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Managing Poems - Poems about Managing

Managing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about managing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for managing.

Premium Member Managing Aspectations
Your wink and your smile are priceless And they're only two aspects of you If you add all your aspects together No sum could reflect their value I've known for a while that I loved you Much longer...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, devotion, for her, i
Form: Rhyme
It's God That Is Managing My Diabetes Part Two
It started last night that my God the Son, Jesus Christ, spoke to me in a audible voice. Instructing me and also telling me not to worry any more about my diabetes. He was going...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

Managing My Diabetes Part One
Managing my diabetes? Let's face it managing my diabetes I have not been doing very well at all, instead I have been giving myself the lowest academic grade possible, F-, the exact same failing grade I have...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Managing My Sorrow
Please don’t tell me your sad tale of woe When I am deeply hurting inside, Trying my best to not let anyone know I am struggling to maintain my pride. Courageously, I am following my guide Keeping a smile on...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, care, depression, mental illness,
Form: Rondeau Redouble
Managing the Present
The past overtakes you, steps out from a door you did not see before. Distant bird song becomes a crow caw in your ears. You recall all those yesterdays and wonder, wonder if you had taken a different path would you be here now or...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Managing Fish Stories
The white lies of late December are upon us. Frozen fish dream of warm tape water. Every step is a cliff-top until April then we surrender again to the telltale myths, the cheerful fraudulence. Only the old survive all this; beautiful...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Managing Anger
When passions are inflamed, blunt words turn sharp and cut deep Which is why it's important to pause, take deep breaths, and count to ten Rather than thrust anger like an epee, just to impale Date written and...Read the rest...
Categories: managing, anger, emotions, perspective, trust,
Form: Sijo
Managing Madness
they don't know the uneven work we do the hard and soft moment to moment dirt on the floor dirt on the eyes unsure of our future....Read the rest...
Categories: managing, art,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry