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Mahal Poems - Poems about Mahal

Mahal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mahal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mahal.
Premium Member underwater taj mahal
underwater taj mahal how many have seen you? Your iridescent swirling waves the colors of rocks browns, pinks, blues, you have such depth I feel complete, observing nature’s utmost beauty...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, travel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Taj Mahal
Fantastic story in milky marble, In honor of a wife, so praiseworthy (?) Though seems overflow of fidelity, Tajmahal is Muslim art, painterly; From around world he brought so precious stones. He ordered his whole kingdom to labor. Mumtaj bore Fourteen...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, life, love,
Form: Ode

Symbol of Love
White Marble Symbol of Eternal love Taj Mahal standing tall in dazzling white The shimmering reflection resplendent In Yamuna Unruffled Glittered White...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, beauty, love,
Form: Tetractys

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Historic Event
Mystery of a life born from another, cry of the baby and death of the mother, amidst war, military tent in the wild, during the royal birth of her fourteenth child. little pink princess wailed for maternal milk, blue and...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, birth, death, deep, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Taj Mahal
Noor* of Taj Mahal, jeweled in red stone death or love, tranquil oasis alone rich jasper and jade hanging on its walls in cold melody, mourning music falls Mesmerizing bride in gossamer gown Veil...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, beautiful, celebration, love, memorial
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Taj Mahal
taj mahal in the mirror finish of his sunglasses Submitted on May 13, 2019 for contest MAY 2019 PREMIER 5 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 3RD Originally posted on April 11, 2019...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, beautiful, mirror, sun, surreal,
Form: Haiku
Mahal Kita -I Love You
?Mahal kita (I love you) - I saw the sign in your eyes. That moment our eyes met, I've got unexplainable feelings That moment is the moment, I've been waiting for to say the search is over and that very...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Your Taj Mahal
Your Taj Mahal Too many times you hoisted anchor there isn't time but you should thank her, for being such a goober for so long. You have made her life a Taj Mahal there she swims in waist deep indigo, she's...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, beauty, fantasy, travel,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal Too many times you hoisted anchor there isn't time but you should thank her, for being such a goober for so long. You have made her life a Taj Mahal there she swims in waist deep indigo, she's reflected...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, anger, betrayal, conflict, irony,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Taj Mahal
The poet Rabindranath Tagore described it thus: "Like a solitary tear suspended on the cheeks of time" This structure is indeed sublime Located in India, it is one of the most visited places Its name means Crown of...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, art,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Taj Mahal of India
O Marvelous Mahal Abode of love with no equal Though I never saw you for real I can sense your power so surreal O Marvelous Mumtaz Your story life would never erase Your knight has you in eternal memory Such is willed...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, beauty, death, life, lost
Form: Quatern
Taj Mahal 1
TAJ MAHAL In this October day, as usual, Late in reaching fulfillments Memoried paths resenting familiarity Historied tracks crumbling A cloud-shred trailing a mass to merge I walk into Taj and stop to find Adorned love placed...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, beautiful, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Your Taj Mahal
Your Taj Mahal Too many times you hoisted anchor there isn't time but you should thank her, for being such a goober for so long. You have made her life a Taj Mahal there she swims in waist deep indigo, she's...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, angst, black african american,
Form: Lyric
Mahal Kita
Mahal kita. That means I love you. If I knew it in every language, I would tell you all of them everyday. Although it sounds so corney. It is all so very true. I hope that you believe me. With a heart...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, lovehope, love,
Form: I do not know?
The Taj Mahal
Of the wonders of the world that have been The Taj Mahal is the best I've seen With it's milky marble white It radiates a glow on a full moon night Shahjahan built The Taj for his lady love Once...Read the rest...
Categories: mahal, love, placesmoon,
Form: Ode

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry