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Long Telephoned Poems

Long Telephoned Poems. Below are the most popular long Telephoned by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Telephoned poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Escapade
I never cared to do the dangerous things, and liked to play it safe,
But the strict bonds of ordinariness, can oftentimes start to chafe.

I always preferred to cover my bets, for I hated the idea...

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Categories: telephoned, adventure, fantasy, friendship love, imagery, mountains, nature,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member The Snowflake That Sank the Titanic
The Snowflake That Sank The Titanic

It all begins with a single snowflake
(Each one in itself is unique)
Brought about through evaporation,
And returned by the force of gravity
In the form of snow to the planet,
To rest on...

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Categories: telephoned, education, fate, history, remember, western, world,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Meanest Selfish Dad I Never Met
Selfish L. was the meanest most selfish dad I have never met. I met his grandchild who explained his almost always loving father, Little A’s sorry story to me.  Little A, a loving man,...

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Categories: telephoned, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I'M Sorry
For many years I have realized that our hearts are very deceptive and unreliable.  I cannot imagine how many times my heart has let me down and exposed the dark and negative aspects of...

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Categories: telephoned, anger, christian, god, rude, sorry,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sleepwalking Is Nothing
I have a horrible secret my 13-year-old best friend confided to me one day at school.
We were between class, and we had two minutes to sprint to our next class, as per the rule.
In opposite...

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Categories: telephoned, sleep,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Tale of Two Cousins
Luke* and Frank* were my cousins from two of my father’s sisters.
Luke and Frank lived in the same city, and I joined them for an important family event.  I had not seen nor spoken...

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Categories: telephoned, cousin, emotions, encouraging, family, feelings, funny, words,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Tell Them What You See
Tell Them What You See

Proverbs 25:11 KJV

There once lived a son who at the age of 30, telephoned his 58 year old father.
The son was distraught, dismayed, and depressed.  He was unhappy, unable, and...

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Categories: telephoned, father, father daughter, father son, growing up,
Form: Narrative
Celebrated Headache
This  Ota  farmer  recognized  as  
Africans  kobo
Copper  coin  with  a  fluctuating  photo,
You  load  tomorrow’s  volt  into  this

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Categories: telephoned, art,
Form: Ballade
Premium Member Leave Your Children With a Mass Murderer
Are you ready?
Picture eighty-seven children, practicing for a Christmas show
in a sales barn that does not have heat or a sound system.

A skunk died somewhere in here a few hours ago.
Many are screaming.
Some are crying.


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Categories: telephoned, christmas, endurance, faith, funny, jesus, religion, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
My Kung Fu Chop Suey Present
My Kung Fu Chop Suey Present

On my thirty-fourth birthday off to China's best; traveled I went
So very uneventful and unaware I blithely lost all my well-earned money and spent,
As I entered into a Chinese restaurant...

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Categories: telephoned, adventure, birthday, travel,
Form: Ode
Great Expectations
Strolling along through Gumgulli Park
where shadows of trees made it quite dark.
Absorbing birdsong filling the air,
taking in beauty with barely a care.

Some people were out walking their dog,
others were passing me out on a jog.

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Categories: telephoned, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Kung Fu Chop Suey
This poem was written for my friend Sonya Mako Wong

Kung Fu Chop Suey

On my twenty-fifth birthday off to China's best travelled I went
So very unfruitful and unaware I enormously lost all my money thus spent,

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Categories: telephoned, city, dedication, friend, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Alexander and Me
Remember the children’s book,
“Alexander and the Terrible, 
Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”? 
Well, yesterday was mine.
Started off okay, got up late,
Got our breakfasts, dressed, made the beds.
Cleaned the cat litter
And found that SweetiePie, 21...

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Categories: telephoned, humor,
Form: Free verse
The Lighthouse
I bought a piece of land, for my family and me,
to build a perfect home on a plot beside the sea.
I employed a local Surveyor to help draw up the plans,
to build my family dream...

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© Wayne Mac  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: telephoned, break up, humorous, sea,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Life of a School Counselor
Work is my play.
It's a time to be with people and laugh and sing, and teach children how to love themselves.
Work is my sword.
It's heart-felt, and natural, and exciting as things are always being thrown...

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Categories: telephoned, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 7th
Form: I do not know?
Cool Hand Gus
What’s going on at the Co op
Its been cordoned off, with some tape
The police have a ten strong contingent
Was it robbery, murder or rape ?

We telephoned Lynn cos she works there
But it turned out she’d...

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© John Fenn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: telephoned, animals, funny
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member I Had Planned the Best Meal
I had over planned this meal, but it did not slow me down.
Decided to grill Iowa home grown steaks with my special sauce.
Threw the potatoes into the oven to bake, big ones I found.
Knew this...

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Categories: telephoned, food,
Form: Rhyme
Crazy Cat Lady Maybe
Initially, Lady adopted just the gray One for love and fun.
A pal gifted another, a kitten who needed a Mother.
Though spayed, One let Two nurse and her milk did disburse,
said a Vet whose face crunched,...

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Categories: telephoned, animal, cat, crazy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Funeral Or No Funeral
My uncle is dead.
Funeral or no funeral?
He was a blue baby; born dead.
Oxygen did not get to his brain in time.
The doctor worked on him too long.
He had multiple mental, social and emotional challenges. 

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Categories: telephoned, funeral,
Form: Free verse
She Dreamed One Day Her Prince Would Come
She lay there in her bed so sad,
And faced another restless night.
She wondered, 'Am I really bad -
Or am I just an ugly sight?'
She sighed, and switching out the light,
Her lonely heartbeat like a drum,

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© Jack Horne  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: telephoned, depressionday, people, day, people,
Form: Ballade
Premium Member She Is My Biggest Achievement
Many tried to console the woman before they got to me.
I was teaching a class, so this meant five of them.
None of them spoke her language, and neither did I.
She was sobbing when I took...

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Categories: telephoned, abuse, women,
Form: Narrative
There's A Lion In My Garden.

There's a lion in my garden I think it's escaped from the zoo.
There's a lion in my garden, Oh my goodness what shall I do?
The lion in my garden is...

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Categories: telephoned, animal, children, garden,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Speak Kindness Not Spanish
No one understood her at my school, so they came for me
Not the adults in the building, rather the children
Who know me, and thought I could help

I was out of my element.
I know no Spanish,

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Categories: telephoned, life,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Loud Whooshing
A loud whooshing came quickly upon me
I did not have to turn to know he was there
He has been able to invade my body since I was little
I had not seen him for years, but...

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Categories: telephoned, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Convict Chose the Wrong Victim
The convict was running from the police.
He chose the wrong woman to rob.
She had grown up with eight brothers.
When he yelled for her to “get out” of her own car
She began to whale on him....

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Categories: telephoned, brother,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Reflection on the Important Things