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Malcontent Poems - Poems about Malcontent

Malcontent Poems - Examples of all types of poems about malcontent to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for malcontent.

Premium Member A Theme Song For The Malcontent
A jukebox ending the silence masks the dialogue in your mind; That beat’s a saving grace, with a chorus left on repeat; Guitars that are louder than hell are fresh air that open those lungs; Finally you exhale, the sound explodes...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, emotions, feelings, music,
Form: Free verse
MALCONTENT Dressed in the rags of time and places He signifies in loud incoherent phrases With bluff and blunder Talks a storm Sings as thunder Scaring tourists and their children From tame towns that have no Zen With once dull eyes they come and...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, urban,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member The Malcontent
Fate rewarded some who came, Daily problems quickly solved. Wisdom thrived in their domain, Joyful as their lives evolved. You distorted what you saw, Public minutes, private years. Never witness to the flaws, Hidden turmoil,...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, allegory, allusion, analogy, angst,
Form: Rhyme
Parable of Wretched Malcontent
Not content with just penurious loaves Wretched pauper for richer diet strove Seeking treasure from a wealthier trove Delicate crumbs from hearty stoves; Pungent fruit from well-stocked groves Poached sustenance frail body did gladly receive Yet of better fare covetous mind...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, christian,
Form: Rhyme
Love Malcontent
My love for you is a creature, a solid breathing Entity, a mangled creation of shadow-black flesh And the thread-like interwoven muscles of my Bleeding excuses… The paltry reasons I put up with your countless Slights,...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, depression, loveme, love, me,
Form: Free verse

The Heart's Malcontent Eye
Secluded mind murder Windows are false inside here I find here,deep inside here...i don't find myself hoping for peace These clouds of despair that blind the battlefield have a dark appeal My naked eyes see nothing The cheerful souls have...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, angst, art, confusion, death,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Malcontent (Standing Strong)
The people march with natural authority to elevate noble causes of fairness and human dignity; the cries ring out, echoing off the pillars and the planks. Already, a proud majority stands ready to unite all the tribes of the world, not through deception or...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, devotion, history, philosophy
Form: Free verse
Twisted Flowers of Malcontent
The autumn leaves fell from amber skies And the wind it blew from a mystical place. But when I spit to the ground; the wind blew it around; And now it hangs here in my face. We walked through...Read the rest...
Categories: malcontent, funnyautumn, love,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry