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Lobal Poems - Poems about Lobal

Lobal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lobal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lobal.
At Risk
...A-t risk is the whole world, N-ations are exposed to harm; G-lobal crisis creates collapse, E-mploying economic alarm. L-ife is horribly put at risk, I-ndividuals are in danger; C-ontagiou......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
...B-affle E-nemy's N-asty G-rime P-uzzling O-nerous R-abidity T-o U-pend G-lobal A-ilment's L-ink Topic: Birthday of Beng Portugal (June 19) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Asymptomatic Ailment
...B-eat the asymptomatic ailment, I-n every ill individual; N-ations are in jeopardy, G-lobal state is critical. L-ife is at risk these days, A-bsobing its predicament; D-efeat the difficu......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Global War
...G-lobal W-ar's E-nhanced N-ation H-ygiene A-gainst R-ecent W-uhan O-utbreak O-bliterates D-isease Topic: Birthday of poetess Gwen Harwood (June 08) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday, poetess,
Form: Acrostic
Global Expansion
...G-lobal E-xpansion L-ets M-orbid I-nfection N-otoriously A-pply F-erocious E-eriness' R-abid N-astiness A-nd N-oxious D-irt's E-xcruciation Z-one Topic: Birthday of Gelmina Fernan......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Mysterious Morbidity
...M-ysterious morbidity applies A-trocious ailment in infection; R-ampaging ripper employs Y-ucky killer in contagion. G-rime's mysterious morbidity R-abidly releases toxic; A-iming to spread......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Global Ordeal
...G-lobal ordeal implements L-ethal link of illness; E-erie epidemic employs N-uisance of N-astiness. G-lobal ordeal traps mankind, A-pplying the terrible threat; R-isk of rabid infection i......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Modified Intensive Lockdown
...E-mploy M-odified I-ntensive L-ockdown I-n O-utbreak S-ituation A-s N-asty T-hreat's I-nfection A-pplies G-lobal O-nslaught Topic: Birthday of Bro. Emilio DL Santiago (May 28) For......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Asymptomatic Link
...A-symptomatic L-ink E-mploys X factor A-pplying T-he I-nfection's N-otorious D-isease U-nder G-lobal A-ilment's N-astiness Topic: Birthday of Alexa Tindugan (May 24) Form: Vertical......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Global Assault
...M-ysterious I-nfection's Y-ucky A-ilment M-akes A-ttack R-abidly A-nd S-eriously I-mplementing G-lobal A-ssault's N-otoriety Topic: Birthday of Miya Marasigan (May 22) Form: Vertic......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Rapid Industrialization
...S-imple C-omputation I-s E-mployed N-icely C-alculating E-verything T-o E-xactly C-onstruct H-ouses N-ationwide O-nce L-ife O-f G-lobal Y-earning E-ndorses N-ice G-adgets I-n ......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, science,
Form: Acrostic
Global Ailment
...G-lobal A-ilment B-rings R-espiratory I-nfection E-ndangering L-ungs B-y A-pplying R-aunchy B-low A-s C-oronavirus I-s N-astily A-ttacking Topic: Birthday of Bro. Gabriel M. Barba......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Logistic Action
...P-olice A-uthorities U-se L-ogistic A-ction A-bout N-egating G-lobal E-nemy's L-ink A-s T-he A-dministration N-icely G-ives U-s I-mportant L-ife's I-mmediate G-uidelines To......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Accurate Measures
...M-edical A-ttendants R-ightfully I-mplement A-ccurate M-easures I-n L-ungs A-s G-lobal R-ipper O-f S-omeone's S-ystem E-ventually R-espects N-ation's A-lcohol Topic: Birthday ......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Global Lockdown
...G-lobal L-ockdown O-n R-ecent I-nvisible E-nemy T-ries T-o E-rase C-oronavirus H-ealing E-very S-ick K-ind A-s I-t R-eally I-solates G-hastly A-ssault Y-ou E-xpect N-aturall......Read the rest...
Categories: lobal, birthday, poetess,
Form: Acrostic

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