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Long Ducks Poems

Long Ducks Poems. Below are the most popular long Ducks by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Ducks poems by poem length and keyword.

April's Babbling Foolishness
(Created using the bAbBlE sentence generator, various text excerpts, and a minuscule bit of human editing.) 

And she smells good without keeping all ...

Beef, sitting lonely on that lies floating on the tufted floor. "Surely,"...

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© Tom Arnone  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: ducks, art, computer, crazy, food, funny, horror, humor,
Form: Prose

Family Poems
Family Poems

Mother's Smile
by Michael R. Burch

There never was a fonder smile
than mother's smile, no softer touch
than mother's touch. So sleep awhile
and know she loves you more than "much."

So more than "much, " much more than...

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Categories: ducks, child, childhood, family, father, father son, mother,
Form: Rhyme
Poems About Flight, Flying and Birds Ii
Poems about Flight, Flying, and Birds

by Michael R. Burch

I shall rise
and try the bloody wings of thought
ten thousand times
before I fly...

and then I'll sleep
and waste ten thousand nights
before I dream;

but when at last...
I soar the...

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Categories: ducks, animal, bird, flying, nature,
Form: Free verse
Poems About Children
Poems about Children

The Desk
by Michael R. Burch

for Jeremy

There is a child I used to know
who sat, perhaps, at this same desk
where you sit now, and made a mess
of things sometimes.I wonder how
he learned at all...


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Categories: ducks, boy, child, childhood, children, daughter, family, son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 2
"Oh, indeed she was, young man ... I mean Greg. It IS Greg, if I recall correctly?"
     "Yes. Or you can call me True Friend if you like." I turned to...

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Categories: ducks, autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 1
I have a little story to tell you ... it's absolutely true, of course, at least as far as I'm concerned, but you can take it as you wish - as a tale, a fact,...

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Categories: ducks, autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Used To Go To This Bar
Red light, the neon beer sign on the distant wall reflects off the long expanse of polished bar top, overpowering the quiet brown wood. It’s after lunch, only a few people in to stir the...

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Categories: ducks, addiction, beauty, drink, religion, society, solitude,
Form: Prose
Social Privy

What does this vastly misunderstood word mean to you? 

Too what ends? 

May we seek? 

Who(m) may guide us? 

Endless deliberation (spiss spiss spiss)

Debated and glorified by us all 

Beloved; instilled among (a) core...

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Categories: ducks, absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, allusion, analogy, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 3
"You see this here spot on the bench, where it's all worn away?" Clarence asked.
     "Yeah, I've noticed that a few times, and wondered why they didn't paint it again." I...

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Categories: ducks, autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
The Forge
I remember the beach sand and swing
when you and mother were still something
I remember the ducks in the lake
you held my hand watching their wake
I remember the sheep dogs when the day was through
and the...

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Categories: ducks, abuse, angst, emotions, life, recovery from, violence,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Captivated By the Music
I loved my job as a librarian, and today I was walking to work,
In the warmth of a summer morning, when golden butterflies lurk.

I had some extra time, and it happens I took the scenic...

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Categories: ducks, beauty, fantasy, imagery, music, nature, song, summer,
Form: Couplet
My jubilant latent, nascent poetic tribute to black history month
My jubilant latent, nascent poetic tribute to black history month

Which acknowledgement ought to be year round,
similar to altruistic, humanistic, and philanthropic
unconditional acceptance and respect
crafted with the following words 
mostly written January 23rd, 2023,
cuz I, (a...

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Categories: ducks, abuse, africa, age, america, anger, betrayal, black
Form: Free verse
Human Being With a Soul
We are human being with a soul
We were taken from the North and South Pole
And left in a basket at the flagpole
If all the relics in history were unfold
You would discover that the real threshold

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Categories: ducks, body, bullying, change, community, conflict, faith, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Nascent Poetic Tribute To Black History Month
Nascent poetic tribute to black history month...
crafted before onset when people of color  
got acknowledged for twenty eight or nine days
depending if leap year occurred. 

Though I yam Caucasian,
rightful to honor most bitter
racist genocidal...

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Categories: ducks, abuse, dream, evil, february, grave, hate, history,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pheonix: Bleeding Hearts and Blue Violets
"PHOENIX: Bleeding Hearts and Blue Violets”


Broken Hearts bleeding red
You lie in white sheets
Turning in the crisp clean pages muddy with
Black Dogs barking in your head
They run all night chasing your tail
You twist and turn...

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Categories: ducks, children, daughter, faith, family, imagery, love, mother,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rum N Raisin 9 - France Or Bust
Raisin gave the globe a tap to make it slowly spin
“Rum,” she said, “it’s quite a big wide world we’re living in.”
Rum looked up from lapping milk and wiped some from his face,
“Use your nose...

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Categories: ducks, adventure, animal, cat,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Bard of Ancient Smyrna
After enjoying a pleasant walk, I then spent an hour at a park,
And I relished the dulcet sounds, of cheery airborne skylarks.

The blooms were so lovely, all sultry in the fervid sunshine,
And the hummingbirds were...

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Categories: ducks, adventure, age, fantasy, history, imagery, poetry, time,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Covid Walk
thermometer reads zero, a chilly breeze blows
  apple cores thrown, the blackbirds feed
  my multi-layered partner dons her wooly hat
  impatiently, she waits for me
  securing covid masks amidst my overcoat

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© Ian Love  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: ducks, anxiety, feelings, humanity, journey, life,
Form: Verse
Big Fish Calling Me To the Sea Part 1
My spirit has been calling to get up and go to the sea
My spirit has been telling me that there is something for me to see
My spirit is calling me to fly over the big...

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Categories: ducks, abuse, adventure, devotion, encouraging, environment, fish, fishing,
Form: Narrative
Bloody River
I took a ride through the park to relax my mind
I stood on top of the hill  observing  the burnt trees 
standing patiently waiting for someone to take them in
The entire place was...

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Categories: ducks, america, angel, beautiful, blessing, culture, environment, london,
Form: Narrative
Eulogy For Frank
My father died prematurely while away on 
a business trip from a rogue blood clot to the heart  
I never doubted he loved me, would have liked me, 
(not the same thing), adult to...

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© Nola Perez  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: ducks, hero,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
My Nascent Poetic Tribute To Black History Month
My nascent poetic tribute to black history month

more apropos and alternately titled: 
praise to thee people 
of variegated melanin color,
whose immense understated improvements
and enhancement of webbed wide world
worth more than paltry words
of yours truly can...

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Categories: ducks, 12th grade, adventure, africa, anger, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme
Game of Cricket Is a Game of Life
Life is not cricket: though a game of cricket reflects life 
It portrays real-life conditions; from cradle to urn 
Starting with toss of a coin; ends in pulling bails off
Just as cricket life is simply...

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Categories: ducks, dedication, emotions, endurance, fantasy, games, image, inspiration,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Dreams I Translation of Etiemble S Poem Reves I By T Wignesan
The Deception of Free Verse: Dreams I, Translation of Etiemble’s L’imposture du vers libre by T. Wignesan 

(From René Etiemble’s only poetry collection: le Coeur et la cendre: soixante ans de poésie (the heart and...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: ducks, creation,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Though no political pundit, nevertheless
Though no political pundit, nevertheless...

I trumpet the withdrawal
of democratic contender from out the presidential race.

Breaking headline news story
courtesy rumor monger premieres
showcasing emphatic groundswell
against feeble minded incumbent.

Extraordinary turn of current events
immediately enlivens the United States populace

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Categories: ducks, america, anxiety, blue, dark, fear, heartbroken, november,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things