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Long Spic Poems

Long Spic Poems. Below are the most popular long Spic by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Spic poems by poem length and keyword.

Kaos In -Part 3-
Blanked out
Blanket bliss...
I pout and doubt
And all dat 'n diss
I'm not spic and span
I'm not fine and dandy
Rollercoaster my blues
I have some news...
scrambled with clues 
Wearing diffarant (being arrogant and different) shoes 

All I said

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Categories: spic, angst, cool, crazy, deep, depression, desire, imagination,
Form: Free verse

Housekeeping Not a Strong Suit With the Missus
Housekeeping not a strong suit with the missus

(***warning ungapatchka language ahead***)
regarding following lines courtesy the missus,
who adventitiously, inadvertently, unknowingly
allowed, enabled and provided inspiration I
attest Frau Harris inspired me as she lies abed.

Flush with rage the...

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Categories: spic, anger, anxiety, betrayal, divorce, feelings, humorous, wife,
Form: Free verse
Housekeeping Not a Strong Suit With the Missus
(***warning ungapatchka language ahead***)

Hence plead ding for 
Mary Poppins wannabe
with snap of her fingers 
can affect ship shape
tidiness, which task 
needed before May 2022 
when yearly inspection 
indeed takes place.

Flush with rage the spouse 

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Categories: spic, adventure, age, angel, anger, confidence, february, flying,
Form: Free verse
Housekeeping Not a Strong Suit With the Missus
Housekeeping not a strong suit with the missus

(***warning ungapatchka language ahead***)
regarding following lines courtesy the missus,
who adventitiously, inadvertently, unknowingly
allowed, enabled and provided inspiration I
attest Frau Harris inspired me as she lies abed.

Flush with rage the...

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Categories: spic, abuse, adventure, anger, animal, clothes, goodbye, grave,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lt. Willy On Trial
*  This poem was inspired by the court marshall of Lt. William Calley for his 
leadership in the attack on My Lai, Vietnam.  For more info, see

Lt. Willy on Trial

Tiny warm beads...

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Categories: spic, wargreen, life,
Form: Narrative

Housekeeping Not a Strong Suit With the Missus
(***warning ungapatchka language ahead***)

Flush with rage the spouse will become allied
if reference made how she buzzfeeds disorder
altercation especially likely if divorce blurted
making me wish to experience (immediately)
bartered bride, when mine pointed finger doth
nonverbally chide markedly...

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Categories: spic, adventure, environment, humorous, husband, hyperbole, surreal, wife,
Form: Free verse
Kaos In -Part 1-
I got fired
For being awarded Most Desired 
The truth got liared
I got tired by the fact that you are wired
A different way than me
Why can't they clearly see
That I'll make a difference in this world...

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Categories: spic, cool, crazy, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Free verse
Mo' Fun Than Three Ringed Circuits
Poof issued from invisible magic dragon,
which nobody dead sea
immediately disrupting electricity
whereat mice elf (Stuart Little), i.e. me,
no particular rhyme nor reason
called Mickey, plus the missus Minnie

found ourselves literally
in the dark, no pleasant thrill
as well adjacent...

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Categories: spic, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th
Form: Free verse
Not Fake News This Just In

...Spongebob Squarepants...what...atoll...?
plunged into where, way...toilet bowl...
supposedly, when the ghostly hand ex-toll
ling praise from his late creator, and master

meow mind of popular Stephen Hillenburg
cast said main character in clean new role,
an unexpected greasy,...

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Categories: spic, absence, anger, angst, character, grave, horror, paradise,
Form: Free verse
Still Rejected

Still rejected
I already did mention
Much is in question
In the end most won't get the message
I'm tired of all this tension
Too much focus on others skin complexions
Never once has this path been effective
Do such fools need...

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Categories: spic, dark, deep, life, poetry, rap, sad, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Gotta Take Care of Me
These days my home is a disaster where no neatness is mastered.
For years I did the spic and span scene for a spouse who notices 
only the TV screen and our part alien, completely annoying...

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Categories: spic, anxiety, change, conflict, environment, family, house,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Walton's Scrapyard
Walton’s Scrapyard

Mr Walton was our local scrap man
He wore a great big hat
His yard was squeezed between 
Two terraced houses
And I was always amazed at that

The yard was full of junk
Rusting scrap
And old tat
Tangled up...

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© Peter Dome  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: spic, adventure, childhood, children, funny,
Form: Verse
Domestic-Clean Vaccine
Ladies - Gents, hear this that I may increase your leisure benefits!
All who have labored for cleanliness, for a spic and span to savor,
please allow me now to do you the most ginormous of favors...

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Categories: spic, funny, home, imagination, work,
Form: Rhyme
See the Man
Make for the corner, Fresno-Whittier
(there’s neighborhoods a whole lot prettier):
it’s probably ten-ninety-six,
but don’t draw weapons – that’s a Nix.
The man before you’s not a “perp”,
so don’t come on like Wyatt Earp.

Latina (claims she’s J-Lo’s cousin)

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Categories: spic, hurt,
Form: Couplet
My Ancestors Told Me
I will love you
Regardless if you hate me because I'm not white

I will love you
Even if your nickname for me is Spic

I will love you
because I can't remember a time when putting my energy into...

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Categories: spic, america, anger, deep, family, immigration, love, native
Form: Free verse
Ink Stains
Ink Stains

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Categories: spic, city, depression, me,
Form: Verse
Wally Cleans His Room
Wally Cleans His Room

When he woke up Tuesday, Wally looked around his room.
It really was a mess and so he went to get his broom.
All his cleaning items went into his purple pail,
the dustpan in...

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Categories: spic, animal, children, motivation,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Welcome To Delhi
Revived to pop out as an empty nester 
To accompany a newfangled life
Maneuvered all the way for a change of state
I dropped my bags and willed at country’s metropolis. 

The heirloom edifices occupying moiety of...

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Categories: spic, places, social, urbanblue, change, red,
Form: Imagism
Water's Life, and Seems Alive
Waves on the rocks 
In it human feet go 
And elsewhere in the 
swollen river
'gator tails go thrashing
Water may be stagnant 
or it may be thus moving

Sometimes softly 
at times forcefully 
In brooks babbling
In streams...

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Categories: spic, water,
Form: Rhyme
Mother Nature's Want Ad
Mother Nature ran a want ad
In this year's Farmers Almanac

Seems these days she's wearing thin
With the progress made by modern man

She needs a little extra help
With the here and there and there about

The whole earth...

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Categories: spic, earth,
Form: Rhyme
Mother Nature's Want Ad
Mother Nature ran a want ad
In this year's Farmers Almanac 

Seems these days she's wearing thin
With the progress made by modern man 

She needs a little extra help
With the here and there and there about


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Categories: spic, environment, nature, pollution,
Form: Light Verse
The Old General Store
You no longer see them around, faded into history
Every town had one, had everything under the Sun
Well for that time anyway
The Ma and Pa type, they all had a story
It was a place for general...

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© Danny Nunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: spic, historyold, old,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Blima Yehidis Acrostic Art
B Bloom Bootiful, Beautiful, Beatified, Blessed, Book Loving, Beis     Neeman
L Likeable, Ladylike, Laughing, Learned, Listener
I Inimitable, Inquisitive, Inquiring, Interested, Interesting
M Matronly, Mothering, Mentoring, Mature, Middos Good, Matters
A Amiable, Attractive, Artistic, Adventurous,...

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Categories: spic, birthday, jewish, wife,
Form: Acrostic
Cleaning Lady Explains Black Eye
Please Officer, Mr. Clean is not like that,
though will admit that we had a little spat.
I used Pine Sol, and he wasn’t really happy,
but assure you that it never made him slappy.
Little Joy was there...

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© Jim Tidd  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: spic, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Oh What a Relief It Is
As most days go, this one's a winner
Think I'll go out and get soused
After two long years hoping and praying
We finally have sold our house!

It wasn't a matter of price it seems
Location was definitely why

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Categories: spic, happy, sad,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things