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Long Steered Poems

Long Steered Poems. Below are the most popular long Steered by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Steered poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Chapter 57 -- Damian Delilah Mallory Polly: the Family Seventeen Vii
One week passed before Polly
Called. Molly and Dolly agreed 
To change the meeting 
Location. "We'll meet at the 
Small Park near by where we 
Used to live."  Dolly called 
Her mother and told 

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Categories: steered, birth, brother, business, celebration, culture, desire, family,
Form: Alliteration

Chaucer Translation: Merciless Beauty
Merciles Beaute ("Merciless Beauty")
by Geoffrey Chaucer
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Your eyes slay me suddenly;
their beauty I cannot sustain,
they wound me so, through my heart keen.

Unless your words heal me hastily,
my heart's wound will remain...

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Categories: steered, beauty, heart, relationship, romance, romantic, romantic love,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member CommonSense Political WorkParty
EcoMinisters of Earth Rights

EcoLogicians of resilient encircling might

EcoLegislators of bicameral balancing disposition

What is our highest and best CommonSense
of currently elected policy-choosers?
Where are our optimal health outcomes 
of proactive CommonSense?
What does vast emptiness of positive results

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Categories: steered, addiction, community, creation, culture, health, political, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Oncle Albert - Part 1
Here he stands, Edwardian vogue, sometimes with his spats, 
sometimes with his brogues below his dungarees. With rounded collar points and tie, and jacket donned below this flying suit, his waste is tied with simple...

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Categories: steered, flying, history,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Dad, Continued

You once said to me,"I'm a man of extremes," and I understood immediately what you meant.  When you drank, you drank hard.  When you worked you expected perfection, in yourself not others, because...

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Categories: steered, dad,
Form: Elegy

Premium Member My Brother--Nelson Mandela, Umtata, South Africa--Tribute Poem
Nelson Mandela, crossed my spirited mind today, a visionary legend of peace, love, equality, and unity of all people.

As a prevailer of great affliction, he was like a Greek God fighting for the—"Common man!”

I had...

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Categories: steered, brother, confidence, dedication, discrimination, inspiration, motivation, strength,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Terror Bugs: Part 4 - A Freezer Mice Adventure
[Continued from ‘Terror Bugs: Part 3 - A Freezer Mice Adventure’]

The Terror Bugs pursued them through the skies toward the river
Cody flew just fast enough but still he felt a shiver
“Any slower and we’ll stall...

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Categories: steered, adventure,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Chapter 9-- Damian Hakim: Excellent School Daze and Adrianna
Today made a complete first week
In November 2017. Damian was 
Preforming well in his studies. He
Even chose to involve himself in
Extra credit projects. This school
Day started normally. He arrived 
Early, first class pre calculus. 

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Categories: steered, africa, allusion, dream,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Freed From My Shackles - Translation From Tagore
This is a poem (Original Title “Mukti” in Bengali, which means “Freedom”) by India's Nobel-laureate poet, Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) - a poet, writer, playwright, composer, social reformer and painter. He was a man...

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Categories: steered, freedom, women,
Form: Free verse
Rainy and Joey
Story Poem Contest
Sponsor: Carol Eastman

Somewhere deep into the night, a unicorn decided she wanted to give up her wings. Her family was so distraught and they begged her nicely, “Oh Rainy don’t give up your...

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© Lu Loo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: steered, character, childhood,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member In simple words
Emerging from a fulcrum deep within,
arises a humming, magnetic pull,
which in each moment does afresh begin,
drenching us with bliss, making heart feel full.
Rapture ignition, thus in renewal,
becomes the new norm, just like our heartbeat,
love’s elixir...

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Categories: steered, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
King of Kings: 1-90
1	A plume of dirt and grime envelops sky;
		The hellish slug of gas does creep along.
		It casts an orb three hundred stories high
		Over the Sun and ends his morning song.
		The birds and trees now stand a...

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Categories: steered, metaphor, , western,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Frustration

These days my frustration is digital in that `Brave New World'

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Categories: steered, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 125 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Visit To Holly's
After Polly and Holly met most of
The children in the house they left for
Home. The sisters knew more about Holly, now.
Her full name was Holannya Harvey.
She and Polly were 2nd cousins on
Their father's side. They...

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Categories: steered, allusion, birth,
Form: Alliteration

Mark and I caught the last plane from Ft. Lauderdale to New Orleans to escape Hurricane Andrew, leaving Akula ,our boat, tied up at Rolly Shipyard to face the wrath alone. The next few hell...

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© Judy Konos  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: steered, adventure,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Battle for the Atlantic I
When anarchy consumes a barren soul,
the hatred overwhelms the beating heart.
It sickens minds and steals the body whole  
then rips the cloth of empathy apart.
Existence lies between what evil craves
and what your world may...

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Categories: steered, world war ii,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Pearl Harbor II
As solitude neglects the Harbor door
the Heavens fill with vengeance from the sky,
and all below can only watch them soar
for crippled decks were useless to defy.
The devastation rendered from the clouds
destroyed the birds of war...

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Categories: steered, world war ii,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Slave
Like a herd of cattle, placed on a ship.
Upon my back, I felt their whip!
Ripping into my flesh, excruciating pain.
Forced across the big water on a trip.

Living in darkness with little to eat.
The feel of...

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Categories: steered, courage, death, slavery, perspective,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member An Elegy for a Fallen Bridge: Baltimore’s Night of Tragedy
As night draped its cloak over Baltimore's sleeping form,
A cargo ship, the MV Dali, sailed to greet the dawn.
From the bustling harbor shores it had slipped away,
Bearing goods for far-off lands, under the sky's dark...

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Categories: steered, death, horror,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member 50 Words For Poe: Phantasmagoria
“50 Words for Poe: Phantasmagoria”

“Darling, there’s someone here 
who would like to meet you...”

This was how it all began -

‘twas the night of the Ghost Ball
the room was pumping
and the Lothario put on a good...

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Categories: steered, dark, muse, mystery, romance,
Form: Free verse
A Tale With the Mirror
All I thought was going to last forever has been long gone,
Only those that are yet to come.

Here standing before the mirror,
Staring at the reflection of the younger me;
We found the truth in our eyes,

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Categories: steered, betrayal, hurt, innocence, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
The Heroes of Buzzard's Bend, Part Iii
...Then he could see it, the boils,
on their neck and wrists, bright and red,
he felt an itch on his own back,
and felt a cold moment of dread.

Now Diaz could not ignore it,
and Mains’s words came...

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Categories: steered, corruption, god, hero, history, religious, symbolism, western,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
The Universal Way of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
Liberal, simplified and abridged translation for speedy daily practice. 

Released into Public Domain. 

The Bodhisattva of Boundless Will arose from his seat, bared his right 
shoulder, turned towards the Buddha with joined palms and asked:...

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Categories: steered, adventure, anxiety, universe, uplifting, woman, women, world,
Form: Prose Poetry
The One Who Had Potential, Part Vi
It came at night, from a local precinct;
Whitney and one of her friends was in jail.
They’d robbed a gas station and shot the clerk,
suspects for murder, and there was no bail.

Miles quickly ran down to...

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Categories: steered, brother, change, depression, life, sister, work, youth,
Form: Narrative
A Sack Full of Coal
An elf named Lotty lived in the North Pole, 
in charge of keeping Santa's fire in coal.
He lit, he shovelled, he scooped with delight, 
as the last toy was made on Christmas Eve night. 


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Categories: steered, children, christmas, december, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things