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Long Stethoscope Poems

Long Stethoscope Poems. Below are the most popular long Stethoscope by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Stethoscope poems by poem length and keyword.

I cannot die tonight
I dog-eared a book
Of pages I haven't perused
You know how long that took?
Scent of pages
Frayed and yellowed
Always get me
Calm and mellowed
The spine cracked and worn
Each page a promise, a tale untold
In the...

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© Rowe Weiss  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stethoscope, death, farewell, introspection, repetition, sad, sorrow, suicide,
Form: Free verse

Halloween Night
A Hallows Eve of trick or treating, elaborate costumes, candy eating,
       Lantern’s dimming upon nightfall, locked doors marks next year’s meeting.

My recalling of my day and for the next...

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Categories: stethoscope, death, evil, fear, halloween, october, psychological, scary,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sufficient Self
As a youngster he had dreamt of moving to a potato farm in Ireland

To escape from the brown rot of German post-world war II contamination

Just another plot on the map to sufficient existence and to...

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Categories: stethoscope, dark,
Form: Free verse
Ken Thinks He's Crook
I got a phone call from a mate of mine I hadn't seen for years,
and I could tell by his quivered voice that he was close to tears
so I asked Ken what is wrong then...

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Categories: stethoscope, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Superlunary Heart
"The Superlunary Heart" 

in dreams
we meet
the you 
in me 
the you
I am.

upon awaking,
we remember -

although, it is 
fair to say, some forget,
what the message 
or intent was, in it all,
whom it was, where we were

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Categories: stethoscope, heart, i am, philosophy,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Indignity of It All
Here I sit,  on an examination table
bored, swinging my feet to and fro
waiting for a doctor who will be able
to diagnose the reason why I feel low

I study the body posters while I wait

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stethoscope, feelings, humor, , cute,
Form: Rhyme
entering into the Sea of Words contest by Leighann Anderson    7/3/2011

I was 27 years old, and in my second year of working for my first real "grown
job.  There is something...

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Categories: stethoscope, losswords, me, work, home, home, me, work,
Form: Narrative
Ins and Outs Part 2
Author's note: This is an epic length poem that will have to be split into parts and will be serialized in successive posts.

Part 2

act three

in the third act delirious 
the laws of physics etc.
he coughs...

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Categories: stethoscope, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
When I Am Gone

The breeze at dawn,
Whispering  secrets to birds, chirping  melodious lullabies,
Waking up to the touch of the first gleam of morning rays
Softly teasing my eyes..
Just the glance of a reflection
Of a...

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Categories: stethoscope, cancer, death, hope, leaving, life, longing, love,
Form: Free verse
Wiz Away
Wiz Away

I entered the empty funeral hall.
Am I not at the correct memorial gathering in visitation room H?
“Excuse me, sir, but is this the memorial for Mr. Wizby?
 There is not a posting besides the...

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Categories: stethoscope, age, crazy, magic,
Form: Narrative
The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room

The April weather shifted high to low,
Exposing those early clout casters
To the concluding bite of winter;
Footsteps full of foreboding
Trudge their last legs up the inclined driveway
To the Doctor’s old house.
A hotchpotch of chairs...

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Categories: stethoscope, health, humorous, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Beulah Bedford's Wedding Day
In the sizzling sun, Miss Beulah took a run in her wedding shoes.
Her groom, Walter, waggled at the alter, propped up by booze.
When the preacher couldn't reach'er, Walter fell flat on his head. 
In rough...

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© Cona Adams  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stethoscope, change, wedding,
Form: Light Verse
The Singing Fools
We are farmers without hoes and cutlasses
Dancing the stupid song of poverty 
Push us back and forth, we follow
Once in the farmland, we does nothing than sleeping.
Under the farmstead snoring provokely.
Have you seen the precious...

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Categories: stethoscope, addiction, drug,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Malady Motel, No Vacancy - Collaboration With Space Cadet

Twenty Dora-band aids barely cover one of my scars across my chest.  It's my stomach this time. But one hour of reading James Tate makes my mouth curled upward, with an...

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Categories: stethoscope, health, imagery, mental illness, pain, psychological, recovery
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The White Helmets of Aleppo
One man
Beneath his white helmet
And demands,


Throughout Aleppo.

His stethoscope,
He attaches
To the dust
And listens
From his knees.

The man has
Ten fingers,
A dry brush
And a pair of pliers
To dig like an archeologist.

He does not have years,
But minutes
To search the ruins

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Categories: stethoscope, humanity, imagery, inspirational, political, tribute, uplifting, war,
Form: Free verse
a warped tree
A Warped Tree

Today, when not arguing with Walter the Jew
on Facebook or Twitter
 the ambiance in the house was surprisingly calm since I got a key to my study in peace to read my latest...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stethoscope, absence, africa, allegory, allusion,
Form: Blank verse
Lollipop Series- What I Love
Mommy deemed the three-year-old me as an honour
Said that I should become a doctor
Stethoscope and thermometer are in her gift bag
To spark the zeal in me, she set to wave a green flag. 

Daddy came...

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Categories: stethoscope, birthday, boy, child, conflict, emotions, future, nursery
Form: Rhyme
Piet and the Search For a Heart
There was something the matter with Piet
Everyone knew it
Yet no one knew what
Of course it took a genius to find out.
When Doctor pressed a stethoscope to Piet’s small chest
The room was filled with utter silence...

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Categories: stethoscope, allegory, appreciation, cry, identity, self, uplifting,
Form: Free verse
A cat sniffs the crooked brown dough of the sullen moon;
The tempting smell of warm bread seems held by a glass sky
Old age, carefully steps on the glass, always ready to cry
 Like they`d learn...

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Categories: stethoscope, age, art, car, care, cat, science,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Greylock
I am in the examining room of Greylock's Veterinarian.
I lift Greylock, onto the examining table, and my heart is breaking 'cause he's not trying to wiggle out of my arms.  
As the Doc...

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Categories: stethoscope, cat,
Form: Free verse
The Boogieman Wears White
The Boogieman wears white and a stethoscope
go softly into the room of blank wanderings
kill with out a witness to a crime
a shoulder without all that is of good and time 
break the trust of the...

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Categories: stethoscope, black african american, business, caregiving, death, funeral,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Midnight a and E
The sun descends this cloudless night
A moon for howling, full and bright
A moon by which the bats take flight
And wolf-men and the undead bite

Stretchered in, a bite mark cruel
He won’t heal but must refuel
But medics’...

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Categories: stethoscope, halloween, horror,
Form: Rhyme
Hippocrite's Oath
Hypocrites’ oath

Dirt-cheep  government clinics  treat death
And disease just like they are  dirt and refuse
Which in a way is just about  fine.

Today’s  multi specialities,  housing as they are ,
A subtle...

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Categories: stethoscope, health,
Form: Free verse
"I'm going to examine you today,"
he said.

He had no stethoscope, notebook,
or pen on his hands. He wore a long,
white robe. Sandals took the place
of shoes.

"I'll examine your brain, a few moments
from now....."

I wondered how he...

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Categories: stethoscope, humor, imagery, life, philosophy, religion, wisdom,
Form: Narrative
Rush,a big rush
Corner to corner why this rush?

Here and there Corona virus 

World’s where the most rush
Sea of heads like fire bush 
Noses put on bad shape hush,hush

Made in China
A new brand,Corona virus
Life guaranteed
But not...

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Categories: stethoscope, anxiety, bereavement, body, character, dark, health, sick,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things