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Lens Poems - Poems about Lens

the mismolding of the lens
Courageous stories end courageous words, issuing peaceful assemblies Laid away as day was valued, enjoyed without symbol Divisive victory hiding overtures of bread Hardships and arrogance about how we fed In adams apple, the evening gowns And cities skied...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, abuse, age, america,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Alchemy of Truth Includes the Lens
The alchemy of truth may be from a particular perspective or colored by youth and sprinkled with objective For your truth can hold your own view your lens through which you see the world And naivety can lead astray and reality...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, analogy, philosophy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Proper Lens
The Lord is faithful to forgive His children when we repent sincerely of our sins. He’ll redirect us to the path He’s chosen and help us view life through the proper lens. ...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, forgiveness, sin,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Colored Lens of Life
Things taught black and things taught white When I was young and caged, Became a brilliant-colored quilt When teens rushed through my age. Things swarmed shadowed shades of gray Once I turned middle-aged, Then circled back to black...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, growing up, life, moving
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The refocused lens
Lights flicker on the laptop Taking me to starlit nights An unassuming muted skyline Helps me recall Brooklyn Bridge at sunset This cup of tea reminds me What it's like to be held in love...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, memory,
Form: Free verse

Lens of Life
Can blackwater lilies sing forth sonnets of daylight and unsung those cacophonous notes of omen, which rhymed with sombre elixir of spruce rivulets and veiled your crimson touch of life, in eons of unforgivable death?...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, angst, betrayal, death, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Out of the Lens
A pure white dove fans its tail feathers. A scurrying chipmunk misses the show. My eye took it all in while the world blinked. Back home the picture I took just before the tail display, will always be mildly disappointing, yet that next image (the one not...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Lens of the Universe
science zoom in on a disturbance science zoom in on a lens of the universe science disturb the lens of the universe science create or disturb the lens of the universe science create or zoom in on the lens...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, science, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Refocusing Life's Lens
A constant buzz of busyness Continually swarming us Easy to get dragged down Caught up in the fuss While in the moment All you can say is c’mon Poked like a voodoo doll The pain keeps piling on Balancing your emotions What a...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, appreciation, inspiration, perspective, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fleckfieber 1940 Typhoid Outbreak 1940
Warsaw 1940 certain inhabitants designated A health risk were ordered to strip naked Had to shower to become clean this ploy Caused public humiliation, and showed Dominence there was also mass quarrantine Also to your own house that was Useless in...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, age, analogy, conflict, discrimination,
Form: Verse
Image In Light
Image in Light Images are light Well an image is recorded by and in light Light which passes through a lens to strike a retina or a photosensitive surface with an attached brain ...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, color, education, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Art of a Dying Man
The Art of a Dying Man David J Walker The dam was broken and The man trying to save it Worked alone As we watched through the lens of an iPhone hoping to capture the moment of collapse...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, allegory, family,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The 2nd :Through the Lens:
Reading between thin lines, holes begin to appear Not redactions or errata, pixelation becomes clear Cross within a circle, new configuration's designed Simultaneously hits home, blowing...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, allusion, dark, perspective,
Form: Couplet
Pen and Lens
Pen and lens are the two main things to my living for instance. By these two I capture all, all those are not in my fate at all! A beautiful sky, a moment thereby. A lover's heart who is not near, not far...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, deep, fate, feelings, happiness,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Father's Lens
In a shoebox of old family photos sits one of my father at 21, standing like Goliath holding two oars across...Read the rest...
Categories: lens, anger, angst, dad, pain,
Form: Free verse

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