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Long Amari Poems

Long Amari Poems. Below are the most popular long Amari by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Amari poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Chapter 98 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Teenager Invaders Misbehavior
Late evening March 2045

The Teenagers were adventurous 
They were venturing.  DJ and 
Damali Trech were both 18 years 
Old. The Copy Cat Club was the
Place to  be for teens.  It mostly 

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Categories: amari, confidence, courage, emotions, father daughter, father son,
Form: Alliteration

Premium Member Chapter 70 --Damian Delilah Mallory: the Polly Conundrum
Molly and Dolly were in their 
New getaway room on the top 
Floor listening to music.
While Damian spent time with 
The kids in the backyard. He
Wanted to install a pool for the
Youngest children, then switch...

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Categories: amari, best friend, feelings, grandson, inspirational,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 114 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Godfrey and Barrington's Fiesta and Food Reperation Shift
Damian was on the tele-video 
conference with various Prestigious 
Proper people of distinction. The US
Vice president was on Skype along
With Secretary of State. He spoke 
With Russia's top diplomat, Valeiry
Sergei Shonikov, South African president 

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Categories: amari, color, husband,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 63 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family Seventeen Xiii-- Vacation
11 o'clock at night. Everyone is 
In bed. Molly was in the adjoining 
Room with the seven and 
Desharah. Damian was awake
 and Planning. Dominant 
Damian was deeply devious 
in his domain. In bed with...

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Categories: amari, adventure, atheist, beach, deep, divorce, good morning,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 165--DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANYA: Damian Chases a milestone-- part II
Date:  August 10   2051

At the time Dolly Molly and Holly arrived at the restaurant most of the Hakims were there enjoying jazz melodies some relatives were on the second level l. Mama...

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Categories: amari, august, best friend, birthday, black love, dream,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Chapter 121 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family's Grand Gathering and Family Rumors
Date:   June  2048
The grills were set everything was 
In place. CJ informed "More
 than 350 family members 
Are expected to be here within
The hour." Damian said, "with 300 plus
Relatives expected today it...

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Categories: amari, birth, confidence, deep, devotion, granddaughter, loss,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 166 --DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANYA: This day!
September     2051

Damian was awake 7am in his weight room Walking the tread mill.  While speaking with one of his employees of his
Realty endeavors. "SAY Mike make sure my revenue is...

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Categories: amari, best friend, childhood, color, devotion, growing up,
Form: Free verse
May   2051

Damali was preparing for the big event
Beginning today "12:30 bright and
Early like my Dad said". Damali 
Was thinking. DJ was on video phone 
Now. "Hey Damali! You know who'll 
Be here today...

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Categories: amari, absence, allusion, best friend, birth, black love,
Form: Prose
Date:  January  2050

DJs birthday passed quickly. Now
End of January.
10 am  contractors were on the 
Estate In the back of the house.
They had already broke ground.
Damian watched the construction 
Of the 5 bedroom...

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Categories: amari, 3rd grade, birth, confidence,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 117 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Celebration of Life Ii --- a Family Affair
August ushered in a Rain storm
 lasting 2 days. Damian laid in bed
11 in the night listening to the pouring 
Rain beside Dolly. He touched Dolly
"Come to me Mrs. Me I need you
Delilah baby." Dolly...

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Categories: amari, 9th grade, absence, business, devotion, emotions, water,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 50 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family Seventeen
Year  August 2036

Molly started contractions about 
40 minutes before Dolly they
Were both rushed to the
Hospital in separate ambulances
There was a family Gathering 
with both families at the
Hospital. This was a momentous 
Event unlike the...

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Categories: amari, 7th grade, absence, business, caregiving, devotion, dream,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 123: Damian Delilah Mallory: the Punch Line
Date:  April   2049

11 pm late night paradise. Some are
Conspicuously conspiring as to their
Next day. Damian's Household now
Consisted of his brother Sidney 
Sidney's wife Saderi their two sons
Benawi (Nawi) and Holikiah (Hoki).

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Categories: amari, beautiful, birth, black love, cinco de mayo,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 127 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: the Women's Day With the Hakim Clan
July 2049 the 13th Dolly and Molly
Celebrated their  45th birthday wih
Damian and Holly.
Today was a pleasant day initially 
Then it rained and rained. Now,
Damian spoke with his brother Sidney 
To decide the plan for...

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Categories: amari, silence,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 142 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Holly's Birthday
Date:   September   2050

Warm end of summer night. Slight
Breeze a tease manageable season.
Pleasing and within reason. 
Molly  Dolly and Holly tended to
Their 4 months old infants with
 mother Daughtry.
While Damian, was...

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Categories: amari, best friend, birth, business, child,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 62 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family Seventeen Xii -- Vacation
Monday morning most merrily
Must have been a splendid 
Summer sleeping sort of a 
Everyone was festive and 
Bright despite being hungry.
Damian and Dolly did the 
Food shopping while Molly
Stayed at the hotel with...

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Categories: amari, 11th grade, family, giving, leadership, romantic love,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 55 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family Seventeen Vi
"Morning time to rise and shine."
The two mothers started their
Own chant "MORNING TIME 
The kids protested throwing 
The Covers over their heads.
The women began threatening 
Them, Saying, "do...

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Categories: amari, celebration, child, children, conflict, cousin, cute, encouraging,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 49 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Seven
Damian searched for Molly.
He found her at 10:30 in 
the morning 
In the biggest bathroom 
Bathing Godfrey and Barrington.
Matthias and Shadir were still 
Sleeping. The other 6 kids were
In school. 
"Hey Mallory, been okay?" He

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Categories: amari, beautiful, birth, confidence, courage, cry, emotions,
Form: Alliteration
Empathy Sympathy and Compassion
Empathy ,Sympathy and Compassion,
Three Angels washed up on a deserted island,
Abandoned by the World.
“This is a lovely Island. Far away from human kind.
Let’s solve all the world’s philosophical problems.
Problems that have gone unsolved for centuries.”

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Categories: amari, 10th grade,
Form: Free verse
By the teacher of children in a preschool class
Kids are taught how to listen first time asked

Have good manners by showing respect in school
Which naturally at times they disobey that rule

Life is a stage, each...

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Categories: amari,
Form: Rhyme
Kaden Amari
Dear sweet baby Kaden, life is but a dream. 
It's much bigger than what it seems 
Your tiny shoes haven't even gotten a run down on the streets 
Even right now, hope and prayer fulfill...

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Categories: amari, appreciation, baby, beautiful, care, child, faith, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 157 cont'-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: CRUEL BALL Competition
Date:  May   2051

 The game was just beginning, Sidney 
Crysteph sat in the announcers
Booth with Adonis Kyon Damian 
And CJ. Ma Lucinda Father Hakim 
Sat in their own booth. With 
Mother Daughtry....

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Categories: amari, allusion, beach, birth, deep, devotion, family,
Form: Alliteration
Lost Son
I awaited patiently for months just to hold you in my arms,
You awoke the real man within as your birth was it's alarm.
You stared as I stared back even though you could barely see,
But I...

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Categories: amari, black african american, father, love, sad, son,
Form: Rhyme
A woman, not only beautiful, but hot
Shallow, insecure, needy she is not
Her beauty is of the rarest kind
Existing in her heart and mind

Respiratory program, employed at Enloe
Managing her hectic schedule, coffee to go
Capable at listening...

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Categories: amari, friendship
Form: Rhyme
2nd Period Ode
Second Period Ode
Michael, Jaydin, Jin, Ashley, Andre, Ametriyus, J’Maine, Amari, Beijae, Morgan, Dr. Corbin and Mrs. Tobey

O, backpack with your books and pencils and things,
You weigh a ton, but you are my wings.
You carry my...

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© Sue Corbin  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: amari, school,
Form: Ode
2nd Period Ode
Second Period Ode
Michael, Jaydin, Jin, Ashley, Andre, Ametriyus, J’Maine, Amari, Beijae, Morgan, Dr. Corbin and Mrs. Tobey

O, backpack with your books and pencils and things,
You weigh a ton, but you are my wings.
You carry my...

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© Sue Corbin  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: amari, age, school,
Form: Ode

Book: Shattered Sighs