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Long Villan Poems

Long Villan Poems. Below are the most popular long Villan by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Villan poems by poem length and keyword.

Let's Play Pretend
Let's play pretend 
Pretend you are the hero and I am the damsel in depression 

You sold me a magic future you'd crafted out of fool's gold
And I fell into the shimmer 
A siren song...

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Categories: villan, abuse, addiction, anger, dark, love hurts, sad
Form: Free verse

These Are Mine
in my dreams im superwoman
saving all the private ryans
untouchable and immortal

in my dreams i'm darth vader
i am the king of the dark
luke i am your father 

in my dreams i can sing 
with notes so...

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Categories: villan, fantasy
Form: Free verse
Hope Or Hopelessness

Can your savior also be your villan
I see my family's eyes can I really tell em
This hurt inside is bursting out
Should I really say what this is about

A slap of the face ,...

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Categories: villan, abuse, age, break up,
Form: Rhyme
How did I reawaken to a villan
How did I reawake to a villan
seen only by me in the gaze of the mirror
seen by Sarah
experienced in a early morning escapade
How did I wake up a villan

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Categories: villan, jealousy,
Form: Free verse
Atipical Woman reckless eyeballing
In the Movie
" lausia Seek Who Ah"

a Damesel in distress and her lover
are in a cave tied to the wall
with gold chaiins.
The woman loosenes herself
from the chains and stands
 before her lover. Before they
could speak...

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Categories: villan, adventure, celebrity, culture,
Form: Ballad

I Thought....
I thought I was lucky, 
but I didnt know better. 
I thought you were special, 
but you were worse than the rest. 
I thought you would never leave, 
but you left the first chance you...

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Categories: villan, loss, lost love, love, me, me,
Form: I do not know?
Forro Forro
She loved the fact that she
could use her beauty to
unleash her objectives and goales
upon men who wished to be freind
or kind to her. She flirted with my
wife and ignored me. I felt 
She "Atta Bouised"...

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Categories: villan, america, music,
Form: Didactic
Have These Satans No Shame
She might find it in her to
have person with another
to make you feel lesser than you already do
she wishes to dethrone you from the world you
have established
that you might ask her why she refuses to...

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Categories: villan, analogy, anger, betrayal, culture,
Form: Concrete
Passive Aggressive
Revenge is so sweet
When you have no clue
That I even sought it
Against you and even
Sweeter when you never
Even knew I was
Infuriated with you
In the first place
It is more thrilling when
You never saw it coming
Revenge is...

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Categories: villan, fantasy, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, imagination, introspection, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Fallen Villan Abu Abdullah Osama Muhammad Bin Laden
A fallen villain;
Slayer of the innocent and lover of pain;
A gifted mystic who prostituted the endowments of Nature,
And thus drunk her  cup of fury with mysterious pleasure.

Sharks found a rare meal of flesh and...

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Categories: villan, sorry
Form: Rhyme
Pat Garret
Every dog has his day every kid has his fun.
But the dust has settled  on this  town.
And its bout time you turned tail and  run.

The draw may be fast but what about...

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Categories: villan, adventure, friendship, sportshero,
Form: Rhyme
A Fairytale Part Ii, Because We Know Those Are Complicated Too
complications escape the real world,
there's never a princess found,
whom doesn't need saving of some sort.
the villan is often more deceiving then we'd like to believe,
newly discovered time constraints can be overlooked in hidden places.

that villian...

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Categories: villan, holiday, lifemay,
Form: Free verse
Step Up and Lose
Many of you claim to be the best.
But silly little children prepare to fail this test.
You try you fail.
Im the wolf you the stupid 
dog that  chases its tail.

A razor blade tongue just as...

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Categories: villan, slam
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things