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Long Haut Poems

Long Haut Poems. Below are the most popular long Haut by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Haut poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Time Sight Unseen, Part 4 By T Wignesan
 Translation of Eric Mottram’s TIME SIGHT UNSEEN - Part Four by T. Wignesan

"Instead of an item in a school of rhetoric, the poem could have variety of articulations, continuity and discontinuity, sentence and parataxis,...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, literature, political, rights, society, time,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's 1922 Section 1 In Earth Raids 1976 By T Wignesan
Translation of Eric Mottram’s 1922 Section 1 by T. Wignesan

for David Attoe

Notre devise pourrait être: ‘que nous nous ne soyons pas envoûtés’
Wittgenstein in Zettel

laissez pendre   la graisse   sans cou
où la tête...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, america, culture, earth, word play, , literature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wake Up George Floyd- Wake Up These Are the Voices of Victumised Black Man In the Usa Part1
These are the voices of victimized Blackman in the USA
Questions about, Police officer’s attitudes
Toward Black Americans, Protesters...

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Categories: haut, america, analogy, black african american, discrimination,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Klacatoo - Translation of Kevin Gilbert's Klacatoo By T Wignesan
Klacatoo – Translation of Kevin Gilbert ‘s « Klacatoo » by T. Wignesan

On nous avait coincé sur la rive de Lachlan
un endroit qui s’appelle Klacatoo
là où nous rassemblions au coucher du soleil
quand nous entendions le...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, death, discrimination, grandmother, grief, memory, racism,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's a Faithful Private - 2 With Commentary By T Wignesan
Transl. of Eric Mottram’s A Faithful Private - 2 with a Clive Bush comment on Mottram's poetry 

Excerpt from an article, “From space to caves in the heart recreating the collective world in Eric Mottram’s...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, america, angst, imagery, surreal, woman, , cute,
Form: Free verse

your thoughts will cross the mountains
You’ll never be an Olympic champion, Cecile,
After your accident on the ice,
Just walk, only,
There are so many beautiful things to do,
While walking, only, doubly,
Walking makes happy, calms the heart,
Walking inspires the brain, frees it,
You’ll never...

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Categories: haut, allegory, endurance, hope,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In Any Language It's All the Same Praise- Hallelujah
 World all praise, everybody praise...
Man worship the true and only Father
Mankind open up,
And out of your mouths
Comes language only the Farther knows
and out of your mouths
Let the rejoicings start
Sing..Praise Hallelujah

Mundo todo elogio
El hombre...

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Categories: haut, appreciation, dedication, deep, devotion, god, humanity, jesus,
Form: Dramatic Verse
What Happened To My Friends
I have no friends left, 
In this town,
Will you be my friend?
You, the little Prince
Living On the planet B 612?

Will you be my friend?
The robin
Gracefully singing
When I Walk?

I have no friend,
Will you be my friend?

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Categories: haut, absence, friendship, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Great traditional bavila priest,
When you hear about the great 
traditional bavila priest called
          " Kasongo Nguni" 
from bahinga clan, 
Who worked for the bavila kingdom 

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Categories: haut, africa, culture, history,
Form: Free verse
I Just Said Nothing
Your Life began for me when the mention of the possibility of your existence presented.  
When my seed fertile the egg and the blue print of life took on form, you were alive to...

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Categories: haut, losslife, me, missing, world, life, me, missing,
Form: Narrative
Adagio, En Haut
May we rise like the chords of time
That hasten us into your greatness

Let my body’s brittle bones
Become refined

Sharpen me, madres! 
Into the warrior I need the most

Valencia in springtime
Share the same sting

May we bloom in...

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Categories: haut, art,
Form: Ballad
As It Ends Up In Table Fellowship
Whenever we get together as confreres in the religious order,
there’s so much to deal with burning issues and other concerns,
paucity of personnel links to inability of acquiring  new missions;
indeed, a great need that our...

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Categories: haut, family, food, inspirational,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Been Waiting For You
Got the wind in my hair, the sun overhead
Life’s pretty good, nothing misread
Sounds of the surf fill my ears
Been looking for you all these years
In my thoughts I knew when it was right
You'd come out...

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Categories: haut, lost love, song-me, me,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Fortieth Legal By T Wignesan
Translation of Eric Mottram’s “Fortieth Legal” by T. Wignesan

(From: The Legal Poems. Colne: Pub. by Robert Bank at the Arrowspire Press, 1985, 39p.
Here’s an extract from the blurb by Allen Fisher, dated December 1985:

“They record...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, abuse, anti bullying, leadership, people, power,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Oh Darling One

Oh, darling, my lovely one;
Oh, darling one
As springtime beauty marches on;
The inviting myths of your loveliness marches on;
And you are the violets;
And you're  the sun;
And you are roses petals;
Reaching toward the clouds;

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Categories: haut, appreciation, dedication, i love you,
Form: Lyric
Sie Belstaff Motorrad Marke Tag Auf Die Gesamte Elektronik Finden
In Zeiten der Verkauf belstaff Jacke kann sicherlich schützen bestimmte Teile des ganzen K?rpers Sie sollte in einem Problem, wo das Motorrad vielleicht sterben kann daher Sie fallen über die Autobahn . Die richtig heraus...

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© Yuan Yuna  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, clothes,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member And I Do Love You-French Verse---

And I do, I do love you, and I do love you;
Quand je regarde dans tes yeux, je vois au fond de ton âme, ton âme;
Est-ce que cela vous surprend que je vous aime...

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Categories: haut, adventure, analogy, appreciation, confidence, desire, i love
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Un Appel - Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal's An Appeal By T Wignesan
Un appel – Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s « An Appeal » by T. Wignesan

Les hommes d’Etat qui ourdissent les lois de la nation
Munis du pouvoir pour contraindre ceux qui résistent,
Guidez nous réaliser le but de...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, hope, inspirational, rights, voice,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Vancouver's a private reference and it's not really about Canada as a whole, just one
experience regarding the aforementioned. Shh!

Schwein Fleisch vs schweinefleisch. As two distinct words it literally means "pig skin" as
one word it means...

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Categories: haut, history, life, peoplewords, world,
Form: Free verse
Die Geige
Er lernte Geige spielen
und lernte dabei fühlen
Lyrik ohne Wörter
Das Schönste aller Schöne

Die Haut aus Holz, die Seele stolz
Die Geige wurde sein Leben
Sie teilten Haut und Herz
Eine Form, ein Wesen

Mit jeder Note fällt eine Träne
Kam ein...

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Categories: haut, love, music,
Form: I do not know?
Les Anges Ne Mentent Pas
J'ai appris que jamais, les anges ne mentent

Car tout ce qui est faux, emprisonne nos âmes

Loin d'un ciel bien trop haut, dans un destin infame 

Lié au sort mauvais, que la tristesse hante


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© Gg Jj  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haut, angel,
Form: Rhyme
Nachdenke bevor du redst!
Denn wenn ich entscheid ne nachricht zu schreib,
hat es eine absicht für meinen abtuptem sein,
,,Wie solln die das denn jetzt wissn?"
Gute frage du sagst, denkste ich habs nicht selber mal gefragt?!
Denn ich hass es selbst...

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Categories: haut, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Je Suis Philippin
Je suis né seulement grâce à ton amour
Et vraiment très fier être de ton fils, mon amour

Seul trésor de l’orient mer, c’est juste toi
Une rare belle pearl, uniquement pour moi
Ingrat dans notre sang n’existera pas...

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Categories: haut, inspirational, life, love, mother, nostalgia, sea, son,
Form: Acrostic
La Guerre Folle
La guerre folingue a largué des bombes sur un cimetière
Les morts,trop absorbés à savonner leurs péchés d'hier,
Ont d'abord pris le bruit pour un tonitruant tonnerre
Nonchalants,ils ont campé dans leurs tanières

Ont eu une pensée pour ceux...

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Categories: haut, abuse, allusion, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things