Long Equivalently Poems
Long Equivalently Poems. Below are the most popular long Equivalently by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Equivalently poems by poem length and keyword.
Feeling BetterSystems,
and ego body-systems,
patriotic systems
and feminist systems
mutually improve,
grow more robust,
resonant when WinWin relationships
between diversely paradigmatic elements
within said system
and between unsaid systems
grow more healthy wealth together
well-greased co-operative channels
and web-structures
WinWin overwhelming WinLose
competing smaller self-centered investments.
Capital small-self promotion tends...
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equivalently, earth, health, integrity,
Political Verse
New BeginningsToday we begin with a quote from Eisenstein
with commentary in brackets
informed by Bucky Fuller's cooperative metaphysic
of Synergetic Steerage.
"We have a[n autonomic neurosystemic] need to stay in contact with people with whom we share emotional...
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equivalently, nature, philosophy, political, psychological, relationship, religion, science,
Parallelismus Membrorum
Health Questions For LeadersThese invite you
to expand your inclusive integrity
by engaging multiple choice responses.
Please choose your one healthiest answer,
recognizing you may often find more than one choice
resonant with your own complex experiences,
win/win WholeEarth open systemic beliefs,
and/or interior and...
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equivalently, community, culture, earth, health, humor, money, political,
Political Verse
This Transit RegenerationMy TransITion began there
right there
in my woodland playground,
when I first knew
something right feels wrong to others.
I was blind to curve-balls
hurled at me.
Being "It" is not why I grow
this TransIt mind and body!
Or, is it?
Could I...
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equivalently, angst, birth, bullying, culture, destiny, earth, environment,
Political Verse
Beloved Green CommonsWhat purpose do I choose to live;
remaining aloof from evil practice and intent?
What meaning can we find to live,
reversing "evil"
that could transcend our individual absence of identity?
Original Intent uncovers love-life's revolutionary invitation
into mutual belonging.
What is...
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equivalently, anger, creation, evil, fear, humor, love, peace,
Free verse
Social and Antisocial CapitalHybrids,
like a good creole stew,
are amazingly viral cooperators,
competitively so,
reacclimating tastes toward richer anticipations.
We have all heard of social capital
and natural capital,
of social democrats as antisocial plutocrats
and cooperatively-owned capitalist corporations,
including bipolar republics, perhaps.
These are all forms...
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equivalently, culture, earth, health, language, love, religion, science,
Political Verse
Sacred Theory of PreAttachmentWe learn our right from wrongs,
and maybe right from lefts,
as we go along.
Issues come up within developmental windows,
like stealing
emerges from touching your older brother's stuff
and beginning to more wisely discern
what's mine from what's yours,
because when...
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equivalently, baby, birth, children, culture, heaven, humanity, humor,
Free verse
Singing and Dancing In BalanceWhat I care about
and what I am working
and even playing hard with
is better understanding what and how
we and Earth
communicate to and with each other,
regenerating mindbody health sometimes,
and yet degenerating pathological climates and subclimates,
ecopolitical chemistry puzzles...
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equivalently, art, community, depression, faith, feelings, health, political,
Prose Poetry
Antiecological ApartheidPatriotically empowered boundaries of apartheid
are also economic and ecological apartheid
of borders unrecognized by MatrioticEarth.
Economic and ecological apartheid
of Earth's nature ourselves,
one Immigrant Creolizing Body,
are inhumane and anti-healthy faces
of politically empowered fascism,
rulership of patriarchally self-inspired Elites
now rabidly...
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equivalently, caregiving, education, god, health, integrity, leadership, love,
Political Verse
Just Show UpBasic Attendance,
listening deeply to the sounds
and functions
flows and forms of nature's voices,
human nature's moving choices
evolve from panentheistic roots
toward win/win co-empathic,
vulnerably transparent
nondual dark energy
Equivalently empowering/disempowering identity
of not-yet-full synergetically integrating
pregnantly individuating Time,
equivocating re-incarnating
personal space
through sacred communal time
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equivalently, culture, leadership, peace, philosophy, political, race, racism,
Parallelismus Membrorum
Uniting Easter's Earth DaysLet's imagine that you are,
like Buckminster Fuller,
karmically absorbed with Unitarian genes,
were there such a thing,
which of course there are not,
but perhaps something like an evolving Unitarian Universalist post-millennial teleology.
Basically, some shared sense of...
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equivalently, earth, earth day, easter, math, philosophy, religion,
Free verse
Time's EcoconsciousnessEcotherapy,
including permaculture design's care of
Other biosystems,
Earth Whole EcoSystem,
as three faces of Gaia Goddess holonic trinity,
transmillennially emerges an intricately interdependent paradigm--
clinical as natural eco-political cooperation's
Positive Deviance Psychology.
Transmillennial regenerators are learning
to see with new eyes,
hear with bilateral...
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equivalently, earth, math, nature, philosophy, science, time,
Free verse
Liberal Leftwings of FlightIt has been said
Charles Darwin was not happy
with leftbrain's Survival of the Fittest
without rightbrain's ecosystemic health roots
in Thrival of the Fit-in-ingest,
Which Bateson,
and other systemic ecologists,
would later call interdependent co-acclimation,
and Jane Gordon politically theorizes
rare histories...
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equivalently, appreciation, art, health, integrity, peace, psychological, science,
Political Verse
Soup Kitchen LuncheonHe said s/he was a Permaculture Designer
of cooperative economies.
I asked him/her why I should care about designs
while I am still struggling through this day
before tomorrow,
when I, best case scenario,
awaken healthy
to begin surviving yet another...
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equivalently, appreciation, culture, environment, health, home, integrity, peace,
Political Verse
Politically Invested ColorsLet's talk honestly together
about our divinely-inspired inter-related concepts,
like color,
of God's unlimited multiculturing powers
for healthy resilience
and growth of Positive ultra-violet Energy,
yet on an increasingly finite feeling and self-feeding planet,
limited by overpopulation of anthros
powerless to sustain life
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equivalently, color, corruption, creation, earth, health, light, peace,
Political Verse
Yangtruth With YintegralbeautiesBeauty, like Truth,
speaks eternal promise
of timeless decomposition.
Flexing Grace
effects empathic Truth
optimizing promise prophets past
reiterating Golden Mythic Creation Stories.
Many have mentioned strength of compassion
and tenacious flexibility of mutual mindfulness
as Two Horses to effective political-economic
natural-spiritual sufficiency.
Most dominant Yang...
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equivalently, health, love, nature, religion, science, society, spiritual,
Prose Poetry
Living With Deplorable AdorablesLoving With BiPolar DisOrders
I know if I say
That reeks, deplorable,
She will only be persuaded
all the more,
That is adorable.
Then I might say
I meant intolerable,
And she will insist
I remain adorable,
with a dismissive smile
toward my alien intolerance
as bigotry.
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equivalently, health, humor, integrity, love, mental illness, peace,
Political Verse
Reweaving ReconnectionsIt seems unlikely
Left Hemisphere's
Either 100% Positive-On
Or 0% Negative-Dormant circuitry
Could change
toward polypolarizing
Right Hemisphere's
Both Full
And NonZero Empty
And Silent Soul feelings
Devoid of unilaterally dissonant monoculturalism,
monotheistic judging voices,
depressing anthro-supremacism,
predicating overwhelming chaos,
underwhelming complexity
of unnatural lose-Me/lose-We despair
for fading
formerly healthy memories
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equivalently, health, integrity, mountains, power, relationship, river, romance,
Political Verse
Recreating StoryBefore human languaged time and cultural memory,
SunGod radiated EarthGoddess Gaia
"Let's partner to plant a life-giving network."
"Not a bad-good idea!" smiled Earth reflectively,
synergetically and photosynthetically,
regeneratively speaking.
"Yes, and
an ultimately GREAT mutual-mentoring redemptive concept,
ruled YangSun,
listing left...
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equivalently, creation, culture, gender, history, myth, religion, universe,
Free verse
Life's Disaster ManagementResilience planning
is to Disaster Management
for a crippled community,
As Permacultural planning
is to Anger Management
for growing Ego Resilience.
When WinLose cards are dealt
by climates of dominating and emerging pathology,
Disaster and Anger Management present necessary
short-term skills,
But, insufficient when...
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equivalently, community, growth, happiness, health, humor, integrity, peace,
Political Verse
Apartheid V Spiritual IntegrityThe frontal lobe of Earth's spoken history
bifurcates like Earth's revolving molten axis
co-arising dervish dance
to YangSun's radiant light.
So too my SoulCare
between Left and Right frontal hemispheres
reforms a spinning AlphaPoint of heated human language
for cultural feedback spiral-cycles
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equivalently, creation, culture, earth, education, health, history, integrity,
Political Verse
Guerrilla TacticsYang's guerrilla tactics
explode my two way mirror,
unveiling camouflage Yin's indigenous strategies.
Messianic Yang fascinations
uncover Yin's mutual mentoring solidarity,
salvific yeast transmorphing light's power
into wriggling heated function,
fertilizing Her benign wet redeemer
Positive forceful forms of Yang
double bound convex...
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equivalently, culture, integrity, nature, philosophy, religion, science, wisdom,
Free verse
Political TransactionsCurrency reifies values.
Cash represents value.
Capital iconically,
and capitalism idolatrously,
removes humanity
from Earth's gifting cooperative nature
as reciprocating nurture.
like organic interdependent nature,
does not grow by hoarding its icons,
but increases in diversity and resilience
through multiculturing, creolizing, nuance,
growing diverse development networks...
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equivalently, beauty, blessing, community, health, integrity, language, science,
Prose Poetry
Matriarchal TrinityIt was a Greek sacred trinity
of arete as Western Yang
with Eastern sophrosyne
flowing wisdom's futuring past Yin
double-bound in opulently fertile health
as harmonic balancing nature-spirits
co-arising kalokagathia Tipping Points,
our Western PreRenaissance of (0)-soul Taoism
nutrition v toxin, ecopolitically...
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equivalently, beauty, culture, family, health, history, humor, political,
Political Verse
Shallow Mountains: Deeper ValleysReading U.S. Political Platforms
First I read Senator Obama's Audacity of Hope
to strengthen cooperation
between Left and Right Wings
of our patriotic-matriotic equivalently empowering Eagle.
Then I read CEO Trump's Crippled [Business of] America:
How to Make America [Rich Business]...
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equivalently, culture, faith, health, integrity, love, religion, spiritual,
Political Verse