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Long Spectre Poems

Long Spectre Poems. Below are the most popular long Spectre by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Spectre poems by poem length and keyword.

Psychologically still thirteen
Psychologically still thirteen 

Ordinarily meaning pre Internet days
familiarization with me would entail
bringing the avid listener 
into my private mancave hideaways
less a physical place than a juncture in relationship, 
(whereby one or the other of us)...

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Categories: spectre, 7th grade, age, angst, birth, blue, family,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Plural Sky and the Temptation of Its Mirrored Eyes
I melt into the plural sky
its rippling tableaus of tomorrow
underneath open light waves 
see-saws the labyrinth
like Delphi tendrils crossing channels 
all the changing faces played
automatic, embedded in misty consort 
with Hyde-Lees and Yeats 
love-crushed oracles

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Categories: spectre, i am, muse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Translation of Marcel Moreau's a L'Amour By T Wignesan
Translation of the Elegy: On Marceline Desbordes-Valmore - À L'amour - Poem by Marcel Moreau Translated by T. Wignesan

Reprends de ce bouquet les trompeuses couleurs,      (Take back the dubious colours...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: spectre, absence, hate, heartbreak, irony, love, passion,
Form: Quatrain
I a youthsome wholesome jokesome handsome
I (a youthsome, wholesome, jokesome, handsome,...
gamesome, chucklesome, bothersome,
and awesome modest fellow)...
does not deliberately court immortalization,
and wonders what criteria confer elevation,
exaltation, glorification, hero worship,
idolization, veneration, or worship.

I go about a daily humdrum routine
me, a twenty first...

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Categories: spectre, age, appreciation, birth, creation, desire, fishing, longing,
Form: Free verse
Look Through Any Window
If you could look through any window
Of any house on any given street,
You might find yourself quite surprised 
At the variety of people you would meet.

The couple at number twenty-three
Have been married nearly seven years

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Categories: spectre, community,
Form: Couplet

Fretfully Aching To Feel Fit As a Fiddle
Fretfully aching to feel fit as a fiddle

After experiencing a severe,
albeit violent near lethal bout
of irritable bowel syndrome
(yesterday night August 30th, 2023)
triggered courtesy dulcolax caplets plus 
healthy portion of lentils,
I (a beatle browed, foo fighting,...

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Categories: spectre, abuse, angst, anxiety, dad, death, drug, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
The Secret Lives of Chimney Pots V
Spawned from the loins that 
Perpetuated the loyal serfs mongrel
These peoples of a conditioned and
"Resigned-To-it-all" breed.
Born into the enveloping tedium
Of interlocking days...Interwoven
With interlocking days -
Victims of stark circumstance
And vague promises unmade.
Gregariously living out their lives

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Categories: spectre, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme

In the delicious womb of all beginnings 
we learnt to giggle electrons
to bear all things 
without nusturtiums, pink lilies or doughnuts 
warm gurglings of God’s dream for us

Morning glories were waiting 

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Categories: spectre, allegory, creation, extended metaphor, growth, imagery, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Scary Tale Of New York
It’s Christmas Eve, Babe
In the car pound
It shouldn’t be this way
Should not have been found

But I’m the lucky one
I am the thirteenth one
And when I got a scare
I hi-tailed out of there

But everywhere I went

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Categories: spectre, america, horror,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Supine, Looking at the Sky
                              Supine, Looking at the Sky


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Categories: spectre, feelings, god, heart, heaven, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Brocken Spectre - a Florilegium Poem
The root word for religion is not kind – 
Latin verb that means to tie or to bind – 
as it tends to play tricks on anyone’s mind. 

For some, the edicts lash; they mercilessly...

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Categories: spectre, introspection, poetry, religion,
Form: Other
Premium Member With My Dying Breath
* My take on the theme of my contest. Just for fun. 

A canopy of silvery stars speckle the ebon expanse above me, at once beautiful but at the same time, taunting. For if these...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: spectre, anxiety, fear,
Form: Prose Poetry
Coloring Smiling Faces Donned With Faux Missing Teeth,
Coloring smiling faces donned with faux missing teeth,
and waxing poetic lip schtick adorned with moustaches

Swarthy, spooky, scary carved
pumpkin faces thickly materialized 
out of thin air
as Halloween holiday loomed near
yes... just an innocently naive fickle kid,

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Categories: spectre, 12th grade, 1st grade, 4th grade, 5th
Form: Rhyme
Impoverished courtesy scam artists Harvey Specter
Impoverished courtesy scam artists Harvey Specter

Entrapment videre licet fiendish
gnarly hustling scheme erector -
sent me to the poor house, where alms
not forthcoming to ease financial affliction,
where yours truly money matters still stymies
ways and means to relocate

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Categories: spectre, absence, abuse, anger, angst, anniversary, betrayal, computer,
Form: Free verse
The Morn's Alive With Skylarks Singing
The morn's alive with skylarks singing

o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,

the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.

A sudden shower would see me running

fancy free between the rain drops,

I cried 'Excelsior!' and...

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Categories: spectre, tribute, writing,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Truth To Truth
TRUE ...

You know not those dark
Places, mine, the dull, black
Chasms that hold a mind
When it's bare - stark and

Keen and cold ... when it's
Left with itself for time
Unquenchable, out of the
Streams of consciousness

And normality, scraped...

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Categories: spectre, conflict, devotion, heartbreak, introspection, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
The Eye of the Sea - Part 4
These anguished howls that knew no bounds,
Continued for hours without count.
‘til a silence as deep as eternal sleep
Enveloped the ship in its gowns.

And amidst the gloom, exhumed from the tomb,
A shaded and ghostly shape,
With cobwebbed...

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Categories: spectre, adventure, boat, sea, sin, travel,
Form: Epic
You a ferrous metal and I a magnet
Drawn to you by design,
Yet sin degrades all
With it’s terror and it’s squall.

On my worst days
When I listen to the liar
Saying “It’s okay its natural
Like breathing
Or seething.”

Desires denied

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Categories: spectre, faith, recovery from, relationship, religion,
Form: Free verse
Still Thirteen
a ma lingering effect from angst riddled adolescence 
written some years ago, the psycho social mental events
indelible imprint etched psyche ova this pa on a win tree day hence
though a survivor of self starvation i...

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Categories: spectre, age, angst, crush, depression, emotions, grief, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dark Choice
Last night, Dark Choice came to Samuel in a dream. Others have described Dark Choice as the Devil elegantly clothed. He is both mysterious and alluring. Samuel felt his peaceful slumber being threatened by this...

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Categories: spectre, angst, character, conflict, courage, desire, lost, sin,
Form: Prose
Mankind Thru the Looking Glass Part 1

When races, politics and religions,
Are grimly brandished as righteous reasons, 
To bloody calm fields and serene seasons,
Tis madness, paranoia…delusions.

A mans grandiose superiority lore,
Humanity’s stinking, putrid, sore,
To slaughter the blameless, to covet more,

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Categories: spectre, visionarydark, dark,
Form: I do not know?
Sea of Amoress
Love has us immeresed,
in an endless fathom.
Like tears that fall to the sea.
A symbol of loves' fleeting-
bemused unto the deep.

Our understanding, 
a shifting current,
carrying us to some far shore-
Between summit and sands,
of the Isle...

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Categories: spectre, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Beautiful Africa

In this tranquil spectre of time, 

imagination tickled,


I will tell of the treasures of a people, 

Africa on my mind, 

The blessed Land of the brown Chocolatey pigment,

the brave unbroken cast,
myriads of...

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Categories: spectre, adventure, africa, beautiful, chocolate, color, culture, education,
Form: Narrative
The Morning Soars With Skylarks Singing Repost
The morning soars with skylarks singing
o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,
the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.
A sudden shower would see me running
fancy free between the rain drops,
I cried 'Excelsior!' and...

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Categories: spectre, writing,
Form: Verse
The Morn's Alive With Skylarks Singing
The morn's alive with skylarks singing
o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,
the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.
A sudden shower would see me running
fancy free between the rain drops,
I cried 'Excelsior!' and...

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Categories: spectre, adventure, write,
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things