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Liquidized Poems - Poems about Liquidized

Liquidized Poems - Examples of all types of poems about liquidized to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for liquidized.

Her unique story
...#Her_unique_story From a distance, my thoughts provoked, gazed in with deep mesmerization, saw only the fine linens God had embroiled her silky soft texture with, forgot that she too was human befor......Read the rest...
Categories: liquidized, color, crush, emotions, for
Form: Free verse
The Ravishing Rain
...Drizzling, dazzling splinters of diamond           Shards of crystal or  liquidized glass!       Transparent drops from a translucent sky.        Ooh, that lucid lustre: No wonder they say,......Read the rest...
Categories: liquidized, rain,
Form: Villanelle

A Hurrying Against An Inspection
...A means was hurriedly devised To have their profiles revised, A great deal improvised And staff strictly supervised… Also, a means to be apprised Of Interview questions not surmised, To have ......Read the rest...
Categories: liquidized, anxiety, career, education, smart,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member It's a Crying Shame
...George Washington would never believe it and call it a crying shame. I have observed the prohibition of prayer in public schools. Free speech is not free but is for sale to the highest bidder. Moreov......Read the rest...
Categories: liquidized, america, god, leadership, prayer,
Form: Free verse
Late Night Drama
...My nose answered the call of a well adulterated fragrance oozing out behind my back.   I turned around to carry out a proper research on this eight world wonder that has cap......Read the rest...
Categories: liquidized, crazy
Form: Free verse

The Prodigal Son!?
...And then I took this box of blight, and cast it into the sea of forgetfulness Once I had finally realized, that it had become a Pandora unto myself.... A portal of passage towards darkness' inf......Read the rest...
Categories: liquidized, faith, happiness, life, loveme,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things