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Maddeningly Poems - Poems about Maddeningly

Premium Member 'One Bad Night' ain't All it Was
... How dare you try to shrug it off, Joe as 'one bad night' when you didn’t deliver... ...Just like you didn’t deliver on Afghanistan, or on picking a competent VP, or......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, lost, old, sad, scary,
Form: Free verse
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
...Ink roached infestation didst derive within mice elf Minor emendations to following just posted verse oversight to correct dissatisfaction, yours truly I do curse ah... methinks if hands of ti......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, absence, adventure, age, birth,
Form: Rhyme

Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
...Ink roached infestation didst derive within mice elf Thus writer of these words forever mus lee experiencing craving to eat cheese, a milk product eternally preserved within annals, chroni......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, adventure, america, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
I Hate Robocalls
...I hate robocalls! Inxs of recorded messages transmitted automatically to my telephone number by automatic dialing device. I turn off damn ringer, and disassemble (carefully as disabl......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Scotus Ruling Overturned Roe Versus Wade
...The regressive Supreme Court decision hustled, proclaimed, and voiced June 24th, 2022 immediately quashing pro choice option, struck down constitutional right (upheld for half a century - forme......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Not So Friendly Discussions
...Alfredo always abhorred angry approaches After an amigo accosted after an argument And, afterward, Alfredo abstained arguing, Because blackening bruises betrayed blather Berniccio b......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, friendship, humorous,
Form: Abecedarian
I Hate Robocalls
...I hate robocalls! I turn off damn ringer, nonetheless... telephone still buzzes twenty four seven eight days a week automated telephone calls digitally recorded message perfectly spoken E......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, abuse, anger, business, computer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Homecoming
...Something's changed, I don't recall this door. The mat that once read 'welcome' gone. Am I lost in the night, or had I forgotten some slight.. had my address been quelled by another time? ......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, soldier, sunset, war,
Form: Free verse
While In Deep Sleep Revelation of Matthew Scott Woke
...I surmise yours truly i.e. me a slacker boomer - ye, whereby repose finds me face buried in pillow free and clear of Earthly worry mainly, namely, particularly... lack of legal tender re: mon......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Empty Swing
...Is it still there, swaying in the Chicago air? I dream of myself with dark, ribboned braids, being just seven. And swinging my tanned legs as hard as I Could,,trying to kiss God's cheek in hea......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, america, angst, freedom, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
The Chamber
...playing around playing with sound quadraphonic engulfing me so i start off simply being me me me me me eee ee e so what so what sooo wha soo what so try it again defining myself......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, muse,
Form: I do not know?
I Hate Robocalls
...I turn off damn ringer, nonetheless... telephone still buzzes twenty four seven eight days a week automated telephone calls digitally recorded message perfectly spoken English differentiati......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Marble Stars of David, Marble Crosses
... Marble Stars of David and Marble Crosses 75th Anniversary-D-Day             June 6, 1944 Gratitude to all soldiers who died on D-Day. Unless all nations had decided to end Hit......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, america, anniversary, death, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
...she said muy loco i said muy loca we both maddeningly laughed our crazy but i swear hers was more like a donkey......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, muse,
Form: I do not know?
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
...Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf (thus forever experiencing craving to eat cheese) Nothing but gridlock traffic (far as thee eye could see) heading east on Schuylkill Expres......Read the rest...
Categories: maddeningly, anxiety, books, childhood, creation,
Form: Bio

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