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Long Annals Poems

Long Annals Poems. Below are the most popular long Annals by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Annals poems by poem length and keyword.

Silence reigns supreme in my reich
Silence reigns supreme in my reich

No don (except me)
doth trumpet within the aborted
barren reach of freedoms within expansive realm,
I annexed courtesy manifest destiny,
which peoples now inhabiting said jurisdiction
circumscribed by following coordinates -
Latitude: 40° 16' 22.20"...

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Categories: annals, absence, abuse, addiction, anger, celebration, dark, hair,
Form: Free verse

Young and Strong
Young and Strong

She was young, she was strong
Working cleaning all the day long
So much to do, but she carried that load
So concerned about everyone, at Kenmore road.

Then we moved, to Strandfontein we came
A new challenge...

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Categories: annals, bereavement,
Form: ABC
Premium Member The Apocrypha of Familiars
“The Apocrypha of Familiars” 

Wings hover 
light luminescent
revelling sprites dark pearls
Corvidae shades
of a family 

highly functioning
dysfunctional plural
morphing unobserved
perceived non-unique 
spiralling into shape

more black and grey
than white spills 
from their eyes
light from their shining 
hidden away


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Categories: annals, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
Ink roached infestation didst derive within mice elf

Minor emendations to following
just posted verse
oversight to correct dissatisfaction,
yours truly I do curse
ah... methinks if hands of time 
can be made to go in reverse
a more exemplary version

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Categories: annals, absence, adventure, age, birth, creation, family, history,
Form: Rhyme
And Many Thought

Tell me child, what it was like so many years ago?
When as a young person you grew
In what we considered was times of uncertainty...

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Categories: annals, war,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Snowflake That Sank the Titanic
The Snowflake That Sank The Titanic

It all begins with a single snowflake
(Each one in itself is unique)
Brought about through evaporation,
And returned by the force of gravity
In the form of snow to the planet,
To rest on...

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Categories: annals, education, fate, history, remember, western, world,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Soul Cry

"Cry for the soul that will not face the body" Dory Previn 


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Categories: annals, journey, life, self, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
August 13th 2021 Twenty Two Years Since
August 13th, 2021 – twenty two years since...

Wicked bad designed day poem originally crafted
then alternately titled for no particular rhyme nor reason: 
courtesy Doctor Donald Dossey  
who coined paraskevidekatriaphobia. 

August thirteenth nineteen hundred and...

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Categories: annals, abuse, adventure, animal, confusion, fate, grave, grief,
Form: Rhyme
Wicked Bad Designed Day
(alternately titled: courtesy Doctor Donald Dossey  
who coined paraskevidekatriaphobia 

August thirteenth nineteen hundred and ninety nine
forever etched in annals of my personal infamy
as one still sending hair raising shivers down my spine
which following unpleasant...

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Categories: annals, abuse, adventure, angst, good friday, grave, mom,
Form: Free verse
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
Ink roached infestation didst derive within mice elf

Thus writer of these words
forever mus lee experiencing 
craving to eat cheese,
a milk product 
eternally preserved within 
annals, chronicles, epistles, 
et cetera of human civilization 
and it's discontents...

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Categories: annals, adventure, america, angst, anxiety, crush, environment, hate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Drenched In One Another
Yes I can still see her...

through rose colored glasses,


In fact,

She is gorgeous.

I remember saying...

or at least thinking out loud

...You take my breath away,

She was a perfect site to behold; I am sure men literally 

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Categories: annals, romance, romantic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Coach
His is the whispering voice echoing within the athlete’s field of dreams,
The harkening leader, a teacher of strength and confidence, whom takes
The raw abilities given unto an individual then molds it, shapes it until
This natural...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: annals, adventure, baseball, destiny, football, inspirational, international, sports,
Form: Free verse
Happy 68th Birthday Maryann Sage Revisited January 12th 2021
Happy 68th birthday MaryAnn Sage - revisited January 12th, 2021

Wherever you might be holed up
within this whirled wide web wassup?

Mein kampf still equals board
hardscrabble existence deplored
analogous to Norwegian bachelor,
whose Lake Wobegon nestled within fjord
forcing me...

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Categories: annals, birthday, devotion, endurance, heartbroken, husband, january, lost
Form: Rhyme
April Fools' Occurs First Day of Fourth Month
April fools' occurs first day of fourth month

Ordinarily all manner 
of tomfoolery doth abound,
celebrated for countless centuries 
by different cultures, 
though exact origins remain 
shrouded in mystery,
nevertheless quasi holiday of sorts 
begat courtesy primitive precursor...

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Categories: annals, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, april,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Make America Great Again - MAGA
“Make America Great Again (MAGA)”

Make America Great Again (MAGA)
Where shall we begin 
MAGA has a negative connotation
Greatness has never been in this nation 

A segment of the population focused on gaslighting us
Expecting the minority races...

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© Floyd Neal  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: annals, abuse, betrayal, courage,
Form: Rhyme
Being Proactive After Getting Hoodwinked
(alternatively titled: tardy duff fender of assertiveness,
especially after adjusting following insanity clause
affixed with rubber baby-buggy bumpers)

Methinks I nearly got snookered
courtesy CVS employee at store number 7569
(address: 1206 North Gravel Pike,
Zieglerville, Pennsylvania 19492)
September ninth, two thousand...

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Categories: annals, 11th grade, 12th grade, anger, crazy, father,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In the quiet corners of thought, where the stars of ideas flicker and bloom
In the quiet corners of thought, where the stars of ideas flicker and bloom,
I hold a belief, a sacred mantra whispered to the winds of destiny:
The free, exploring mind of the individual, a treasure beyond...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: annals, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Son John
My son, John, was an engaging fellow, who was barely ten years old;
And liked frogs, marbles and playing ball, in luscious, noontime gold.

My son, John, was rather a dreamer, like the lazy cloud, sky features.

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Categories: annals, character, color, fantasy, nature, nursery rhyme, son,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Out of Emptiness
Purposes as incomprehensible and wonderful as these purposes
Either you had no purpose or the purpose is beyond the end
The purpose of sitting is not to be satisfied or satiated

Because the timepiece not only serves a...

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Categories: annals, friend, god, language, people, sea, sun, war,
Form: Free verse
Victory In China
Victories In China
14th and 15th Nov 2015 are days for avid badminton fans the world over to remember,
Somewhere over there in Fuchou, who cares where exactly that is there in China.

All that matters to die...

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Categories: annals, appreciation, celebration, dedication, encouraging, passion, psychological, sports,
Form: Light Verse
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Oh! It has been often stated and said throughout all of recorded history that, "truth is stranger than fiction." Fiction is a by product produced in the overtly active minds of the writers of creative...

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Categories: annals, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Awakening Teary-Eyed Moments
childhood, creation, feelings, growing up, heaven, imagery, word play,

Awakening Teary-eyed Emotions  ©                      ...

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Categories: annals, childhood, creation, feelings, growing up, heaven, imagery,
Form: Verse
Putin As Vlad the Impaler Reincarnate
The latter classified as a voivode
(prince) of Wallachia
(part of modern Romania).
Surrounded by enemies
that included the Hungarians,
the Ottomans, his younger brother,
and Walachian nobility,
Vlad employed extremely
cruel gruesome measures
to inspire fear in those
who opposed him.

He earned his nickname

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Categories: annals, abuse, anger, bereavement, conflict, crush, dark, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme
Jesus Birth 2
Jesus’ Birth 2
Luke 2:1-7

Luke: “In those days Caesar Augustus declared,
That everyone throughout the empire [Roman],
Should be enrolled in the tax lists [Judah beared].
2 This first enrollment occurred when [cone] -

Quirinius governed Syria. 3 Everyone went...

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Categories: annals, appreciation, atheist, christmas, discrimination, history, jesus, religion,
Form: Quatrain
The Truest Odes of War
Such heavy artillery,
To whom shall we run,
To God have we come,
In pain and sad form,
To state our hearts' deform,
To stake our rights and reforms,
You know that where two Elephants fight the grass suffers,Do be well...

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Categories: annals, death, education, history, hope, peace, war, war,
Form: Ode

Book: Reflection on the Important Things