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Long Deutsch Poems

Long Deutsch Poems. Below are the most popular long Deutsch by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Deutsch poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Anomie
Should we invite the neighbors over for dinner?
Their politics so different from ours.
All the more reason. Combat anomie!
He's worried the town's losing population
but opposes immigration. I like immigrants
but hate passing people on my morning walk.


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Categories: deutsch, conflict, faith, fire, house, life, political, school,
Form: Free verse

Philipp Reis (Deutsch/ English/ Español (Sentanka)
Philipp Reis (Deutsch/ English/ Español   (Sentanka)

Übertragung von Sprache
Mit den einfachsten Mitteln
Über große Entfernung 

Versagt blieb ihm der Erfolg
Viel zu früh kam sein Tod

Transmission of  voice
By using the simplest means
Over long distances 


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Categories: deutsch, people
Form: Tanka
My Son From Early To Present
he is a god
given hap
piness in
my life

he could
even speak
english he told

me his very
first German
joke and where
he learned German

is beyond
me and i must
say he is in no
way part of my

gene puddle
deep and or from 

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Categories: deutsch, muse,
Form: I do not know?
A Visit In Munich, Germany
What a sight to behold! A home to immigrants,
a spectacular city rolled with a wealth of arts!
predominantly Catholic with its many facets
its historical resonance and genesis of existence.

While it’s a welcome contrast from other countries,

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Categories: deutsch, friendship, imagination, introspection, life, places, travel, history,
Form: Narrative
11 november in Europe
The trenches are dug,
We gotta go, guys,
Defend our country,
On the other side of the Rhine,
They don’t speak French,
On the other side of the Rhine,
They don’t speak German,
Sprechen Sie Deutsch ?

We gotta go, guys,
To die for...

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Categories: deutsch, courage, peace,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Without Love, Sine Amore
Without love
We are nothing
And we have nothing
When we have love
We have everything
And that’s something.

Where there’s no love
Reign total chaos, crimes, division
Havoc, death, and destruction
With true love
Doves and peacocks fly above
The firmament is light and blue

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Categories: deutsch, blessing, blue, dream, happiness, heaven, imagination, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Happy Tectonics
Next to my son's anger
plate tectonics are nothing
to me. His unhappiness
was caused by me.
His purpose and mine
is to catch photons and
store them in our bones.
Time measures change
which continues without self-doubt.
There is no self there.
Therefore, why...

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Categories: deutsch, anger, care, earth, philosophy, science, self, silence,
Form: Verse
Premium Member James Whitcomb Riley Amuses Me
I suppose it is surprising
And I shouldn't let you know it,
I've a hankering for the poetry
Of that old time Hoosier poet.
Perhaps you think his poems with
Their easy, rustic flavor
Are not poetic offerings
Sophisticates would savor.
"Little Orphant...

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Categories: deutsch, nostalgiame, poems,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member They Feed Our Children To the Lions
Should make you angry, not your bad,
To hate the perks most rich have had,
For rules get bent for them to gain,
Few saints address joint pilgrim's pain.

A level playing field's a joke,
Schools segregate, texts filled with...

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Categories: deutsch, abuse, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Real Turtle Soup
It's only a paper-mache
moon, they say, too cool, 
too full of interstellar space
to sympathize or stress about
lovers, kings and fools.

Or is it? According to Deutsch
the so-called final ignition
into outer space
is a product of man's meditations

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Categories: deutsch, care, computer, fear, magic, moon, soldier, war,
Form: Free verse
Wasch Und Fun
"Wasch und Fun"

No need to translate for me for an hour and a half.
You left me to wash  undies at the Wasch und Fun 
while you shopped for lox and wine.
I found the soap...

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Categories: deutsch, placeschristmas, christmas, clothes, fun, me,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Learning a New Language
Ick spraeke kein Deutsch.

but i’m on a roll
of the dice,
to attempt to understand
a few phrases,
a little buzz.

mein Prinz -

he knows a little. he lived
in Germany, once upon a time.
I don't want to be dim.

I press...

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Categories: deutsch, language,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Two German Beaux On a Cooking Show
My Two German Beaux,On a TVCooking Show

Oh, how I love sauerbraten 
and that divine apple strudel!
But it was even better to see
Guy Fieri with my two old German 
Chicago beaux on his TV show!
Why, I...

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Categories: deutsch, food, friend, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Erinnerungen In Deutsch

In den blauen weiten des meeres 
Im schleier des nebels 
Im warmen sommerregen 
Im duft der blueten 
I'm schwindenten abendrot 
Im schimmern des mondes 
Und in den traumen der nacht 
Suche ich etwas 

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© Uwe Stroh  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: deutsch, allusion, appreciation, winter, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Our One Time Rosy
She arrived at 3pm on the dot
coming anywhere other than Greater Manchester
her northern accent was hard to decipher
She could recognise a meter oak
but had no time for Robinas
She enquired why guys were into figures
after i...

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Categories: deutsch, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs