Long Baron Poems
Long Baron Poems. Below are the most popular long Baron by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Baron poems by poem length and keyword.
Impossible Mission To Captcha Infinitesimal MomentImpossible mission to captcha infinitesimal moment
alternately titled: tick tock runneth amuck
seconds elapse imperceptibly
leaving me dumbstruck,
how quickly fleeting tempus fugit;
ofttimes imagined as time thief.
Hence following vignette: quiet as a mouse lurks the time thief...
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baron, 12th grade, analogy, butterfly, death, farewell, humorous,
Noneastern Family PoliticsI began reading Jane Anna Gordon's "Creolizing Political Theory"
from the back toward the front,
as usual,
because if I appreciate where this narrative journey will end,
then I probably will find we start off with similar questions
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baron, culture, health, power, , literature, , western,
Political Verse
Please Michelle ObamaPlease Michelle Obama...
can you save American democracy?
I highly hugely grant
Barack Hussein belated kudos
what with his wizardesses
in tow wrought wonders
to one nation analogous
while an under dog
sweeping in like...
It's a Bird... It's...
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baron, 12th grade, america, appreciation, beautiful, freedom, health,
Free verse
Laughing Pines, Part OneNow, if you’re going to Laughing Pines,
I’d laugh and say, “You can’t get there from here”.
Should you go remember to forget your baggage behind.
Just pack a sense of humor and an open mind.
My dyslexic directions...
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baron, allusion, analogy, humor, imagery, imagination, metaphor, travel,
StagnatedS T A G N A T E D
"I'm pregnant."
A snake chill suddenly crawl in his spine when he heard her words. Icy sweats ran to his brows. He was astound! Tongue-tied. How else could...
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baron, character, growing up, relationship, sad, strength,
Once again, yours truly takes poetic licenseOnce again, yours truly takes poetic license.
Whenever the missus irks me or complains...
I tell her don't "Hock me in chinik" nor kvetch
before long tête-à-tête escalates in2 Kanipshin
whereby the Army National Guard gets called
World War III...
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baron, adventure, age, america, angel, appreciation, celebration, cool,
Free verse
The Secret Lives of Chimney Pots IiiMarching out of the cloaked shires
Of landowners, stockbrokers,
Hereditary Peers, and ruddy faced
A vast multitude of many varied
Amassing in the great cities, where,
Inhabiting shadowy chambers,
Behind nodding sighs and hushed
The Masonic...
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baron, philosophy,
Baron Frankenstein's Halloween BallBaron Von Frankenstein sent me, an invitation to the ball
To be held on Hallows Eve, at his castle in the great hall
I had nothing planned for the night so decided to go
And I thought he'd...
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baron, halloween, horror, humor,
Oh Look It Is the Otter DanceOtter trance dance meets mice, worms and soups
A single iron is fed up with flattening material. In fact it has spoke of breaking. It considers such actions as pointless and therefore fruitless. And creases are...
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baron, assonance, baby,
I do not know?
Growing awarenessRichard was quiet this morning..He sat listening to the
Part of the world around him, there was thd odd bird
Call the muted ticking of the clock in the hall, he looked
A the dark t v screen,...
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baron, assonance,
Radical RavagedSacrifice made when selecting abode
Unit not ideal, but affordable close to City
With a three year old daughter, I worried
About noise transference below and above
Three level town house style was unique
Huge unit fronted four smaller...
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baron, angst, animal, bird, character, conflict, garden, horror,
Enclosed Rhyme
Captain Leslie Holden, Australian Flying Corps 1st Aif, the Other Red BaronLeslie Holden came from East Adelaide a South Australia town
When on 26 May 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Light Horse of the AIF renown
He was a driver when the 4th left for Egypt...
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baron, war, , western,
One liar said to the other liar,
“That’s some shaky vanilla truth,
I heard you done cold call sold.
With these lying eyes, do I scream with glee ...
you left girl honesty
hanging altar jilted at that...
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baron, allegory, humorous, satire, truth,
Light Verse
The ManimalA legend dwells in the polar biosphere of isolation,
In the frigid nomadic country of Siberia,
Within the forests of mighty Russia, this is the realm
Of the Manimal.
It waits in the night, lurking amongst the shadows
Of the...
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baron, adventure, animal, halloween, history, holiday, horror, humanity,
Free verse
Overzealousness and AssiduousnessOverzealousness and assiduousness...
now propels yours truly towards restitution
courtesy sophisticated mountebank,
whose criminal mind
filched mine banknotes
rationed for when I exhibit decrepitude.
Cutthroat robber baron
re: newly minted vandal
an alumni matriculated
from school for scandal
a sheep in wolf's clothing
said culprit I...
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baron, angel, anger, anxiety, appreciation, bereavement, best friend,
Dogs That Left Faux Paw Prints Extant Within Me Lifedogs that left faux paw prints extant within me life
lids black out and allow me to write
about a petty issue ye aye in vite
while eyes shut tight
bring back four legged friends sprite
and though many...
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baron, absence, animal, anxiety, beautiful, best friend, care,
Donald Trump Must Be Permanently Barred and Furloughed Like YesterdayDONALD TRUMP – RE: DUCKS --
this portion dashed off (while dry ving an open white hearse slay
so many months back before sale him slotted the most coveted
Casino biggest win - before the...
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baron, 11th grade, 12th grade, abuse, america, anger,
Dramatic Monologue
An Invisible Dictatorship Subtle Tyranny and Mask To attentive Observers is now Slipping and FastAn Invisible Dictatorship Subtle Tyranny & Mask - To attentive Observers is now Slipping & Fast
Overture toward false Maritime Law,
Commercial illegality Certificate of Births,
What on Earth then are we really here for?
Is but one query...
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baron, history,
Prose Poetry
An English Adaptation of Mephistopheles' Song of the Flea From FaustThere was a king once reigning
Who carried a great, big flea—
And far from him complaining,
The flea filled the king with glee!
For to him that flea was dearer
Than even his only son,
And to make his preference...
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baron, allegory, humorous, irony, political, satire,
Light Verse
Matthew O' Harris Ease a Fake IrishmanMatthew O' Harris Ease A "FAKE" Irishman
Since adopting the guise
of Norwegian bachelor farmer,
I may as well fabricate genetic stock
lock, and barrel linkedin to Celtic legend.
Sentimentalism invariably swelled me bosom
regarding how grown former bonny lad,
essentially mutely...
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baron, adventure, america, anniversary, appreciation, celebration, color, green,
Trinbago MassiveTrinbago massive
A lady in America asking me
To tell her something bout Trinidad
She planning a vacation soon
And want to go there real bad
She wants to hear everything
About the culture and the foods
Steel pan and calypso
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baron, adventure, holiday, introspection, nature, beautiful, beautiful, me,
Light Verse
But ForThough east is east and west is west,
each corner lawyers will infest,
and one thing they’ll deploy with zest:
notorious, the “but for” test.
You want to be the one who smirks,
once having stomped on stupid jerks?
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baron, humorous,
The Red Balloon.The inanimate object floated tentatively towards me,
Red in colour and form, it spoke to me in silence,
I knew then it had made me special,
Tugged it did in the clear warm air, the string that held...
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baron, happiness, hope, imagination, me, magic, me,
I do not know?
Moonbee's Sci Fi - Bar Jokes and Riddles" Sci-Fi Bar Jokes & Riddles ... "
( 1 Tim. 1: 11)
"Star Wars Bar ..."
A Jedi Knight and a Wookie, walk into a bar ...
The Jedi tells the bartender to keep the drinks coming.
Around dawn,...
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baron, humor, planet,
I do not know?
If I Were RichWhere would I live if I were richest, and had all the money in the world?
Outside the square box, where no doors exist, and locks will never block
My entrance or exit, without four walls or...
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baron, beauty, celebration, happy birthday, heart, husband, love,
Free verse