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Long Every fiber of my being Poems

Long Every fiber of my being Poems. Below are the most popular long Every fiber of my being by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Every fiber of my being poems by poem length and keyword.

Light On the Devil's Chord - Day 20
It was a bitter morning, the ground hotter upon my flesh
I kneeled at the center of the pit on the twentieth day,
Remembering a tune sung so long ago,
A great song grieving for the incessant wars...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, growth, heart, life, loss, mystery, pain, war,
Form: Epic

Letter To Eden
My deplorable emotional collapse. 

Lucky for me, she happened to be in her many hour siestas!

My dear sister amelie came over (previously arranged to pick up some rocks that z mama rolled in a pile)...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, angel, beautiful, caregiving, child, dad, daughter, father,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sometimes, perhaps often when we are young
Sometimes, perhaps often when we are young,
we fall in love without knowing or having experienced real love...
that's how we learn... painful at times... happy for a while... but as we grow, we learn.
And when it...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: every fiber of my being, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member You Did Not Invite Me To Your Birthday Party
Angry Face is so Angry with Pink Face, I gesture for her to sit in the chair the farthest from my chair.
She glares at me hard, stomps over and plunks her butt down in my...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th
Form: Free verse
From Great Pain Comes Great Inspiration
A total Jedi mind f*ck from Hell is what this is. I feel like a nuclear bomb has exploded in 
my mind of Hiroshima proportions and I am on the brink of a Chernobyl meltdown....

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Categories: every fiber of my being, anger, bereavement, best friend, friendship, grief, lost,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Love Letter
Love Letter 
This is my love letter 
To a beautiful woman 
I hardly know
I do know from observing
Her interaction with others 
She is smart and compassionate
She has chosen a profession
Helping folks on the edge of...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Random Stuff
Some news has a way of crushing you to your core. Now get back up, again you. 
I remember I wanted to go see my friend last night. I remember texting her I was falling...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, art, confusion, work, me, old, friend, me,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Hell On Earth
In my sleep I find myself 200 to 250 years in the future.
The Earth, at least I think it's the Earth is found to have
Undergone some terrible changes. The ground is no longer
Solid, it is...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, death, life, pain, fire, earth, fire,
Form: Free verse
The Great Somewhere
The only way I could say that my life is good is because of my love for Eloah.
I want to be full of faith as Deacon Stephen and stare up at heaven and gaze at...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, religious,
Form: Prose
Loves' Painful and Pleasure Endeavor
All of this time we've been apart, I've been so very thankful for all you gave to me
With your kind heart and generous soul, you shown me love and opened my eyes so I could...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, angst, depression, devotion, hope, lost love, passionme,
Form: Romanticism
What Is Teamwork To You
This ones for you. John 

Cheers to the last straw! 
You drew it and smashed it.
You broke it and slashed it.
This is the end to your lies and your manipulation.
This is the final goodbye to...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, absence, abuse, childhood, family, father daughter, father
Form: Free verse
The Love That Hurts
The greatest joy I have ever known is knowing you are calling on Monday at five thirty in
the morning before school.
"Hello, how are you?" and "I'll talk to you later."
Every word from hello to goodbye...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, dedication, devotion, faith, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health,
Form: Free verse
Gateway To Forgiveness
I never meant to hurt you!
I would rather die than hurt those closest to me

I am so sorry!!

I can not explain why my own feelings consumed my very soul

I was selfish I know
Only thinking of...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, forgiveness, evil, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Broken Love
To my daughters, Stacey & Stephanie

The minute I learned I was pregnant 
I was scared
I didn’t know a thing about being a mom
I came from an abusive, angry environment
And didn’t understand what a precious...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, love,
Form: Free verse
Dream of Forgiveness
For the longest time, I could not speak your name.
I could not write it; I could not bear to think it. 

I was angry.

I was too young, too vulnerable, too powerless.
There was no justice for...

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© Brynne Cua  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: every fiber of my being, abuse, anger, forgiveness, recovery from,
Form: I do not know?
Do You Remember
Ghosts from my past still haunt.
They smirk, smile and taunt.
The choices I made at the time seemed so right
but I wonder now that I’ve seen the light.

The strings tug on my heart threatening to rip...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, sad, me, heart, time, heart, me, time,
Form: Free verse
Here I Wait
If I would have only known
The day you left would be the last.
The last time I would see your smile,
Hear your voice, hear you laugh.
If I would have only known.

What would I do differently?
What could...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, cry, death, girlfriend, grief, heartbroken, love, soulmate,
Form: Rhyme
I Hate You Cancer
Dedicated to my Dad who lost his short battle w/ Colon Cancer on June 18,2013

I hate you Cancer
Your vile evil and cruel
You don't care who you hurt
I'll never forget that day
I'll always hate you for...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, anger, angst, betrayal, cancer, cry, dad, death,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Love me
Love me,

I beg of you, please.
You may not understand, but I need you now,
And always, though I may never cross your mind somehow.

Love me, I promise to love you with every fiber of my being,

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Categories: every fiber of my being, feelings, heartbroken, love, love hurts,
Form: Rhyme
My Dearest Love
To my sweetest,dearest love
You have made me feel like I never thought I could
I smile more than I ever wanted,
My hearts beats a million miles a minute when I hear your name or think...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, love, me, love, me,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member A September Moment
Heading south and returning from an early morning run on a delivery route,
I came upon the top of a hill which was the route I always took. But that
morning was different, one that would be...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, september,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Beautiful Day In Spring
Out of the dark, a lambent, lovely day has dawned
In silvery brilliance the early morning is drowned
In the sapphire sky, the sun has appeared on his diurnal shift 
Over the firmament the vagrant clouds aimlessly...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, beauty, day, environment, heaven, magic,
Form: Rhyme
All But a Dream
How easily you return,
Within this mind's hindsight,
Never knowing how the swelling,
Gaping hole of your absence,
Weighs me down heavily,
With the confusion of your presence
In my dreams...

I crave substance,
Though well be my visions and tastes,
Vibrant...real be this...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, addiction, allusion, desire, devotion, fire, truth,
Form: Free verse
My Father
My Father

I am special because my Father is also the Father of the world. 
We are all His special children, for on His finger the earth has twirled.

Though my earthly Father abandoned me, He was...

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Categories: every fiber of my being, childhood, family, father, uplifting, father, words, me,
Form: Lyric
I see your face
The memories we share
Underneath that starlit sky 
When you were still here
Before we muttered goodbye
I feel those butterflies
That mixture of emotion pulsing through my veins
The feeling of suffocating
Just from saying your name

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Categories: every fiber of my being, introspection, life, love, romance, war, me,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things