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Liberation Poems - Poems about Liberation

Liberation Poems - Examples of all types of poems about liberation to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for liberation.
Premium Member Tunnels
Tunneling through nightscapes, weightless moon doll escapes. Collapsing space-time, the pages and pages, of fluttering windblown stages in quantum nonlocality, a graphic novel engages. Burrowing through dystopian nocturne, the night traffic gives us heartburn. In magical claytronics, everyone is reassembled, reincarnated by cosmic consciousness, a...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, birth, death, introspection, journey,
Form: Free verse
A journey To the land of the dead A journey never to be forgotten Memories always popping in So many lives lost along the way An adventure into the forbidden land. It was a horror movie Watching my...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, adventure, africa, community, creation,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Explosive Liberation
Intensity Full attention seems as A focus on something Reinforcing the view of Something as separate.. Demanding separation.. A potential story of Explosive liberation......Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, words,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Melted Watermelon
Where shall I go? They ask of us what I cannot sacrifice, So help. You, scared of the void of dice, Do not fear what you know has result, Let their greed grind to a halt, Their evangelism is disguised with...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, political, war,
Form: Rhyme
South Korea’s Liberation
South Korea’s thirteenth guide, who rode Korea as his chariot Only for six breathes, guided by the thirteenth star of Iscariot Under the hoofs, he defiled the white flag, as yin and yang turned again...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, betrayal, conflict, culture, hope,
Form: Acrostic

The Liberation
Prisoners were captured, their liberty were stolen Hopes were dangling, asking help to heaven Dreams were their silent sanctuaries The only one that keeps their sanities Eyes were blindfolded, hands were handcuffed Lies and deceptions, all of them were...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, bible, evil,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I'll follow you
The train fled through forlorn forests Emerging on the stormy steppes It crossed the raging ravine waters Up the rugged crags it crept. I was on that midnight journey Seeking you to join your cause I felt...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, conflict, courage, evil, faith,
Form: Lyric
Voice Of Liberation
In hands of the many, power takes flight From shadows of elites, we welcome the light Together we rise, our voices unite This is America’s liberation, shining bright © daniel miltz...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, america, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Freedom
("Peyote Dreams", 2018, original encaustic) Freedom Freedom blah blah blah Say the b*tches in heat Drawn forever to follow What is merely their meat Freedom they say, but clearly don’t know What they possibly mean When their life is all show Now liberty waits Once you...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Liberation of subjugation for a fundraiser reason --humor try, do or die
They are no! They earn o! They should rather know! Kudos, you may show! O you! ...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Liberation Meditation
Light of soul glows but our vision is diM Ignite the flame of God’s bliss to be freE Breaking free from fear, be not by thoughts toyeD Empty heart of toxins, transcend ennuI Raise vibration and exclaim, ‘I Am...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, spiritual,
Form: Acrostic
O'er The Other Side of The Fence
I seek escape from this side of the fence where Grassy thorns beneath my feet pierce my sole. Scrambling, ambling, trekking to the freedom Awaiting on the other side. I search for pockets in my ascent Digging trembling fingers inside...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Soul Cry
"Cry for the soul that will not face the body" Dory Previn ...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, journey, life, self, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tranmutation
Written 12 December 2023 Transmutation Poetry Contest Sponsored by Unseeking Seeker ...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, humanity, life, men, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The World Is Changing
("I of the Beholder", 2014, original pen and ink) The World Is Changing Quick as thought The world is changing Right before our eyes Everywhere People waking up To what needs to change What can be done Because finally We have...Read the rest...
Categories: liberation, life, perspective, society, spiritual,
Form: Narrative

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