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Long Appositions Poems

Long Appositions Poems. Below are the most popular long Appositions by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Appositions poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Grand Mother Eartha's Dream
My husband and I always enjoy visiting
GrandMother Eartha
on Mother's Day

She often shares
last night's dreams,
which too often follow rather disturbing peak experience themes

you know,
or maybe not because,
how would I know?

Dreams about Her Straight White AlphaMale trauma

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Categories: appositions, culture, earth day, health, mothers day, political,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member Permaculture's Political Lexicon of Grace
rooted in economic capacity and political experience 
within a co-empathic nutritional environment;
like before you came out of Mom.

rooted in deep listening, learning, and, giving-and-taking, 
absorbing and investing
consuming and producing,
competing and cooperating
double-negatives as positive double-bind dipolar

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Categories: appositions, beauty, earth, education, health, philosophy, political, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member War of Worldviews
YangLeft: Those still capable of right thinking,
as our more civil
humane reflections
on bilateral political
and economic investment inflection,
sometimes cooperative
and democratically co-invested,
but usually just BusinessAsUsual
life remains a win/lose infested 
ZeroSum political disempowering game 

YintegrityRight: Sweety,
thanks for honorable...

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Categories: appositions, analogy, caregiving, earth, health, integrity, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member More Resilient Dancing Days
Shared enthusiastic curiosity
between two or more

May also become felt 
as mutually assured
active hope
we might make it through dinner
without seeking reparations
while digging our way
through emotionally deserted

Curiously lingering faith 
in progressive integrity
of bilateral co-passions
and possibly multilateral
spiritual inside

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Categories: appositions, extended metaphor, health, humor, integrity, peace, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Variations On a Harmonictheme
Children are Fundamentalists

Children are literalists,

When they hear
“You’re filthy and you stink!”
the younger they are,
the less likely to hear as a mature adult might,
“You have a sour smell on you.
Please go bathe,
and use some soap and...

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Categories: appositions, health, love, peace, philosophy, political, poverty, power,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Two Wrongs Against a Right
If your story
and history
or herstory,
is wrong,

If wrong is negative,
If right is positive,

When do two historic
two cultural
two personal
two political
two familial
wrongs make it right,
just as double negatives equal a positive?

Perhaps when this double-negative shy
not yang and not...

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Categories: appositions, culture, earth, humor, integrity, philosophy, political, universe,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member The Lorax Sequel
I took the only seed of hope
for any future healthy Truffula Trees,
but reminded my clinically depressed acquaintance
we are all born co-redeemers,
not addictively incubating extractors.

Ours is not to commodify 
what we could not recreate
for its sufficient...

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Categories: appositions, earth, environment, integrity, love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Cooperative Starts
Who wants to join a sacred cooperative
with both divine and humane purpose,
secular meanings
with organic liturgical rites
of seasonal passage?

who would not
should ego's veil descend
like commodified energy's nonrenewable extinction;
LoseLose trends of nihilism
within psyche,
within a paranoid society

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Categories: appositions, caregiving, earth, health, integrity, love, poverty,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Wind Whispering
Mentors with the BeeTrees

From NorthWinds
come darkening winter
as newborn discontent
waiting to spring forth.

From SouthWinds
come summer's diastasis
climax of full-born wisdom,
contentment for and from all four directions
spread across sleeping hearts
of each nighttime regeneration.

From normalizing WestWind toward East colonializing

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Categories: appositions, happiness, health, humor, integrity, love, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Jetblack God of Earth's History
I might best not say why,
yet I finally admit,
Taoist me imagines Yang as a JetBlack God,
Creator of this Universe
and, therefore, also ProGenerator of Anthros
with YinGoddess Earth,
blue-green Gaia,
surrounded by an ultra-violet rainbow of White Bright healthy...

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Categories: appositions, beauty, health, muse, music, race, religion, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Sacred Vestments
Rebuilding bipartisan explorations,
at least two-sided appositions,
like generously inclusive
and conservatively exclusive
worldviews of MotherEarth

Sacred polytheistic strains
and peak experiences felt
through love of life 
resilient win/win relationships

Freeing secular monopolistic brains
deeply thoughtful glad
LeftBrain speaking minds
no longer stuck
in win/lose  sad

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Categories: appositions, happiness, health, integrity, introspection, peace, science, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member I Ain'T Feelin' It
Could what a political scientist would call
deeply held belief
also be what a psychologist could identify as a
feeling of affinity or aversion,
trust or distrust,
confluent familiarity or cognitive-affective dissonance?

"I deeply believe Tasteless Trump
is the logical conclusion
so richly...

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Categories: appositions, culture, freedom, health, humor, political, psychological, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member A New Dawn
Theoretical abstractions,
reductive hard word choices,
to describe and prescribe spiritual experiences
are unsatisfactory for daily consumption and absorption
as they reify exceptions to your Business As Usual,
which is probably LeftBrain patriarchally dominant.

Exceptional Left-Right bicameral ego/eco-consciousness,
of natureLeft-spiritRight nondual co-arising...

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Categories: appositions, deep, destiny, earth day, hate, health, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Beings
Raison d'etre,
RightBrain's voiceless shadowed FutureSearch
begets healthy past nutrition research,
both secular-natural Left centered
and sacred-spiritual Right symmetric,
cooperating Earth Patriarch/Matriarch Balance.

Restoring Food Justice,
reborn of Green polycultural ecosystemic fuel balance,
discovers appositions,
although not necessarily recovering oppositions,
uncovers mistrust without total LoseNature/LoseSpirit...

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Categories: appositions, earth, education, food, health, integrity, nature, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Barney's Song
As I awake this morning
I remember a Barney song 
for my more oppositionally misaligned daughter.

I love you
and you love me
even if I couldn't realign my four B's,
and Branches,
and Belly,
and Butt, 
these four aligned
good government.

If you...

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Categories: appositions, day, dream, earth, health, night, passion, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Refugees For Growing Wisdom
I'm listening to my least favorite inside voice
still reminding me in inconsistent Yang denial
of his own internal Yin belonging
to non-violently long for resolutions
toward a more PositivEnergy CoOperation.

This time
"I don't believe in No Gun Zones."

It does...

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Categories: appositions, america, caregiving, faith, health, humor, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Perfect Balanced Pitch
Imperfection is the mirror of perfection;
opposites reveal each other.
Rumi (M Mafi translation)

Dissonance is the non-polynomial mirror of confluence;
opposites unveil each other.

Ego-suffering grows the anti-relational mirror for eco-optimization;
opposites reveal each other.

Past economic competition grows the crystal...

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Categories: appositions, earth day, growth, math, nature, passion, philosophy,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Powers of Vulnerability
Do you believe racism and colonialism
and economic corporatism and LeftBrain dominance
are coincidental,
cause-effect related,
or co-arising?

If interdependently causal, which is historical cause
and which is cultural effect?

Do you believe political power
and economic investment values/disvalues
are win/lose capitalistic coincidental,
causally related,

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Categories: appositions, death, health, home, integrity, life, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Omega Order Evolves Alpha Law
Humane destiny erupts with Alpha Yang 
and divinely reposes with Omega Yin,
a bookending closure pair

Waiting for each life system 
and love sequence
to complete this co-identity pilgrimage,
Yanging what and whom 
embodied incarnation,
Yinning why and how 

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Categories: appositions, analogy, culture, life, natural disasters, philosophy, science,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Scales of Omnipotence
We might discern diverse scales 
for describing omnipotence 
of CreatorGod
in the Bible,
as elsewhere.

Genesis begins with Earth's wind and water,
and is about CreatorGod of Earth as Eden
with Her divine lights and clouded winds
coming down from sacred...

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Categories: appositions, bible, cancer, christian, earth, health, language, peace,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member When Beauty Turns Dark
Beauty includes dignity,
respect easily visible
to our nutritional sensors,
including when Beauty grows dark edges.

We each, 
and as a species of life form,
have our unique and our speciated EarthBeauty functions,
perhaps what also translates as Sacred Grace
for some,

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Categories: appositions, beauty, conflict, confusion, courage, health, trust, truth,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Meditation As Medication
Polypathic genius,
thought Bucky Fuller, 
grows polycultural Plan A intelligence. 

Paths creolizing cultures co-arise 
composing comprehensive consciousness. 

Plan A sometimes feels alien to Anthro-capitalized values,
like bad economic news, 
because ecological relationships
regenerate diversities of love life 

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Categories: appositions, birth, creation, culture, destiny, identity, inspiration, nature,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Choosing Prolife Magazines
I was in Nazareth the other day
waiting for a visit with my acupuncture ecotherapist.

The waiting room is minimalist-zen, I suppose.
While waiting to be invited in next,
I took a chair
with a magazine table in front
displaying two...

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Categories: appositions, beauty, destiny, earth, health, humor, life, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Preparing Love's Ways and Means
So, love is good for you?
Not too traumatic?

In a foreplay
Win-Win kind of way,

Now what?

Maybe some music and stretching?

How about another dance?

Sacred MotherEarth,
you wear me out.

I thought that was your idea.

Well, yes,
now that you are so...

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Categories: appositions, caregiving, earth, education, health, humor, peace, success,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Growing Health Her Dipolar Self
Sherri Mitchell invites us all
to gather more cooperatively in our search to avoid
once again in this Fifth Extinction MultiGeneration,
the entitled
win/lose colonizing
leftbrain dominant potential patriarchal terrorist
lurking within
our climate darkening ego identity.

How do I sabotage my more...

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Categories: appositions, creation, health, heart, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things