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Lusaka Poems - Poems about Lusaka

Lusaka Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lusaka to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lusaka.

dear mr president
... DEAR MR PRESIDENT* Mr President We used to pledge our allegiance to the motor one Zambia one nation we believed the mystery of no sex Before marriage But sex seems to......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, political,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Football Commentary
...I write in remembrance of the late Dennis Liwewe (Zambia's No.1 and Celebrated Football Commentator). Here is a short football commentary: "Ah, this is Dennis Liwewe. We are here in Mauritius, where......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, appreciation, celebration, sports,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Read Journal True Bull His Him Within Lusaka, Zambia Part One
...Laston Simuzingili linkedin with this American maverick freelancing writing scout, (and word maven par excellence Matthew Scott Harris always ha sellout), thru Spoken Word route, a popular glob......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, abuse, death of a
Form: Epic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Read Journal True Bull His Him Within Lusaka, Zambia Part Two Doctor Kaunda also says family names in tandem should not determine, who to associate with, any more than nap pulled lying flat hair, but rather character of hearts, viz each one of every Za......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, abuse, anger, appreciation, city,
Form: Political Verse
Read Journal True Bull His Him Within Lusaka, Zambia Part Three
...Meanwhile Doctor Kaunda reminded young people in the country ascending the rung of success they have a big role to play with trappings of pride slung in weaving together unity among unsung swi......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, absence, abuse, africa, age,
Form: Free verse

Will a Gator Acquiesce To a Half Nelson
...Dreams of sleight, money changed hands Heads or tails, they're telling tall tales Scandalous rumours and urban legends Half-baked former spies spinning yarn To a troop of campers sick of eating y......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, change, character, courage, dream,
Form: Free verse
Do the Dangle
... He moves fast, so jet set Go glamour globetrotting, having amorous affairs cosmopolitan Carrying no emotional baggage of regret, no tear-stained cloth spotting Lonely hearts do get ......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, absence, heartbreak, longing, sad
Form: Ode
Freedom's Lament
..."Freedom's Lament" Oh sweet Freedom how quick you have gone from Groom to Widower. How saddened are those who succumbed and labored so freed we could all be after Freedom had so long toiled and q......Read the rest...
Categories: lusaka, freedom,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things