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Long Harass Poems

Long Harass Poems. Below are the most popular long Harass by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Harass poems by poem length and keyword.

Honey Bee Flying Around In Winter
I have been reluctant to pen this verse 
Because I don't understand what it was all about
I have been reluctant to pen this verse
Because I don't want anyone to  get hurt
Morning comes and evening...

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Categories: harass, angel, blessing, business, community, freedom, mythology, people,
Form: Narrative

The Storm Is In the Calm
The angles are in the storm
Just before  the break of dawn
Sending a message to everyone
Telling them to remain calm
The angels are singing out loud
They want to break the treacherous cloud
 and relinquish that awful...

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Categories: harass, abuse, america, angel, anger, betrayal, community, england,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member MESSY MANDIE
Sad place when Lucifer sits behind a desk allowing severe repeat violent offenders to give false statements falsified documents in order to frame innocent persons from behind bars after over 20 convictions queen pin drug...

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Categories: harass, anti bullying, corruption, evil, innocence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dante's Divine Comedy First Canto Translation
The great poem by the italian poet Dante is the DIVINA COMMEDIA
I have tried to translate in english verses of INFERNO (HELL).
It was a very difficult task. 
I expect criticism.

When just the midway of my...

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Categories: harass, dream, poems,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Dante's Divine Comedy Iii Canto Translation
“Through me you enter the city of woe
Trough me you enter the eternal pain
Through me you go to people lost below.

Justice inspired my highest factor reign;
I was created by act of divine,
Supreme wisdom and the...

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Categories: harass, fantasy,
Form: Terza Rima

Premium Member The Paratotallynormal
The problem with trying to prove clairaudience, clairsentince, out-of-body, and Near Death Experiences to a Mudblood is not as simple
as it could have been.
Is it because Para-science is totally unsubstantiated?
Not in MY family.
Scientifically un-sound?
Sure, by...

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Categories: harass, adventure, cute, emotions, encouraging, fantasy, feelings, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Torn Apart
A piece of me has been torn apart
All of you have broken my heart
The tears are still coming and going
And I can still feel my heart burning
I know that this was coming
But I pretended and...

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Categories: harass, appreciation, boat, break up, loneliness, love, love
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A View From a Window
As dawn unfolds today beyond my fractured windowpane,
a breeze beguiles the ashen drapes. Like snakes they slip aside,
revealing wanton worlds that race and run aground, insane,
immersed in scenes obscene that savants strive to mask and...

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Categories: harass, peace, people, political, society,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tears Are Flowing In My Eyes For Haiti Again
Haiti is a country that I love dearly
That's where I was born
That's where I took my first healthy breath
That's where I had my first inspiration
That's where I saw the first birds
There I saw the first...

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Categories: harass, abuse, corruption, emotions, future, heartbroken, inspirational love,
Form: Free verse
Blew It Away Like the Sand
So I have some things, that I just have to say,
but please do not take me in the wrong way,
I have this tiny little problem, inside me you see,
and its called trying to live with...

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Categories: harass, abuse, anti bullying, bullying, stress, trust, truth,
Form: Light Verse
The Town Hall
Deep concern across the land, respect is all but gone
protesters attack, harass, all night until the dawn
Looking closely, feeling pain, no such thing as fair
doesn't happen, in your face, shut you down they swear

Simple rally,...

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© Pete Yuhas  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: harass, america, bullying, conflict, corruption, patriotic, political,
Form: Rhyme
Somewhere In the Ground
Somewhere in the Ground

Embarrassed to say goodbye
Hypnotized by the rhythms and beats of time 
Where is the truth, you sly lie? 
Despised by the crowd that encourages sex and crime 
Lying naked on the wooden...

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Categories: harass, deep, depression, emotions, hope,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Survival Junkie
I guess you can say that I'm a wilderness survivor junkie,
which is surprising for many because surviving isn't easy.
Anyone who tells you that wilderness surviving is fun
isn't truly surviving. They are just simply camping,
but venturing...

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Categories: harass, adventure, animal, me, time, howl, life, me,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Nuts in the Soup
I wrote these lines 7 years ago, slightly edited today. 
Perhaps they have more meaning now than they did then.

"There are so many nuts in the soup!" 
That's what I hear and see and it's...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: harass, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Eccentric Mints - 150 Varieties
1.	Abolish Mints
2.	Abut Mints
3.	Accomplish Mints
4.	Accouter Mints
5.	Acknowledge Mints
6.	Ada Mints
7.	Adjust Mints
8.	Admonish Mints
9.	Adorn Mints
10.	Advance Mints
11.	Advertise Mints
12.	Agree Mints
13.	Ail Mints
14.	Align Mints
15.	Announce Mints
16.	Annul Mints
17.	Apart Mints
18.	Appease Mints 
19.	Appoint Mints
20.	Arma Mints
21.	Argu Mints
22.	Arrange Mints
23.	Assess Mints
24.	Astonish Mints
25.	Atone Mints
26.	Attain Mints
27.	Banish Mints
28.	Battle Mints
29.	Befuddle Mints
30.	Bereve Mints
31.	Better Mints
32.	Bewilder Mints
33.	Blandish Mints
34.	Command...

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Categories: harass, humor, word play,
Form: List
I Am Still Standing Tall
I am standing here looking in the corner of despair as the little town braced for what is moving around. My dry cracked hands with malnourished fingers and cracked up finger nails reminds me that...

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Categories: harass, appreciation, business, butterfly, character, christmas, community, education,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Beer Cheese Poetry Soup, Part Whatever

Just add beer and abracadabra . . . 
Flavor galore! 
Just don’t add too much . . . 
Alcoholism is a disease. 
It should cook out though. Anyway, I hope it’s not too cheesy. 

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Categories: harass, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Notices From Your Watch Woman On the Wall Part Two
9)   The Chinese spy balloons, Tick Tock, letting them buy up farm land 
       next to our military bases,  Russia and China's navies launch war

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Categories: harass, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Political Verse
Going Green

The colour that evokes so much reverence today 
Is the standard for those whose actions
Out value their words 

To be conscious of the harm of surviving
Is to some an aware and care philosophy
The new...

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Categories: harass, care, may, nature, visionary, planet,
Form: Prose Poetry
Val, the Valiant Little Witch
Val was graduating from school,
Her grade point average was good-
Halloween night was her big debut, 
A difference she’d make, if she could! 

She liked to study and read her books,
Straight “A’s” and nothing less-
She was...

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Categories: harass, courage, children, kids, halloween, magic, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme
If laughter is the only remedy for a broken-heart, then laugh; if laughter is the method to make your day start, laugh; laugh when you are feeling down, laugh when you want to frown, laugh...

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Categories: harass, adventure, age, america, beautiful, best friend, city,
Form: Free verse
Female Fire
Female Fire

She said remove your glasses and turn your head this way
Little did I know my brain she would soon lay

I looked directly at her face and then blacked out
My untimely Female Obsession was about...

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Categories: harass, passiongod, me, night, beauty, beauty, god, me,
Form: Couplet
Celestial Jellyfish
A giant jellyfish was born
emitted from a neutron star
once on a whilom cosmic morn
amidst the stellar seas afar.

With tentacles from arcing crest,
medusa-like it hangs on high
cloudscaped with tendrils manifest
in astral sky of Gemini.

Exploding supernova yore—

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Categories: harass, animal, earth, humanity, nature, space, stars, world,
Form: Verse
Marvelous Mitzvah Munchkin Minted
Marvelous mitzvah "munchkin" minted

Thy eldest daughter Eden Liat
treasured more'n a pearl
(otherwise known as Rapunzel)...
donated cut hair to charity - you go girl,
ha, whereat your fine brunette locks of love

will be repurposed into wigs for kids,

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Categories: harass, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 8th
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Concrete Cliffs
No form, no organization, no verse.
A crescendo followed by silence and screams.
A wooden home locked inside of a concrete tome,
With a world collapsing while we keep relapsing
And again the past resurges; what we bury tends...

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Categories: harass, fear, introspection, people, sad, social, me, truth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs