantis is associated with prayer Also, good fortune, blessings, angels in the air Derived from Greek word meaning prophet or type A spiritual guest who sprinkles plenty of hype They bring good luck to an ordinary garden you...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme
CHRISTMAS EVE GIFT MANTIS In one hundred years I saw a thousand mantises on this Christmas Eve another descended unexpected gift for a northern Lightwave whilst I stared at singular Southern sky She reminded about stillness strategy soundlessness embodied etiquette empathy reflecting my mirrors we...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, 12th grade, allusion, christmas,
Form: Alliteration

Premium Member praying mantis eats her prey alive
A dead insect Yuck! The female praying mantis said. Envisioning her tasty date alive when she bites off his head He gives her a sweet smile Unaware that to her He is but a morsel best enjoyed After they are wed....Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Praying Mantis
Blurry eye balls - up to it close. Right there clinging on the screen door swinging. Mantis, a big bug come to mind-prey, or are you praying to come inside? A plus size Insectivore at my door basking in its own eerie light. A...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member mantis
monogamous not awful courtmanship nips off lover’s head tally ho handsome imponderable female seduces new prospect...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, animal,
Form: Acrostic

garden day lilies perch for yellow butterflies hungry mantis meal...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, butterfly,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Song of The Praying Mantis No 8: ABBA
Naught lowlife, but pro-life; pin-up; wildlife, like the Mantis, or the praying Mantis, cockroaches and termites, close relatives, there are stick ones or grasshoppers, half-life. A year's life, they are ambush predators, female practices sex cannibalism. Supernatural power behold-ism Greece, Assyria, Egypt,...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, allusion, analogy, appreciation, imagery,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Warrior M a Praying Mantis
Both armies scatter when they see warrior M appear A fierce female mantis who always inspires great fear Even her boy cousins no longer make fun or jeer She has already made six powerful husbands disappear Warrior M smiles...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Miss Mantis
Oh, Miss Mantis Oh so sublime Why did you get me smiling like this? Saturday night sho' blew my mind Oh, Miss Mantis Oh so unkind Why are you killing me like this? It's another Saturday night but you say...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, confusion, emotions, farewell, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Beware of the Pink Praying Mantis
Prissy pink praying mantis pretends no preference Delightful dapper Dan, a suitor, gives her deference. They dance a tantalizing tango with her cousin Ted. Before the dance is finished, Dan has lost his sweet head....Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Queen Madame Praying Mantis
Queen madame praying mantis dressed beautifully after she eats her mates' heads off dutifully. some have claimed that she acts snootily. But I really like my queen who gasses out quite tootily....Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Pink Praying Mantis
Have you met pink praying mantis faerie yet asked my house guest. He was on my last nerve as apes are often, kind of a tolerated pest. I was surprised, for I had not even heard of...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In the Grass
My name is Yù míng Jade brightness is what it means I’m a Praying Mantis and we look like string beans I jump...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, life,
Form: Rhyme
The Praying Mantis
A female praying mantis is so alluring, living in her island paradise -- a small swamp with so many wonderful plants and flowers around. The female mantis is being courted by so many males of...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, autumn, funny love, insect,
Form: Prose
The Cricket and the Mantis
Cricket, symbol of good luck Chirping at night like duck Mantis, jaunting and pray Lobbying and munching a honey prey...Read the rest...
Categories: mantis, insect,
Form: Couplet

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