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Learned Poems - Poems about Learned

Learned Poems - Examples of all types of poems about learned to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for learned.
Lesson Learned
Lesson Learned Onyx black no diamond twinkling stars doth fill the sky, just the silver light from a winter’s moon shines down upon emerald coloured grass both dark and bright, under melting snow...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, break up, heartbreak, lost
Form: Free verse
Premium Member What I Learned from a Professional Gamer
Jitter Click Butterfly Click What I learned from a Professional Gamer present tense finger jittering what?? in kindergarten I was painting butterfly technique no...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, games, grandmother, grandson,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Lesson Learned
Charles Green was eight years old, and his father was a great teacher. Yet, Charlie preferred playing to school; because he was a daydreamer. The Greens lived in the town of Ivoria, where dahlias nodded greeting; And Charlie...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, boy, fantasy, nursery rhyme,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member I was taught and I learned
Mom taught me to sew Grandma Nora taught me to knit My sister taught me to be cautious And gave me freedom to throw a big fit Dad taught me that messy is okay And that neatness is for a...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, me,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I have learned in the silence of the years, when the winds of change blow slowly
I have learned in the silence of the years, when the winds of change blow slowly, That people won't listen to your heart if they don't respect your mind for some subtle reason. And your mind won't...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I Never Learned
I never learned how to sing. I only knew how to bark. In the morning, while it's still dark, the best song ever heard is sung by a button-brained bird. Yet, I haven't learned anything. I never learned how to sing. I...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, dance, death, giving, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lesson Learned
As I reach old age the greatest lesson I've learned: to forgive myself of youthful indiscretions even if no one else does...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, forgiveness,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member the way I learned prepositions
over under around through beneath below above inside outside beyond near ………………………………..the house...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, words,
Form: Free verse
The Little Girl who learned to love Lightening
When Gabriella was 5 there was a terrifying storm. She woke up and screamed as loud as she could. No-one answered so she ran into her parent’s bedroom. Her Mother and Father were hiding under the bed. Gabriella crawled...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, 10th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wisdom Shared is Wisdom Learned
wisdom reason and sense shared among young and old common bonds beyond existence sageness...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, encouraging, humanity, life, perspective,
Form: Cinquain
MY FIRST POEM: A Lesson to be Learned
You said I was nothing I yell back and then go quiet Yeah, your right I guess we're done I'll stop loving you then Next time, men Don't say the truth if you don't want to lose Your girlfriend A Lesson to be learned...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, betrayal, boy, farewell,
Form: I do not know?
What I know about God I learned from Children
I am a child Arms outstretched Running through these dream fields Like a Dervish Spinning on the doorstep of god ...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, children, innocence, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Every since I learned to speak
With every wording of peak, the knife strokes my cheek, my mind is meek, every interaction comes off reek, the language I speak, prefers to hide then seek, ,,Mhm?'' ...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Things I should've learned in math class but didnt
There's a hole in the fabric of my universe Sometimes I slip inside and zip it up Time loses meaning here no future, no past The present in this space is only an imaginary playground between the two Life...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, art,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lessons Learned
On the edge of the leaf, spinning, Out of control, glistening Slowly dancing – a waltzlike trembling, glad to see the hesitation of colors, graceful as sun’s reflection on the waters, lakes of melancholic, drifting soundless and soothed by the twisting,...Read the rest...
Categories: learned, appreciation, blessing, dream, surreal,
Form: Free verse

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