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Long Conditioner Poems

Long Conditioner Poems. Below are the most popular long Conditioner by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Conditioner poems by poem length and keyword.

Glory To Thermodynamics In General
Glory to thermodynamics in general...

and generation of heat in particular
cuz yours truly 
spoiled with trappings 
of Western Civilization.

How ideal I imagine 
to dwell in a self sufficient domicile,
where thrum of the central heater...
automatically activated 

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Categories: conditioner, adventure, appreciation, april, community, courage, desire, light,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Variations On a Harmonictheme
Children are Fundamentalists

Children are literalists,

When they hear
“You’re filthy and you stink!”
the younger they are,
the less likely to hear as a mature adult might,
“You have a sour smell on you.
Please go bathe,
and use some soap and...

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Categories: conditioner, health, love, peace, philosophy, political, poverty, power,
Form: Prose Poetry
Human Being With a Soul
We are human being with a soul
We were taken from the North and South Pole
And left in a basket at the flagpole
If all the relics in history were unfold
You would discover that the real threshold

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Categories: conditioner, body, bullying, change, community, conflict, faith, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Glory To Thermodynamics
and spoils of Western Civilization.

Thrum of the central heater...
manually activated upon advent of twilight
(since yours truly not resident within "smart home"),
nevertheless warm cockles and muscles
appreciate basking, and luxuriating,
within climate controlled environment,
whether bone chilling deep freeze...

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Categories: conditioner, adventure, earth, green, heaven, inspiration, journey, light,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Friend In Need
As owner of a business chain, I was in need of an assistant,
One with a very good memory, who was pleasant and consistent.

I knew there were many people, who possessed those qualities,
But I'd always wanted...

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Categories: conditioner, career, fantasy, friendship love, future, grief, imagery,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Papyrus, Lapis Lazuli and the Valley of the Kings - Part 1
"Papyrus, Lapis Lazuli and the Valley of the Kings - Part 1"
“Tell me about the Valley of the Kings”, her lips moved speaking 
to someone, 
sitting somewhere 
on the other side of the Glass...

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Categories: conditioner, adventure, dream, mythology, romance, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Part I-The Escape of a Rooster Named Harbor
A handsome rooster with red-breasted feathers, soft and lustrous,
and a head covered with golden plumage,
was too unhappy to sing about his age,
so he embarked on a long journey, sadly departing from his friends.  


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Categories: conditioner, adventure, depression, hope, nostalgia, sea, seasons, urban
Form: ABC
One of Those Days
I woke up that morning in the usual way,
stretching and yawning, ready to start the day...
but for some reason today
feeling a sense of dread…
Because I looked at the clock
and saw it was late, got up...

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Categories: conditioner, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
A Summer Re: Follicular Fall Out Can Spring a Heady Winter
Thy scalp thoroughly massaged during hair washing, 
after showering (frequently tapping the cold water faucet – 
in an effort to ramp up brisk temperature tolerance), 
an immediate process to shake out matted down hairs 

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Categories: conditioner, absence, anger, angst, anxiety, emotions, hair, how
Form: Free verse
A Fun Collaboration With Edward Mccall
My sweetest princess, I would never lie to you (except for when it keeps me out of trouble).

"As for my financial state, I am far wealthier than my magazine publishing family "McCalls". (no relation)

"Dear, Can...

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Categories: conditioner, fun, funny, humor, humorous, husband, marriage, wife,
Form: I do not know?

The first today.
The first in some time now.
Beneath the strained and toughened husk of tissue,
a heart given shape by the corregated cardboard armature scavenged and rigged together in haste for the sake of offspring.

Years pass,...

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© Tedly Bare  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: conditioner, addiction, betrayal, body, courage, dad, heartbroken, solitude,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Sensual Scent of Summer
Coconut tropical oil 
Glistening on my skin
The scent intoxicates me
As I bask in the sun
And drink in the beauty
Of the sparkling Mediterranean Sea

It’s only for a short while
That I will lie here
And only because
I want...

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Categories: conditioner, sea, senses, sensual, summer,
Form: Free verse
A Fun Collaboration With Rhoda Tripp
MY SWEETEST PRINCESS I WOULD NEVER LIE TO YOU(except for when it keeps me out of trouble)

You said a free...

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Categories: conditioner, fun, marriage,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Highway Wars
It's closing time, I'm sad to say.
The clock insists it's after five.
Now comes the hardest part of day,
The long, infernal homeward drive.

I leave my job and peace behind
And hit the highway as before,
To traffic tie-ups...

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Categories: conditioner, anger, home, humor, stress, travel, work,
Form: Quatrain
The Ruining
You were "blood", & you had nowhere else to go. 
You were the brother of my love, how could we tell you no?

We welcomed you in our home, you and your "escorting" hoe.
He even got...

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© Jill Allen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: conditioner, angst, brother, confusionbrother, brother, life,
Form: Light Verse
Bah, Humbug
Ah, the glorious damned winter
and the inviting  
gray chill in the air.
I meander 
past lawns
with a cluttered array
of pagan snow zombies -
staring blankly,
as I obliterate pint-sized
snow angels 
failing to don halos

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© John Heck  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: conditioner, introspectionchristmas, snow, christmas, snow,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Welcome To My World -The Cost of Happiness-

Crimson Joy, L'Oreal Lips, DOLCE & GABBANA eyewear 
Mascara from beyond LONDON Bridges
Like the pretty face found in front of Vanity Fair
What can I say? Perfect -- goes with my daily addiction


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Categories: conditioner, abuse, addiction, adventure, clothes, fashion, happiness, money,
Form: Free verse
The Painting
A brush paints a picture like poetry on a page
Colors; for faded love but bathed in the brightest rays
It paints a picture of two lives, fading in graying years 
Painting on a worn-out canvas, happiness...

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Categories: conditioner, break up, deep, divorce, happy,
Form: Rhyme
Sayonara, Year of Stagnation
Ever free to traverse my world
Yet shackled to an eleven year old promise
I donned a platinum cloak atop a living mountain
Physically high, emotionally low

I held two pairs of hands
While my heart beat out a painful...

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© Derek Chos  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: conditioner, introspection,
Form: Free verse
I Hate Home Depot!
I Hate Home Depot!

I hate Home Depot!
Just the sight of that
orange and white sign
makes my stomach turn.

However I know every
square inch of that store,
I’ve spent
thousands of hours there
as a paying customer.

I know what all is...

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Categories: conditioner, angst, parodyhome, hate, home, me,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Magic Beans
Some pretty brown birds nesting on a tree
Prank frequently at my other room balcony
Apparently, they were once the main culprits
Of messing it up, bringing a variety of leaves and twigs

They also build thin nests behind...

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© Len Gasun  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: conditioner, nature,
Form: Narrative
Apropos Preponderant Passion Penning Poems
À propos preponderant passion penning poems...
posited puzzling apt aperçu...

While pondering particular
theme to address
amidst tangled wide, whirled 
webbed mental skein
today November third
two thousand twenty two,
unexpected Möbius strip
tease conundrum unforeseen,
yet as avid aspiring wordsmith
only now I became...

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Categories: conditioner, 12th grade, assonance, dance, dedication, drink, fashion,
Form: Rhyme
Grandma's Apron
Grandma's Apron

In the corner I see a folded apron,  brown with years of stain.
As I draw it to my searching eyes,  I see the sweat and feel the pain.

All the years of toiling...

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Categories: conditioner, nostalgiame, prayer, day, me,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Take Cover
Tropical storms are here, and the hurricane season has just begun                        ...

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Categories: conditioner, sea, seasons, weather,
Form: Couplet
Tidbits of Madness Part 3
I wish I was an Oscar Meyer weiner....cause then I'd be in somebody's buns.

"I shall return!" I said to my last wife, last time I saw her in 1989.  McArthur I isn't!

Why are women...

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© Tom Bell  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: conditioner, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, health, me, girl, me, time,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Reflection on the Important Things