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Lemonade Poems - Poems about Lemonade

Lemonade Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lemonade to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lemonade.
Premium Member Spiked Lemonade
Blood tends to sparkle at midnight, the kind that follows a hard bite; Such fearsome calcium is trite; Fangs in starlight, fangs in starlight; There is no need to feel afraid, of this decision that you made; Just flood him with...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, dark, emotions, feelings,
Form: Monorhyme
Ceramic smiles, Stupid ceramic smiles, Filling stupid ceramic bathroom walls. Tiles lined up like teeth. Lemonade words spit in lime colored ways, Across an ocean of tiles and walls. And sometimes the bathroom walls sing melodies. When the ceramic knife is too...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, anger, courage, dark, depression,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Punks Can Make Pink Lemonade Too
If life gave you a pink lemon, Would you be always wondering Just what to do with it? If that's all there is, then just go for it....Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, drink,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Snapshot of the Good Old Days
Nothing rivaled the lemonade in Georgia. Now, you could also find some damn good lemonade in the neighboring state of South Carolina. Virginians liked to think they too made fine lemonade, and it was better...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, america, history, mythology,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lemonade
"Life's problems will be a little less bitter if we sweeten sour lemons with the right attitude." ...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, happiness, how i feel,
Form: Sonnet

Lemonade Session Haiku
water so warm now cool wind blowing soothes my soul lemonade session...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, beautiful, peace,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Spider Plant Verse 1
Misty creek shimmering in moonlight. Cold glass of lemonade. NB: Title changed from 'Bantu' due to sensitivity expressed in Suzanne Delaney’s blog (3-29-2023)....Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, cool, drink, metaphor, moon,
Form: Other
Easy Peasy I Made Lemonade
In the cave Hearing an echo, Calling my name name name, Let go go go…. It’s hard because I’m forever engraved, I lack empathy, so I can’t feel your pain. After life, my soul remains endless I want my eulogy about...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, angst, art, beautiful, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lemonade
cold lemonade trickles down my throat homemade with love 4-5-4 syllable count Pixabay image by juuichimel...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, summer,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Lemonade Time
summer's golden hot auntie's made cool lemonade front porch nostalgia flowers all the day in mauve orange and yellow playing in the yard lemon meringue pie and sunflowers are nodding gilded memories...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, childhood, color, drink, family,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Lemonade Made Was Ice Tea-
Lemonade Icy, cold Tasty, brisk, drinking It was a surprise to us all Ice tea 6/10/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2021©...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, analogy, cool, drink,
Form: Cinquain
Premium Member Lemonade Plague
try making lemonade from this lemon of a new age plague... everyday a masquerade try kissing with only the eyes be the wild man in black wielding a poor mans bomb spearheading endless riots start a bonfire with discarded masks warm the hands...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, abuse, adventure,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pandemic Lemonade
Serenade to~             Pandemic Lemonade They are...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Lemmings Into Lemonade
Today on my way home i chose to permeate my daily grind By buying myself a chicken to cook once i got home The reason being i am trying to be more positive It can't rain all the time As...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, slam,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Drinking Summertime Cold Lemonade-
cheery summertime before lemonade drinking adds the cane sugar ~ Shining summertime before lemonade drinking adding cold ice cubes 6/31/20 WRITTEN WORDS BY James Edward Lee Sr. 2020©...Read the rest...
Categories: lemonade, cool, drink, summer,
Form: Haiku

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